tank debate

What tank do you think its the best?
USA M-10 tank destroyer or Sherman tank T-34 with rockets
USSR T-34/85 or Joseph Stalin-3 tank
Germany Panthers tank or King Tiger tank
if you think there is other tank that is more stronger than the one i have mention, feel free to say it, thanks

I dont know much about tanks but I deffinetely know that the Sherman tank was not very succesful compared to German tanks. There was this program about how all these tanks the allies made where always getting hit, and whenever they tried to hit the German tanks the bullet will bounce off. Basicall all that the Germans did was slant their armor at 60 degrees or something. There is a website below that shows pictures of the Sherman. As you can see, alot of the armor is just flat.


this is a great video of a tank of a modern tank

okay, this is world war 2 video, haha
(one of the video is Tiger tank knocked out by a US Sherman tank (with 75mm cannon))

The T-34 was an eye opener for the germans with it’s sloping armour and they copied the idea.

the latest JS series tank ->JS -3 uses 220 mm as armour, which is pretty strong, and it uses 120mm cannon. Its so good that Egypt use it in year 1967 against Isreal (despite losing to Isreal’s lightning war strategy)

I Think the Sherman Firefly was the best Allied Tank, with it’s 17 Pounder Anti Tank Gun, it was capable of pentrating 135mm of Armour at 1,800M, although as with all Shermans the Armour protection left a lot to be desired.

The Panther I think was the best German Tank, it had a good gun and very good armour protection.

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I think КВ-1, КВ-2, is one of the most powerful tank of WWII!
KV-1, KV-2

I think T-34 its very powerful tank!!

The T-34 and the Sherman probably did the most to win the war. But my favorite tank is the King Tiger.

how about JS series tank, the final version has 120mm cannon, i believe the american tank M1M2 has 120mm cannon too (do you know whats the difference between those two cannon, or they are just about the same thing)

Exactly which american tank are you talking about.? The M1 and M2 were light tanks. Actually most “but not all” the American tanks were pretty crappy. :slight_smile: The Americans made enough of them to be effective. The Russian JS series tank were good tanksl but was probably not a great match againt the King Tiger. The King Tiger had a bit bigger cannon and thicker armour. The JS-2 was faster and easier to maneuver. The germans most likely would have classified the JS-2 as a heavy tank and the King Tiger as a super-heavy tank.


Exactly which american tank are you talking about.? The M1 and M2 were light tanks. Actually most “but not all” the American tanks were pretty crappy. :slight_smile: The Americans made enough of them to be effective. The Russian JS series tank were good tanksl but was probably not a great match againt the King Tiger. The King Tiger had a bit bigger cannon and thicker armour. The JS-2 was faster and easier to maneuver. The germans most likely would have classified the JS-2 as a heavy tank and the King Tiger as a super-heavy tank.[/quote]
o, M1M2 is american modern tank, thanks for telling though

Dont think there is a M1M2. There is an M1A2 and and M1A1(The Abrams series tanks). Do you mean the super tanks that are being used in Iraq?

The best of the option you put were
Sherman tank T-34 with rockets
King Tiger tank .

the best tank was panzer IV i think,cos i like it.

the WW2 things I more like are tanks.

Id have to say that historically the Russian T-34 the was the best medium tank of World war 2. I dont kow about the heavy and light.

A response to T 34: Panzerkampfwagen V Panther !!! (even it is heavier than T34…)

As I told in the planes discussion, for any war products cheapness and easy production maybe even more important than gunpower. T-34 was very cheap and very easy to mass products. With battle characteristic (except speed and maneurability) Panther was better than T-34, but the cost of it was like about 3 T-34. And need rare for German materials. They can’t produce it with large number. So I can’t accept Panther like best medium tank of WW2

OK, with this argument I agree with you. If you consider also the manufacture costs (and also the simplicity - meaning easy for mass production), T 34 was the best medium tank of WW2.

If you consider only the tank itself (as an equipment) I disagree with you.


War is a combination of many factors. And production - is one of the important ones. Nuclear weapon is most known deadly wepon. But if we give the technology of them to Hitler in 1944, he can’t use it - he havn’t enougth technology to produce it. You may have best prototypes in the world, but without mass production - this only example for museum, not weapon for war.

About fight ability. Yes. Fully agreed than Panther have a much better firepower and armor. But this is not only factors to be better tank.

  1. Panther was a BAD speed and maneurability for medium tank.
  2. Panther have a very thin tracks for rough terrain and very often was fixed in the mud.
  3. The tracks of the Panther was placed on the very thin metal saucers, they jamned after 1,5-2 hours of work. That was not easy make a tech support after every 2 hours…
  4. Panther (this is a tragedy of all german tanks) was very high, and easy target for anti-tank guns.
  5. Panther have a weak engine and that was gasoline engine - very fire dangerous.

With all this facts, even in battlefield Panther wasn’t so good like you thinking.

I agree in the battle field I think the T-34 would win. Well you dont really have to mass produce something to make it usefull. As long as you produce enough of it, and it is of good quality and technology, it can take anything that was produced twice as much.