Tank destroyer - Canadian Forces | Gallery

Tank destroyer

M-10 3-inch self-propelled tank destroyer of 98 Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery, 27 February 1944.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/canadian-forces/55595/tank-destroyer

I didn’t realize the Canadians used the Wolverine. I assume they all would have been converted to Achilles…

Several hundred were pressed into British service under Lend-Lease, called (Gun) 3 inch Self Propelled (3 in SP). These were assimilated as SPGs, operated by Royal Artillery units, and saw service in 1944 in Italy and France (especially with the Canadians and Poles). Tactical organization was four-battery regiments, with some alternating two towed 17-pdr batteries and two 3in SP batteries, later rearmed with the famed 17 pounder (76.2 mm/3 in) gun. These conversions, into the new 17pdr SP “Achilles” tank hunter, rose to about 1100 machines, done by the Royal Arsenal at Woolwich. It was, in mid-1944, the second most common British/Commonwealth tank hunter after the Firefly. Sub-types were the Diesel/Gasoline powered Ic and IIc. The Canadians also derived a single prototype of their Ram tank into a M10 configuration in 1942, as the 3in SP Wolverine, for a projected production. Some were later used by the Israeli in the 1956 and 1967 wars.
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