Tank in a minefield - US Armor & Vehicles | Gallery

Tank in a minefield

A 3rd Armored Division tank just hit a mine in a minefield near the commune of Manhay, in eastern Belgium - a soldier with a mine detector is going forward to locate others.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-armor-vehicles/57981/tank-in-a-minefield

Manhay was the center of action for at least 3 divisions, the 3rd Armored, the l7th Armored and the 75th Inf plus some units from the 106th Inf the 28th Inf and a Bn from the 517th Parachute Inf from about 23 Dec thru 27th Dec 1944. My unit, 229th FA Bn, 28th Inf Div occupied positions abut 4 miles north of Manhay from 24 Dec to 29th Dec. attached most of the time to the 75th Inf Div. And for the record we did have turkey for Christmas dinner.