Tank Museum, Kubinka, Russia


Chevan, Sneaksie, Jasa, have you ever been there?

P.S. It’s Kubinka, not Kubina :wink:

Unfortunately , I have never been in Kubinka.
But thanks for the link.

Do somebody know what’s this?

Rolling Mine exploder NK-101

Troyanov super- heavy tank with double treads.

But this one is a mystery for me :slight_smile:

This is the railroad car of the armored train. This train acted on the railroad Moscow-Leningrad, and during the blockade of Leningrad, protected city from the German troops.

Is it “Kirovsky”?

Great armoured train! For this time the most modern design.

Below original design with T-28 turrets - “Striemitielny”.

“Kirovsky” had, (unless I’m again wrong), T-34 turrets fitted which was a nice combination.

Chevan, when “Kirovsky” had them turrets fitted?



Yes , mate , this is “Striemitielny”. The self-propelled armored the railroad car.
It was builded in 1937 , firstly it was “MBV-2”.
It had 3 T-28 turrets. It had great maximum speed -120 km/h.
It was bilded just 2 MBV-2. One was destroed by german aviation in 1941 near the Lugansk.
Another one took the active part in defence of Leningrad.
It was re-armamemt in 1943 - got the F34 guns (frpom T-34-76) and was re-named to the “Striemitielny”.

after the war in 1948-1951 it was modernized (changed the engine) but after this it was sent to the Kubinka musein.
