Tank uniforms

im just doing a 1:16th tiger and they give you a half man that stands in his copula, <---- spelt wrong?? now they give him a peaked cap, but in all the pic’s they dont wear them but a friend of mine, painted one up anyway but gave him a red line down the edge of his lapel, is this right

The Weaponscolour of Armoured- and transporatation Units is pink/rosée - today it is still like that.

Red as Weaponscolours had been used in the former Heerunits by the Generals, the Artillery Units and the Ammonition Specialists.
The Ministry of War, the Generalstabsoffiziere, Veterinäroffiziere and Unterveterinäre used a different red called Karmesinrot.
Note, that the Nebeltruppe had Bordeauxred as weaponscolour!

Also note, that the Luftwaffe had different meanings! Engineers had there the Weaponscolour rosée and the Generals had White as colour. But Flakartillery still had red as weaponscolour.

Today the Bordeauxred is used by the Anti-ABC-Troops.
Luftwaffe and Heer colours now have the same expression for Generals - red.
Officers in the Generalstabsdienst use the Karmesinrot.
And the Ground-AA Defense uses a really brighten red called korallenrot.
And Armoured Units still use rosée.

As a matter of fact, i was always wondering, why our weaponscolour is pink, so i informed me.
First variant is, that this comes from the old prussian days, where the weaponscolour for infantry was white and this for artillery red - mixed up, as armoured artillery in infantry support role becomes pink.
But this thought seems wrong, because the Weaponscolour for Infantry is green since 1871.
So i stick to the information from the Panzermuseum Munster and say, that in the old days in the middle age, the most expensive colour was red and only the King was admitted to use it. So, because all the guys around him wanted to be as near to the king, as hey could and only those could buy themselfes some very expensive armour plating, they used pink for their underwear :mrgreen: A much better history :rolleyes:

€: Check this, they say it much better (but in german): http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffenfarbe

so its more of a pink than a red i thank you for that, i cant read german not that i wouldn’t like to.
thanks for your help Splinter54, your help is very welcome and needed. :smiley:

i thank you again for i have just got that web page translated and it perfect, so i thank you again.:smiley:

translator; which translator did you use? my old one I used is no longer available

Try the Google Translator.


like splinter54 said i used the one with google its very quick and i tryed a couple.:smiley:

You used the right letters, just a bit off. Cupola is the spelling.

Here you got some.

Army tank lieutenat 1941.

Sargent (field green variant) 1942.

Corporal Army tank div. (loader )

Private ( waffen SS) gunner.

Actually, the ‘Field Gray Variant’ is for Assault Guns, not Panzers

Not only that was, it used by the panzertruppen also.

The first image is actually of a Wehrmacht Assault Crewman, not a Panzer Crewman.

For some reason which I do not know…

Assault Guns = Fieldgray
Panzers = Black (Or if they used the Summer HBT variant)

Tch, tch, was used also by panzers crews, It seems that I going to take some scans to convince you. :rolleyes:

First of all, as you might noted in my post I didnt wrote Field gray but Field green.

Field green.

Field gray

The shape of both is the same, they may vary in the arm indication edges in the collar like the pink (panzer arm) and the red (artillerie arm) but sometimes the “litzen” wasnt present. The field green was used in the Panzertruppen as a fatigue and/or summer uniform alternative to the all black classic panzer jacket. The apreciation is always diffcult since the B/w pics.

And that is all.

Ah…I see now. Sorry for my mistake in identification…

In your last photo, the main at extreme right is a Panzer Oberfeldwebel, as you can tell by the pink piping on the collar tabs. But, the man at the left, is an assaultgun schutze. You can tell by the red piping, which was a waffenfarbe used to identify artillery and/or assaultgun crews. You can also tell, because his collar tabs are fieldgrey, not black as his comrade has his…

In your last photo, the main at extreme right is a Panzer In your last photo, the main at extreme right is a Panzer Oberfeldwebel, as you can tell by the pink piping on the collar tabs, as you can tell by the pink piping on the collar tabs

Yes is a Oberfeldwebel of the “Kurmark” regiment.

In that plate you might apreciatte that a very well mix of colours were used and nothing is definitive in uniforms, specially in german ones.

thanks for that :wink: im a little diglegsick he he he no but i am tho:cool:

sorry for double post but i have to say ,

many thanks to panzerknacker for he has helped me in many occasions. thanks m8:mrgreen: