“Tante Ju” und “Topolino” - German Air Force | Gallery

“Tante Ju” und “Topolino”

Near a Luftwaffe’s transport aircraft Junkers Ju 52 (“Tante Ju”/Aunt Ju for the German aviators) an Italian made car Fiat 500, the popular “Topolino” (Little Mouse but for the Italian public “Topolino” is Mickey Mouse), with the Red Cross emblem over the doors. The Topolino” is likely a former Italian Armed Forces car commandeered by the Germans after the Italy’s armistice (8 September 1943). Location and date unknown. Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/german-air-force/47383/%22tante-ju%22-und-%22topolino%22
