Target: Patton

I hope you have traveling plans Washout, you’ve been warned sufficiently, so its vacation time for you. For failing to adhere to site rules, despite several official warnings, you are banned for a minimum period of 10 days. This may be increased upon review of the entire Staff. -Tankgeezer-

While Washout is having his holiday, he might like to consider other equally well founded claims relating to the alleged murder of Patton which suggest that the non-existent OSS didn’t do it.

  1. The Jews / Zionists did it:
  2. Nah, the Jesuits did it. Hardly surprising, as Stalin was under Jesuit control.
  3. 85% the Soviets killed him, 3% any one of substance in the US was involved, 0% the US alone. (Missing 12% not explained. Probably aliens from the planet Xenon, as one of their spaceships was hovering over the hospital when Patton died.)

You’ve never read any of those as you have exhibited a complete lack of prior knowledge on any of it and are obviously just Google-fu’ing titles and portions of these books to dig a deeper hole with your idiotic repsonses.

And the seemingly ominous tidbits (such as Patton’s plane encountering a Spitfire) are completely understandable as friendly fire incidents were very common. Like as in Glen Miller, who no doubt was murdered by the RAF in an effort of the British to buck up their inferior music industry! The “SS” were underground as a failed insurgent organization, and more so an ***-covering group trying to get their people and money out of Germany and avoiding responsibility. The OSS was simply demobbed with its assets possibly being transferred to Army Intelligence.

Everyone thought Patton was unhinged and that was simply part of his personality, in no small part due to a series of head injuries suffered in car accidents (even before WWII!) and the result of being kicked in the head by an Army mule. Of course, the mule was commie agent of the NKVD and knew full well of Patton’s inevitable greatness…

If Army Intelligence is alleged to be responsible for Patton’s collision and subsequent death following disbandment of OSS a couple of months earlier, that is an irrefutable argument against any American involvement.

There is not an intelligence corps in any army in the world which could manage to get two army, or any other, vehicles to an agreed point at an agreed time, let alone manage to get an assassin to the same point at the same time the vehicles didn’t arrive. :wink: :slight_smile:

I was a member of Army Intelligence, sir and I can say I am most disheartened by your remark as we were very effective at countering all intelligence everywhere and were ever vigilant in doing so. We found all intelligence and squashed it wherever it lay. We were always out back, ever vigilant (for women and alcohol) and led the way (to the rear during actual fighting). We always had everyones’ back in combat, as we would always be right behind them (but not too close, of course)…

OT: What were your lot known as? Ours are generally referred to as Green Slime…


Dearest NickDFresh,

        I promise you that I have read each and every book that I claim to have read, some more than once. I do understand why you would be so quick to accuse me of being a Google pretender, since on this topic that's precisely what you are guilty of.  I'm sure that there are many facets of WW2 which you have read books about and researched (at least I hope so), but you know good and well that this is not one of them. I wish there was some way to pique your curiosity, but i fear that you corrupted your thinking from the getgo by hurling insults before you knew what you were talking about. From there forward, you can only be counted on to stack sandbags of confirmation bias as high as is necessary to protect yourself from humiliation. At this point, honest consideration of truth vs falsehood is completely overwhelmed; for it is now about winning vs losing. 

       It is amusing to observe that I was banned for ... what, again? Excessive rudeness? I would ask that anyone read this thread and see for himself just who was attacking whom out of the gate. All I was asking was that people examine for themselves the evidence, and in response I got testy, nasty denouncements, to which there really was no polite way to respond. I do not INSIST that Patton was murdered. Of course I think he was, and all I'm asking is for an honest examination of the evidence, which you and Falling Sun have demonstrated an unwillingness to do. Indeed, RS came back rapid fire with a perfect example of confirmation bias (more like confirmation desperation) in action

  I'm fairly certain that I'll be banned again, just for this reply. For around here people are very protective of their smug little bubbles. There is really no need to ban me again, as I have had my fill of this forum. It doesn't function well on my computer, and also there is obviously no room for honest discussion about anything not consistent with the movie version of WW2. 

EDIT:  Final thought: NickD accuses me of being a total poseur and of not actually reading the books that I claim to. Well, Nick, if I have, in fact, read each and every book I claim to have, then that makes you a total dildo, now doesn't it?

It obviously isn’t about “winning or losing”. That’s already been predetermined for you, unfortunately. I’m not sure whether you’ve read your poor collection of bizarre, poorly sourced conspiracy garbage pandering to a small segment of the U.S. population or not. But you might need to read again, because you clearly do not understand what even that text is saying…

It is amusing to observe that I was banned for … what, again? Excessive rudeness? I would ask that anyone read this thread and see for himself just who was attacking whom out of the gate. All I was asking was that people examine for themselves the evidence, and in response I got testy, nasty denouncements, to which there really was no polite way to respond. I do not INSIST that Patton was murdered. Of course I think he was, and all I’m asking is for an honest examination of the evidence, which you and Falling Sun have demonstrated an unwillingness to do. Indeed, RS came back rapid fire with a perfect example of confirmation bias (more like confirmation desperation) in action

I didn’t ban you. But I think you’re idiotic, disrespectful user-profile is probably a good start to reason why you were banned to the “masturbatory.”

You haven’t provided any “evidence” for your extraordinary claim other than a fringe book written by an author with a track record of crap. I think he wrote a book on the Shroud of Turin? Something that has been long debunked as a fake…

I’m fairly certain that I’ll be banned again, just for this reply. For around here people are very protective of their smug little bubbles. There is really no need to ban me again, as I have had my fill of this forum. It doesn’t function well on my computer, and also there is obviously no room for honest discussion about anything not consistent with the movie version of WW2.

EDIT:  Final thought: NickD accuses me of being a total poseur and of not actually reading the books that I claim to. Well, Nick, if I have, in fact, read each and every book I claim to have, then that makes you a total dildo, now doesn't it?

LOL You don’t even understand the lousy text you provided, but I’m the “dildo”? Goodbye son. Good luck being a teacher, my bet is you won’t make it a year if you get hired at all…

Yeah, and all I’m asking for is for you to address the specific questions I’ve asked several times instead of you doing the usual trolling “avoid specific questions and throw out more baits for pointless disputation while carefully avoiding providing answers which destroy the troll’s supposed arguments”.

Not by me.

The longer you stay around and the more vigorously you avoid answering specific questions, the more you destroy your own position and demonstrate that you cannot support your assertions with facts and logical arguments.

I don’t think anyone apart from you cares whether your knowledge of WWII is encylopaedic or derived from a comic book.

What we do care about is, among other things, your ability to put up a rational and factually supported response to challenges to your assertions.

You have chosen not to do that so far, so you cannot expect to convince anyone of your position by failing specifically to refute specific challenges to it.

As they say in the classics: Piss, or get off the pot.

Well, if you are, you’ve got to wonder about where you fit into his Mastubatory.

I’m guessing that he has one hand full in the Mastubatory.

I leave it to your imagination to speculate on what the other hand is doing with the dildo.

Possibly pushing shit uphill, rather like his conspiracy theories.