Ten month later - Italian Forces | Gallery

Ten month later

Manduria airfield, Apulia, 10 October 1943: the King of Italy Victor Emmanuel III reviewing the 5th Stormo Tufffatori (Dive Bombers) equipped with Reggiane Re.2002. On the right the general Renato Sandalli, Aeronautic’s secretary and Regia Aeronautica’s acting chief of staff. The Army general in background on the left is likely the General Vittorio Ambrosio, commander in chief of Italian Armed Forces. Only ten months separate this photo from the prior picture, but now the Italy, precisely the part not occupied by the Germans, is deployed on another front. The day after this photo the Kingdom of Italy, a Kingdom (the so-called Kingdom of the South) inward of the Allies (note the American high officer in background, will declare war to the Germany. But the fights between Italians and Germans are already begun just the day after the announcement of the Armistice of the Italy (8 September 1943). Victor Sierra

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/italian-forces/46346/ten-month-later

The fights between Italians and Italians too have already begun thanks to this disastrous king. 26 years after the Peschiera conference when the King impressed the Allies (and the enemy) for his resistance will, Victor Emmanuel was a ghost of himself of 26 years before… when he shew to deserve the kingdom.

In agreement with you. Cheers, Victor Sierra