Terrifying future

Year 2013

  • Taiwan has 66% supports from the public support to gain its independence. The new Taiwan president, who recently gains his second term, bought 120 F-22 from the Americans and thought there is enough protection with the current patriot missiles system and American troops in Japan.
  • Taiwan has officially declared independence in October 10, 2013.
  • China has started its invasion in November 11, 2013. The Chinese pilot are much inferior to the Taiwanese one and its plane’s quality is much lower. The Chinese navy has attempted to encircle Taiwan by ships, but it has been stopped by about 40 F-22, which sunk a whole bunch of ships. China also started to attack by missiles, but the patriot missiles are really effective, only 10 missiles out of 450 missiles would actually hit their targets.
  • Japan and American has joined Taiwan and started to attack Chinese naval and ground troops

Year 2014

  • War has been tough for china, but they are able to hold their ground and regroup their troops.
  • In February 12, 2014, Russian has launched a massive attack on Japan and Taiwan with their missiles and planes. Japan and Taiwanese troops are quickly defeated as Chinese troops marched in both countries’ capital. US navy have a good fight with the Chinese - Russia alliance, but the Russian has able to send their troops to the back of the US navy and take Alaska by surprise.
  • Mexico has joined The Russian – Chinese alliance, and they are known as the RCM alliance, Mexico didn’t start to attack America until big Russian tank has went ashore in Mexico soil in June.
  • The Russian – Chinese alliance would have a decisive victory over the American troops in Texas, seeing Russian tank cannot beat American tank one on one, the Russian tank simply rushed to the American base and start attacking. Despite heavy loss to the Russian tank, all American tanks are destroyed in this action. Chinese tank went ashore on California and Russian tank in Florida. This is September, 11 2014
  • Russian tank started to move out from Moscow and attack European troops, the Russian would use the same tactics against the European troops, which is successfully done and conquered Poland in just half a month.
  • Without the support from the American, the Arab world sees that as an opportunity and start to attack Israel. However, Israel quickly repelled the attack and start to attack the Arab world in October 12, 2014.
  • RCM alliance has engaged in many air fights with the American planes, but with limited success, the alliance has relied on their tank to conquer American homeland bit by bit.

Year 2015

  • The president of Mexico has sent more infantry troops to American cities for policing and repelling against rebel army of Americans.
  • The RCM has called that a final assault on American and claimed they would soon conquered Washington.
  • Meanwhile, the Israelian has able to defeat all Arab countries and able to conquer almost every strategic point in the Middle East.
  • Israelian has sent more than 300,000 troops, 2000 tanks and 400 F-16 to Germany to support Europe from the invasion of the RCM alliance.
  • Germany’s minister of defense has learned from Erwin Rommel, whom he went to the battlefield instead of sitting back in the HQ, soldiers are so surprise of his move and gain a lot of respect to him. A Russian Migs injured him with a missile
  • The Russian would want to encircle Israelian tank group by moving tanks to their back, but the Israelian has too much experience in that field to be caught on that. Israelian has ambushed on the north side of Germany and Russian – Chinese tank was get caught and was completely destroyed, Israelian planes and tank would continue to move forward to attack Russian infantry group, air unit and tank group. This is September 14, 2015.
  • The RCM has started to attack Boston, but Americans used their tanks and air unit so well, that it encircled the Russian and Chinese army separately, with the help of the rebel army of the Americans (mostly lowly trained infantry units). The American has turned the tide and prevented the RCM alliance from entering Boston. However, the war is still not over. There is still an absolute advantage in terms of manpower to the RCM. Americans quickly rebuild their tank and aircraft units.

Year 2016

  • Japanese and Taiwanese citizen has started a rebellion against Chinese occupation troops in Tokyo, many of the citizens has able to take his homeland city/village back in a week. Similar event has happen in Israel in the same time; 2 million Arabic infantry quickly defeat the Israelian army. American has a carrier there and they have sent planes to Israel to escort Israelian refugees to safety, the American planes have encountered the Arabic planes and engaged in fights. This is January 12, 2016
  • In January 13, 2016, Israel has been completely conquered by the middle east alliance
  • American has conquered half of its country back, and the RCM alliance is breaking apart with Chinese soldiers’ morale sink to a low point because their way of going home is being blocked by Japan-Taiwan alliance, and their homeland being invaded by them, Mexico soldiers wants to be US allies again and Russian’s capital being invaded by European force.
  • The entire European force is going after Moscow, except for 50% of the German troops have to stay in their home country. Ever since Israel has fallen to the hand of the Arabic country, the general of the Israelian force in Eastern Germany has claimed himself as prime minister of Israelian and claimed Eastern German to be the new Israel until their troops would take back the old Israel, that upset many German people and they used the excuse to riot against the government, the government are forced to use half of its force to settle down the riots. The German are even more furious when they learn that the Israelian has put German rebellion army’s capture in concentration camp. The rest of the European countries are in more stable situation and they use only volunteer police to settle things down.
  • Adolf Hitler II, the head of the German police department in the western Germany, he hated the Jews as the kidnappers of his parents are happen to be Jews, his parent are dead because of being brutally beat up. He has 5000 police that shares the same value with him because of their family in the concentration camp. Adolf Hitler II would have a famous speech in October 11, 2016. Promise that the German would again be a strong nation.
  • Adolf Hitler II has convinced an army garrison of 50,000 soldiers to join in October 29, 2016. The Nazi German has revived, but they have a hard task in front of them, which is to defeat the Israelian force of 300,000 well-trained soldiers. The army has 16 special missiles that could disable Israelian soldiers’ machine gun by frying their batteries, but the missiles are too heavy and it can only be launched to a very short distance. Adolf Hitler II, being a amateur pilot, is willing to risk his life to take part of this.
  • The invasion would start in November 01, 2016. The German would fly their aircraft over the Israelian base with the special missiles. Luckily for Adolf Hitler II, he survive the attack by anti-aircraft gun and missiles, as soon as the first wave of attack has disable the machine gun of enemy troops, the police force has moved in to the base with their electric gun, supporting by anti tank unit and tanks group. Nazi German tank group would divide into two groups and cut enemy troops into three parts, the Israelian tank tries to counter attack with their tank group, but many of them are destroyed by Nazi F-16. Meanwhile, the Israelian anti tank group does not respond fast to the war area to support its tank, when they arrive the battlefield; it’s already too late. At the same time, the German inside the concentrate camp would break out and start to attack Israelian troops. At the end, Nazi German has a complete sweep of the Israelian army with 40,000 causalities of its own.
  • The German prime minister has learned that his popular minister of defense has actually contacted the Russian authority about surrendering to the Russian before the Israelian troops came to relieve. He begins to gather evidence. Somehow, the minister of defense has know this secret
  • To act fast, 50% of the German troops lead by the minister of defense has surrender to the Nazi German troops in Berlin soon after the victory over the Israelian. The prime minister is being executed for treason and attempted murder to Minister of Defense.
  • German troops have moved on to attack France and Britain. Troops in Russians are unable to come back to save their own country because they are already tie with the Russians. This is December 25, 2016
  • 50% of the German troops has retreat from the Russian front line and return to German to attack England
  • In December 27, 2016, the German has defeated most of the French army, but one of the German platoons has been trapped inside Paris by a number of French volunteer troops. The commander of the platoon has ordered his troops to kill as many citizens as possible; he is later save by Adolf Hitler II and is executed for mass murder.

Year 2017

  • England and France has officially surrendered to Germany. The European troops in Russia are forced to surrender to the German as well, so the troops could have the supply they desperately need to continue the war with Russia.
  • The minister has known that the secret would be soon find by Adolf Hitler II that he has contacted the Russian, he has gathered a number of troops that still trust him to rebel against Adolf Hitler II. Along with retired soldiers in Germany, France and Britain. However, is quickly crushed by a group of more experience Nazi German soldiers. The former minister of Defense has escape to Africa with few of his surviving troops, he conquered a piece of land just enough to create a new country, but he never creates a threat to Nazi German again.
  • After years and years of war, Americans are now back in the 1900 lifestyle, wars are trench style, and sometimes even by knifes and sword
  • Many generals have realized their home is either conquered by nazi German or they would have no hope of going back home base on their supply and resources. Many generals have claimed themselves to be president of an area, which basically ripped America into many smaller countries.
  • June 04, 2017, Germany has rebuild FW-190 and many of its World War 2 weapon to have a parade in Berlin, celebrating their success on Europe.

Year 2020

  • Mexico has agreed to form alliance with America once again. In exchange, America has to give back Texas to Mexico.
  • America has reunited as two countries with the help of Mexico, after years and years of war.
  • Nazi German has formed an alliance to the Northern America and start to send troops to assist Northern America
  • Miami, the capital of Southern America, is taken by a German elite force
  • Southern America has officially surrender in July 4, 2020, ending the 7 years of world war 3

So did you make this up or get it from somewhere?

Just to make it clear:

Any attempt by rightwing groups or Neo-Nazis to take over power in Germany will start a civil war. We are not living back in 1933.


Sounds pretty close to a game scenario.
Edited: This scenario could be an option if nukes shouldn’t be invented.

I am sure that on Cold War time there was many scenarios of this kind (mostly in Europe - Warsaw Pact and NATO plans…)

It does, doesnt it? And by the way Jan, FW isnt trying to incite a riot over this, its just a fast paced storyboard he thought up :wink:

Anyway, what about India and Pakistan?? Also Australia??

Is well known that both India and Pakistan have nukes…

Anyway this scenario could be named: NO NUKES :lol: :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Bit daft if you ask me.

Looks like one of those alt-hist scenarios where random people make it up a line at a time, and usually put in what they want to see happen rather than what actually would in any given situation. This is actually more realistic than most - some of the wierder ones make you wonder if they were written by humans or fruit bats.

its purely for entertainment, so yeah, the storyline could have flaws on it

I would suggest that the biggest flaw in this scenario is the alliance between Russia and China. Despite western perceptions, they were never really part of a ‘communist monolith’ and their co-operation was relatively short lived. There have been tensions between the two countries for centuries over regions of central Asia and Siberia. China has long coveted mineral rich parts of Siberia, and Russia has always been after better warm water access to the Pacific from ports in Manchuria. One could say that they are traditional enemies.

If anything, I would expect the Russians to take advantage of a Chinese-Taiwanese entanglement to attempt to seize Manchuria and some port access, although given the current state of their armed forces, this seems unlikely.

OTOH, Chinese pressure on Siberia and Central Asia is a significant possibility. I understand that the Russians still take this seriously as a threat and keep a significant troop presence in Eastern Siberia. I do wonder if one day the Russian-Chinese border will be the Eastern border of NATO, or a successor organisation of some kind. I wouldn’t like to say for sure what side the US/Europe would come down on if there was a dust up between Russia and China now, but I would lean towards it being Russia, and on Russia supporting the US in any US-Chinese confrontation. (Assuming their was something in it for them of course)

On the one hand, China with its cheap manufacturing might be more economically important than Russia to the West, but Russia is a far stronger nuclear power to risk antagonising, and the economic possibilities of Russia are vast. There is also the deeply unfashionable racial element…Western politicians and publics are probably more likely to empathise with Russians than the Chinese simply because they are broadly white/judeo-christians like us. Whilst I don’t buy into everything he says, I think that Huntingdon had a point with his “Clash of Civilisations”, we do tend to empathise more with people who we have more in common with. (I realise he classed the Russians as ‘Slavs’.)

The other problematic element with your scenario is resources. Modern warfare eats them up at a frantic rate, especially P.O.L substances. With the middle east aflame with anti-westernism and the US having lost Texas to the Mexicans I can’t seem them being able to sustain the fight due to a simple lack of resources within the US to sustain them. Even with a full war economy.

Oh, and maybe I am missing something, but where the hell did the Isreali army in East Germany come from?? :?

I think that from about half way this turns into a total load of tosh, especially the bit about Britain surrendering to the Germans. :roll: :lol:

No offence but that has to be the biggest load of CRAP i have ever read :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: , Nazi Germany teams with U.S.A in the year 2020, the world wouldnt allow germany to go nazi again anyway after the mass hysteria in the second world war.

Id say the German people wouldnt even allow Germany to become Nazi again.

Id say the German people wouldnt even allow Germany to become Nazi again.[/quote]

That’s true people never allow to germany become nazi agian.

LoL, anyone who says Russia can conquer the world or has a Military that can match the USA is so um… I’m not going to say heh, too offensive, the Russian Military turned to shit after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the presidents don’t even have control of their country, Russia today is like… run by the Mafia.

Russia is strong ,but never been like before Soviet Union been only one .

Jigga say what?

well if ur religious (like me) uno thats a load of crap cauz prophecy says that Israel will destroy every muslim, and here it says Israel is eventually defeated… lol

Can we leave Zionism out of this! Please!