Terror in Oslo

Some interesting IMO infor about that terrible mass killing that bother the internet now.
Anders Breivik, Norwegian Terror Suspect, Admirer of Israel

Chief among his enemies are Muslims and those non-Muslims who, in his mind, facilitate the triumph of Islam in the west. That’s why he specifically attacked the seat of national government and a youth camp sponsored by the ruling Labor Party. The Norwegian terrorist has an obsession with Marxism, and apparently equates the current left of center government with that ideology. Alex Kane notes that the day before the attack on the island camp, it held a Palestine solidarity rally (an event which would’ve repelled the killer). He viewed the country’s leaders as aiding and abetting Muslim terror, and multiculturalism as the poison by which Islam could spread itself throughout the west.

In his writings, he expresses the belief that one glorious act of terror could foment a huge Muslim counter-reaction which would allow a rightist coup to take over both Norwegian and European governments. The only problem with this scenario is that he attacked Norwegian targets and not Muslims ones. That’s what is most inexplicable about this incident. Given his hatred of Islam and his belief that it is at the core of the rot that affects the world, why wouldn’t he target Norwegian Muslims? That’s doubtless something the investigators have asked him during interrogation.

Breivik viewed Israel as an ally in the war against Islam. Alex Kane tweets that he wrote:

“Let’s end stupid support for Palestinians…start supporting our cultural cousin, Israel.”

He also wrote this:

Cultural conservatives believe Israel has a right to protect itself against Jihad…Sensible people should support Zionism (Israeli nationalism) which is Israel’s right to self-defence against Jihad.

More excerpts from his manifesto:

  • If one acknowledges that Islam has always oppressed the Jews, one accepts that Israel was a necessary refuge for the Jews fleeing not only the European but also the Islamic variety of anti-Judaism.

  • Since the break-up of the Islamic Empire following World War I, various jihads have been fought around the globe by the independent Muslim nations and sub-state jihadist groups. The most sustained effort has been directed against Israel, which has committed the unpardonable sin of rebuilding dar al-harb on land formerly a part of dar al-Islam.

  • How can anyone delete the horror of Muslim oppression over Christians and Jews which lasted for centuries and stretched over continents?

  • Western Journalists again and again systematically ignore serious Muslim attacks and rather focus on the Jews, [which] only adds to the stockpile of proof that all Western journalists support the EU’s Eurabia project, [and] their enemy (based on coverage) is the Israeli…government…

  • Were the majority of the German and European Jews disloyal? Yes, at least the so called liberal Jews, similar to the liberal Jews today that oppose nationalism/Zionism and support multiculturalism. Jews that support multiculturalism today are as much of a threat to Israel and Zionism (Israeli nationalism) as they are to us. So let us fight together with Israel, with our Zionist brothers against all anti-Zionists, against all cultural Marxists/multiculturalists….So, are the current Jews in Europe and US disloyal? The multiculturalist (nation-wrecking) Jews ARE, while the conservative Jews ARE NOT. Aprox. 75% of European/US Jews support multiculturalism while aprox. 50% of Israeli Jews does the same. This shows very clearly that we must embrace the remaining loyal Jews as brothers rather than repeating the mistake of the NSDAP. Whenever I discuss the Middle East issue with a national socialist he presents the anti-Israeli and pro-Palestine argument. He always seem unaware of the fact that his propaganda is hurting Israeli nationalists (who want to deport the Muslims from Israel) and that he is in fact helping the Israeli cultural Marxists/multiculturalists with his argumentation.

This picture was taken on the island the previous day.
What do you think about this maniak?

I have yet to see a reasonable explanation why it took the authorities so long to respond to this guy; I thought the Norwegians had some fine Spec. Ops. People - why were they not used, like the Dutch did when the school and train there were taken.

The most amazing for me was the guard of child camp was absent the day of attack. How it turded to be no one adult trued to stop the maniac. Especialy after the fat the previous day the minister has visited the camp.

Response time - the police had the guy in custody about an hour after the shooting started, and realistically the only way this could have been improved is if the police helicopters were capable of carrying passengers. Very few countries could beat this with military units - Israel probably, possibly Russia in Moscow and the UK in London. That’s probably about it.

May be coz the Norway survived nothing simular in past. So Police had simply no plan to act properly.

The Norwegian are very peaceful … stuff like this doesnt normally happen. I know I lived there. Bike theft is Oslo’s major crime. But given the circumstances I think they did well.

Dont forget it even took Bush a few moments to get moving on 9/11 and we are supposed to be prepared for those type of events.

At the risk of offending a few ears, I will merely say that within the next couple of years, people like Anders Breivik will be more of the norm. Would it be possible to avoid having monsters like these spawn in our back yard? yes, but this involves more than just using the Weberian “monopoly of force” to force people to change their minds…or shooting them. The perceived battle between Islam and the West isn’t so much abour religion as it is about something else: economics. After all, this nonsense started not because of religion, but because of land.

It took app. 1 hour to aprehend the terrorist. Or maybe even less than that. IMO it is largerly because Breivik did not plan to TAKE hostages - he was after shooting them. But as soon as the antiterror unit came in he gave up right away.

The spec.op. unit had to wait for 20 - 25 minutes out of that 1 hour for a bouat to take them to the island.
BTW ordinary police patrol car came very quick, but had no boat either to cross the water.

Maybe the **** planned to be in a place and at a time where he could wreak the most havoc before police arrived.

We had what was previously the worst mass murder down here some years ago by a rifleman moving around a tourist spot.

Nobody is prepared for these sorts of events and response times are affected by confusion and disbelief in reports coming in. There aren’t ready response units dotted all over a country waiting for the one in some millions of a chance of such events occurring in their area while they’re on duty.

Instead of being experts after the event, perhaps journalists and other commentators who have never had to organise an urgent response to anything more pressing than a spilled glass of claret on their new carpet could recognise that the police showed a great deal of courage in going into a situation where they knew people were being killed but without any knowledge of what they would be facing or how many armed attackers they would be facing.

Sure, there were elements of farce in the police response but the police seem to have done the best they could with what they had, which is all that could be asked of them.

The real problem wasn’t the police response but the **** who was murdering people in droves, so I can’t see why some people are focusing on what the police could have done better in an ideal world instead of just condemning the **** who was murdering people.

As far as I’m concerned, the police act or omission deserving of the most criticism is not shooting dead the weak **** when he tried to surrender which, among other things, would have deprived him of the political platform he now has.

The problem with shooting him simply so is that he would have become a martyr for people like him.

But what do you think about motives of murder? Was it an act of sensless terror or political/religious? I do ask coz i read the Breivik’s posts in forums- he definitelly looks like sort of religious fanatic. What about his pro-zionists ideas?

A dead fringe martyr can sometimes be better than a live maniac who can still act as a beacon for people to follow whether he wished for it or not. He is still able to spout more rhetoric and will get a bigger following as he is now a live incarcerated martyr.

Shot at the scene with less of the media focus on his ideology would have served to dampen any following he will now get.

He is, anyway. They’ll just see him as the victim of a state which can’t see and deal with the threats he claimed to fight against by murdering innocent people.

At least if he was dead he can’t spew more of his poison to reinforce the dangerous opinions of people like him, and he’d pass from active memory a lot more quickly than he will with endless court appearances.

Well, this is again a mistake to allow him this broad medial appearence.

I remember the one case of an Arabian terrorist who begged for the death sentence, right to become a martyr. Instead he was imprisoned for life with no chance of coming out earlier. It was denied to him to have this medial appearence, now nearly noone knows his name.

Which is why I prefer the idea of his last media appearance being a picture of his bullet riddled body on the island where he put bullets into lots of other people who, unlike him, didn’t deserve it.

I don’t think shooting him would make any sense - he’s just 1 out of many others in the shadows. And while Breivik is just one guy who probably went through this whole shebang to get the message across, I am sure that somewhere in some parts of Europe and Russia, there are many others more just like him. Breivik’s strategy is a clever one: make a deep impression to get your message across.
Europe, unless your people start to learn to rebuild your lives from scratch and take responsibility for your actions, you will never be free of this curse known as the White Terror. As governments continue to flail and the eurozone economy begins to disintegrate, expect radical Euronationalism and a return to Weimar to be the norm of things once again.

So which ideology does he fought for? The terror for what aim?