Testing captured MG42 - US Army | Gallery

Testing captured MG42

American soldiers test firing captured German MG42 machine guns, circa 1944-1945

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.ww2incolor.com/gallery/us-army/27912/testing-captured-mg42

The MG 42 has a proven record of reliability, durability, simplicity, and ease of operation, but is most notable for being able to produce a stunning volume of suppressive fire. The MG 42 has one of the highest average rates of fire of any single-barreled man-portable machine gun, between 1,200 and 1,500 rpm, resulting in a distinctive muzzle report.

Important as well: it has a relatively low cost in production and maintaining, so the practically similar MG-3 is still used today by various militias and armies