Thank You

I’d like to thank all of you for your help. You guys always keep the site clean and healthy.
So I’d like to give each one of you an early Christmas present of $50 (US not Canadian)

PM me your name and address and I’ll mail it to you.

Very kind of you, but fifty bucks ain’t gonna change the way I live.

But it might for these poor bastards, so send my $50 to them.

I was going to suggest that you wait until you make a profit out of the site, then I’ll be more than happy to take a cut.


Incidentally, I would like to thank Procyon for the offer. I’ve modded two other places and no one has offered any compensation to a mod as an employee despite the fact that I know at least one board is making a decent, but small, profit. I think it is big of him to do so and I appreciate the sentiment fully.

Perhaps we can have a beer at a Leafs/Sabres game instead? :slight_smile:

Haha, the problem with the Leafs is that they don’t win. If I get a chance to go to Buffalo, then I’ll let you know.
I tend to be in Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, and Philly/NYC every once in a while.

My offer will remain on the table. Should anybody change their mind, then simply PM me. Don’t be shy. You’ve earned it after all!

Also the site does make a small profit and that is why I don’t mind sharing the “wealth”. I removed a lot of banners when I took over the site. That certainly helped the site grow.

The Leafs are, or were at least, on fire. The Sabres & Thrashers both gave away Clarke MacArthur as an ‘AHL only’ scorer, and look at him now…

I ain’t gonna change my mind, but I’d appreciate it if you donated my $50 to the charity I linked above.

Well, if you are making a profit then can I nominate BLESMA for my $50?

Hello again. I think it might just be easier if I supply one larger payment to one charity based in Canada. That way my business would also be able to get a tax credit from the government.

How many are still active here? pdf27, Nickdfresh, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, anybody else?

I’m for that, good idea. (perhaps the National Bacon Research Foundation):lol:

Well, if need it be Canadian, please donate mine to Honour House.

Sounds like a plan. Go for it!

Suits me.

Although TG’s suggestion is rather closer to my interests than philanthropy for strangers in far off places. :wink: :smiley:

A little update: I haven’t made the donation yet. I’ll most likely do it in December. I actually emailed one charity, asking them if any donations are tax deductible, but they never got back to me…go figure. Therefore, feel free to suggest other charities in Canada.
I’ll send 5 x $50 for the following 5 members: Nickdfresh, pdf27, Rising Sun*, tankgeezer, Gen. Sandworm
George Eller and Firefily have not been on the site since August and September respectively. I already sent $50 to flamethrowerguy.

I guess ive actually been here the longest now … scary. But off and on. Never did it for pay. But I would love to have that money go to a charity. BTW my friend Tony … Wrote this book. All proceeds go to families that have lost someone in Iraq and Afganistan. About his experience in Iraq. He would be very thankful if you bought it. Up to you … if you are really interested … im sure I can get you a signed copy. If he ever gets a back. Looks likes he is going to be stop-lossed.

I’ll go with whatever our Chamber of Lords chooses for a proper charity, not having much luck finding information on line.

Chamber of Lords, eh?

It was that, or Gaggle of Brigands… :slight_smile:

lol…let’s go with the first one then.