The 2012 End of the world thing

I’m sure you all herd of it and i want to know your opinions. and a welcome back would be nice too

You, sir, are a nutter.

Did you get bored with you and your mate discussing belts getting tangled in 19th-century Gatling guns, and their handles falling off on your own forum?

Ladies and gentlemen, target to your front, watch and shoot watch and shoot!

(Was that “welcome back” sufficient for you?)

Yes, it’s at the end of King’s Road, opposite end to SLoane Square. Have frequented it on many occassions.

Never saw any herds, but it can become crowded, particularly on a Friday evening. They serve and good pint and there’s usually quite a bit of totty around.

Its just the end of the Mayan Calendar, which goes for, I dont know how long.
Somehow, some person got the idea that it meant the end of the world.
Thats what I heard.

What I think it means of the end of the world is that A)There might be a major war B)Just a prediction like the other million tries or C)Some weird guy will be running around the street screaming “THE END IS NEAR”

Here look at this guy.

If you are referring to the Mayan Calendar, 2012 is supposed to be the end of struggle, and the way life is lived on Earth. After 2012, the Earth, and people will still be here, though according to the media, the nature of life as we now understand it, and live it, will have been replaced by a newer, better something… Whatever that may be. you can google it for yourself if you like,wasnt hard at all.

ok? that works too

It’s a bunch of crap, like every other ‘end of the world’ prophecy in the past.

And there have been many…

The last one I recall actually had some teeth: The Year 2000 meltdown fear.

But that one fizzled too, and there was somewhat of a scientific basis in which to believe it…

The programmers worked realy hard to stop Y2K and there was a huge risk of a global meltdown.

Yea, windows 98 would of RULED THE WORLD lol, also 2012 is a election year in America, which means, oh no, we will vote a alien while the rest of the world laughs. JK, we will never what will happen.


According to The Church of !BLAIR!, the human race will probably be terminated at 3:28 AM (Soho, England time) 2047, SEP. 14!. The church teaches, with tongue firmly in cheek, that if the human race does not discard their plastic conformity, then the Gods will withdraw their protection. The Gods don’t want us to worship them; they don’t want sacrifices or even offerings. They just want us to rid itself of our excessive “Normalcy”. At that point, Astro-Lemurs (extra-terrestrials similar in shape to lemurs, but with rainbow colored bodies) will attack the entire human race and beat them to death with gigantic burritos. You have been warned. :wink:

What the heck will this be? Giant Burritos? That would be a tasty, yet nasty death.:cool:(off topic on the 2012, but on topic with the end of the world)

I also herd about the meteor the size of the rose bowl that my strike earth in 2012. (May be a load of crap)

A bunch of New Age shat…

LOL I’ve read the Riley Martin portion of that. He’s been on Howard Stern and they’ve called and they’ve harassed him with pranks. He’s a charlatan, snake oil salesman that claims he talks to aliens…

the 2012 end of the world theory was believed by the Mayans and the Aztecs. I doubt the world will end but the aztecs did once predict that a pale man with a white beard would come and destroy there nation in the year Reed 1. And it just so happens Hernando Cortes who, you guessed it, had a white beard and pale skin arrived in the year Reed 1 and well… the Aztecs weren’t around for much longer.

It cant end in 2012, we have the Olympics! :o

I wouldn’t mind too much because I’ll become 40! :frowning:

Of course the worlds gonna end after 4 years of obama

Will the Burritos be Chicken, or Beef???

Hey Flame there is life after 40 you know (PT D.O.B. 19/9/62 !!).

I used to watch “Logans run” (not just for Jenny Agutter) and think yeah get rid of everone over 30 lifes pretty much done by then. Then when I got to about 28 I realised it wasn’t such a good idea. For our younger readers refer to IMDB for this sci-fi classic.

Just kidding, Paul, I felt the same when I was enclosing the 30.
“The Carousel awaits you” :mrgreen:

P.S. Jenny Agutter really was an eyecatcher, also in “American Werewolf”!