The allure of Nazi pagentry.

I don’t mean to be rude or in anyway insulting but…

There are those in this site who seem to be very interested in Nazi pagentry, etc. Is it just me or do others find this odd. I have been mulling about it for a while. Perhaps coming from Britian, particularly an area that was quite heavily bombed due to it’s industrial capabilities - mainly wire which was much used in the construction of naval guns - the signs of which still stand as grim reminders today. I have members of my family who jokingly quip that the “Germans bombed our chippy” (they did by the way, or bombed our rugby field (they did by the way) could this be influencing my opinion on the Nazis?

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate the Germans either then or now (I live in Germany so that would be difficult at best) yet it sometimes amazes me how people can be so taken by the Nazis. Perhaps this is why they were able to capture so many minds when they were in power, if they are still able to draw such attention 60 years later.

Any ideas? Please tell me what you think, either way, why do you have such interests in their ways or do you feel as I do?

Cheers 1000

They certainly knew how to organise a very impressive parade!

All totalitarian regimes do this though – it impresses the impressionable and feebleminded.

Do you think I can use your bold comments to get out of muster parades then? I’ll stay in bed and tell the Warrant Officer that he is impressionable and feebleminded for wanting me to march about in the dark. It might shorten my career, possibly to a five year hold in Saxa Vord on my own in an abandoned hangar.

Didn’t think the RAF held parades Crab!!!

More like formation ambling. :smiley: :twisted:

Just a post to confirm to everybody, caused by a PM. This thread isn’t a slagging thread I am not having a pop at you if you do feel that you have an interest in Nazi.

As I have said above, perhaps I have been conditioned to regard them as sub-human scum from being very young. Hence the quotes from my elder relatives. As demonstrated in a post on a thread else where, I also look at people who were Nazis as Nazis first and foremost, with their other attributes (i.e. ace pilot and tactician) as being a long runner up.

Please, everyone, feel free to put in your 2p worth in.

Similiar to yourself 1000ydstare I too have been encouraged from a young age to despise the Nazis, after all they bombed out my Grandmother so one could expect a bit of hostility in my family. And even when I was in the CCF our SSI was always telling us to ‘bayonet those Nazi facist b**tards!’. Furthermore, my boarding house at school was bombed during the war and still had some scaring as a result it was house tradition to despise Nazis.

However, I can see why people may be interested in them. People respect power, after all people are always saying it is the ultimate aphrodiasiac. The Nazis were exceptionally powerful and for a short time (thank goodness) very successful so its not really entirely surprising that people might be interested in them. And as for people interested in the uniforms etc well its quite understandable, they were designed by Hugo Boss! :shock:

But like yourself I don’t despise the Germans. Interestingly enough some members of my family were quite anti-Japanese, some having served against them, and yet i’m going out with a Japanese girl. You can’t really blame people for the sins of their fathers.

2p’s worth added
edited to add last line

Have a few asian friends living in Hong Kong and Taiwan, there is a lot of animosity towards them still.

I remember an old lad, who was my towns counciler who had had the misfortune to be a “guest” of the Japanese during WW2.

He brought in his “ID card” of the “Steadfast Club” which was made up of old boys of the Boys’ Brigade who were in the camp. Made on a tatty piece of paper with a worn out typewriter ribbon.