The Anzacs.

Where they a big part of the Allies?

Mostly in North Africa. The famed Rats of Tobruk were an Aussie unit. Most of the Dardanelles troops in WWI were ANZAC in the beginning, then they were somewhat replaced by regular troops. I may be wrong on some of that, so, you know, don’t take this as law… :wink:

Hey i knew i was right about an aussie unit being called Rats bye Rommel.
Thats Winston Churchill :smiley:

No. …

Have i tamed the Rising Sun already!:smiley:


You are just pissing me, and others, off with your idiotic trolling posts which, I suspect, you won’t be indulging in much longer in view of your negative contribution to the board.

And your question merely confirms my suspicion that you are associated with someone else on the board whose principal contributions are feigned stupidity; generating conflict; and playing stupid games with other members without contributing anything of value to the historical, fun or any other threads on the board.

Oh really,so youre telling me my ww2 history book in front of me right now, which i use for my information is wrong. :smiley: And you accused Herman and i ,of being the same person, Whats wrong with you, and how do you know who put that information on the internet of ww2, it could of been anyone, with ww2 books its real, so how does the internet gets its information from?

What’s the title?

“The Little Golden Book of WWII” (or “How ‘The Little Engine That Could’ Smashed the Panzers”)? Or “The How and Why Wonder Book of WWII”?

Tell us what the title is of this magnificent book that is the source of your vast knowledge on WWII, kitten.

As this may be a severe shock to you, please be seated and take a deep breath before reading further.

Any idiot can post anything on the interet.

And, alas, far too often do.

Aly, how about quoting the source from which you have gotten information. If you have the book in front of you, name it when you post information from it. Such as: Germany attacked France. Source: German Military Records Volume 1. Then people can see and verify your sources, and maybe even read the same book.

And where are you getting youre information from the internet?
Youre ww2 information could of came from Idiots. Cheers

Which information would that be?

Or are we going to see more ducking and weaving?

BTW, in case you haven’t realised what’s going on between us tonight, I’m just taunting you to encourage you to respond with more crap to demonstrate why it’s time that the mods dropped the hammer on you for being a troll, and you’re playing right into my hands.

So now you are confronted with the dilemma of responding to me and dropping the trapdoor on your own gallows or shutting up and proving my point. Either way, you could end up doing us all a favour by not posting any more crap, kitten.

The information that every one is using to proof there point. Where does it come from? Do you know where? The crap that you are going on about is that what you are talking about. What point are you talking about.
Ive got 30 third rench hitler books , 1 ww2 book and the history channel- docomentries at home - Why would i put fake information up there. I just think you men dont want a girl to out class you sometimes so you all say im wrong.

Mate, she (claims to be a she, but who knows?) is just playing games.

She can’t quote from her book because her book is in her room.

I didt really have a ww2 book with me, its in my room and most of my information came from the History channel.
#82 at

Ranks with “The dog ate my homework.”

She (supposedly she) is playing another game which has nothing to do with what most of the rest of us are here for.

The time is long past to take her seriously.

I actually read my books not in front of the computer. Im here for ww2 but you men hate the thought of a girl sometimes out smarting you guys.If i was a man why would i pretend to be a young female, and do you want me too type some information out of my book so i can proof it to you.

No offense aly, but I don’t think you’ve outsmarted anyone on here, gender notwithstanding. As for quoting sources, that’s what you should have been doing this whole time.


Start with the title, author, publisher, place of publication, date of publication, (they’re up the front of that collection of paper between the harder things called covers) and show how it proves that Germany had only 3,000 more soldiers than Britain at the start of WWI.

We’re waiting.

Or will this be more ducking and weaving like your inability to post a link to prove earlier points because you don’t know how to post a link, FFS!, kitten?

Well thats what u think,i made a coment about aussies being called Dersert rats by rommell ,but i got my head blowen off maybe 5 days are go.
Today i made a thread : the anzacs: and guess what one of the members said- The Desert Rats was one of the Aussie units, what the hell is going on here. And i will start using the internet source if some one tells me were it comes from first. And i wish i was a man cause i would of been respected.Females know about ww2 aswell as you men do.

Ducking and weaving, darling, just ducking and weaving.

I’m not trying to “blow your head off”, I’m just trying to help so you don’t get broadsided all of the time. Using internet sources is usually easy, just be prepared to read a lot. For instance: I wanted to find out what ship my dad was on in ww2, so I typed in the name of the ship on Yahoo search and google search. Lots of web sites came up that had information regarding the ship. I went to the websites that looked like they had good information and found out a lot about the ship and its activities during the war. If you’re interested in a topic, type it in and start searching. I’ve told you before that it’s great to see women on this site because most women aren’t even remotely interested in ww2 or any war for that matter. Respect has nothing to do with being man or woman on this site, it’s about knowledge in what you’re discussing. (That’s why you don’t see my name popping up in a lot of these threads, I try to read and learn before entering in.) But you need to tell your source when you get info from the internet just as you should from books.

its no use talking about youre self. You got a bit worried before when you thought i had ww2 history book in front of me. Why did you get worried?
Did you think youre information was wrong?
The information that members use to proof there point, who puts it up there.
Histroians?i just want to know. dont call me darling,thats another one i like being called.