The Atomic Bomb - what if?

I was wondering why scientists from only the US and Germany were working on the technology to develop nuclear weapons during WWII? Perhaps someone can explain why Britain, France, Italy etc. made no serious effort in this field? If another Allies nation had developed the bomb before the US did, it might have changed history and the losses of WWII.

Some of the early stages of the development of the Atom bomb where carried out at Manchester University that would be Manchester England you pasimonious tit

I dont think this room is really relevant IRONMAN…

A lot of thread are created here that are not relvant. So why are you bitching about this one? Oh! Never mind.

From what I have read, you are talking about research into the nature of atoms, not research into the development of the atomic weapon. Many nations conducted research into the atom. In France, significant developments were made into the nature of radio active material, where radio active material was actually discovered!

But they did not conduct serious research into the development of the nuclear bomb. So my question remains. Why did no other county come close to developing this weapon or even seriously try other than Germany and the US?

Eat shit you brainless tooth=spaced faggot sucking dimwit!

God this is fun. Come at me again. I feel… elation with my vulgar retaliations. It’s almost liberating! I mean, knowing that this site has no current limitations on language and such. I’m enjoying the like-kind returns that are so fitting to the boneheads.

Please. More!

Frionscam,i suggest you to do not insult a mod,Jordovski can kick your arse fastly

One simple reason why the Bomb wasn’t developed quicker in UK.

UK was getting bombed stupid everynight.

That was while your country received a glut of imigrants from Germany and other countries.

Albert Einstein wasn’t an All American heeeroo was he?

Strange that you feel everyone is havin ga go at your country when you can essentially pop at Europe with impunity.

Weren’t a lot of the scientists working on the Manhattan Project British anyway? Didn’t the US and UK agree that it made more sense to work together on a bomb instead of having two seperate projects.

France would have had some problems developing a bomb, being as they were occupied by the Germans.

Why not?

Frionscam,i suggest you to do not insult a mod,Jordovski can kick your arse fastly[/quote]


Frionscam,i suggest you to do not insult a mod,Jordovski can kick your arse fastly[/quote]

Earwig Shitser, I don’t fear anyone. Certainly not in cyber-space.

England had it’s playgrounds in Scotland and Ireland to conduct all the research it needed to. So why didn’t they do more to develop nuclear technology. Actually, they didn’t have the foresight to prepare for defending against the Germans. But why didn’t they have the forethought to work on developing the atomic bomb?

The UK started an atomic bomb project with the cryptonym TUBE ALLOYS which was folded into the Manhattan Project after the Quebec Agreement of 1943.

The Quebec Agreement was a combination of both a working-together arrangement and the prototype for a NNPT.

The initial TUBE ALLOYS project was based on the Frisch-Peierls memorandum, writen at Birmingham University in 1940.

For the sole benefit of Ironman, this is Birmingham, England, not Birmingham, Alabama.

Next question (designed to show how great the US is, how pisspoor the ROW is, but actually showing that Ironman is so blinded by his warped views that he cannot think in anything approaching a logical manner) please.

Um… no. They didn’t. The US kept it’s research totally top secret and did not share the information they gained with any other nation, Britain included. They built a virtual city in very short order in the desert for development. Not even a phone call could be placed to the outside world. They gathered the best physics and mathematical minds of the US together there, particularly from the University of Chicago, of all places. And no, Albert Einstein, my uneducated British friend, was not present.

So, no.

So, why didn’t Britain do anything to develop the nuclear weapon?

Found in 30 seconds on Wikipedia:

The Manhattan Project, or more formally, the Manhattan Engineering District, was an effort during World War II to develop the first nuclear weapons by the United States with assistance from the United Kingdom and Canada. Its research was directed by American physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer, and overall by General Leslie R. Groves after it became clear that a weapon based on nuclear fission was possible and that Nazi Germany was also investigating such weapons of its own

6/10, more research required.


Perhaps you should have read my previous post before making yours?

Kind regards


MANONMAN action wrote

Earwig Shitser, I don’t fear anyone. Certainly not in cyber-space.

You must be nails.

Yes, you don’t fear any one do you. It would be different if we were in one room!!!

By now one of us would have punched you to silly

Why did you dodge the draft again?


Dear Uncle Sam,

My son IRONMAN, can’t attend your war. I am sorry to say he has no backbone.

Did I mention his dad fought in Korea?

Yours sincerly Mrs IRONMAN.

PS, have you got the addresses of WW2incolor Britcon, aka Brit Thugs, I have some underwear to return to them.

It’s funny that the physicists that did hte work were not from Canada or Britain.

So the question remains. Why did britain not have a project of it’s own like this? Why did they not have the egg-heads to realize that it was important enough and pheasible enough to invest in a project to develop the nuclear weapon?

Why did they act only as assistants to the US scientists who developed the nuclear weapon?

Was britain lacking the minds of the time for that? Did they not have the foresight? What was it?

Why did Britain, familiar with the fact that the French had discovered radioactive material, not start such a project without having to be a tag-along on the American project?