I dont think the Aussies were really appreciated for what they did in the Second World War so thats why im making this room for the Aussies. :smiley:

8/10 of the Australian Army was wiped out from the German and Japanese. (axis)
We lost tens and tens of thousands of young men and women through ww2, aswell as being a new Country and all, i take my hate off to the Veterans.

23,400 Australians lost their lives in WW2.

I too raise my HATE to them…

Where in Australia are you from and how long have you been there?

ill write a brief summary of Australians in ww2 as i have work 2moro at 10:00am and its 1:55 am (lol)

Australians assissted in protecting mainland Greece and Crete from German rule, but it failed

Australians fought in North Africa protecting the Suez Canal in Libya and Egypt

they also fought the French in Lebanon and Syria who supported the Nazi’s

Yes they been very brave and they very help britich in africa.

I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to provide a source for your claim of 80% “wiped out” (I assume you mean killed).

Yeah i do man of stoat, wiped out, killed, murdered, what ever you would like to call it.

I live in the Bushy Perth Hills and have lived here for 16 years.

Yeah the Aussies, Canadians, and South Africans deserve a lot more credit in WWII but most for Australians. Lucky for victory at GuadalCanal or Japanese might have reached the weakened harbor of Sydney O.O

As well as the Indians.

actually a few things ensured Australias safety

  1. Japans attack on Pearl Harbour bring America into the 2nd world war

  2. The Australian conscripts successfully defending Port Moresby (capital of Papua New Guinea

Australia is only allowed to use her conscripts on Australian territory yet they fought in PNG, u ppl asking why? its cauz back in those days PNG was Australian territory :wink: and thats why they were able to fight in PNG protecting the Kokoda Trek and not allowing the Japanese to invade Port Moresby where they were able to use Port Moresby’s air fields to bomb Australia

the bombings did take place, particularly in Broome and Darwin (Broome is a town in northern Western Australia and Darwin is the capital of the Northern Territory)

also 3 midget submarines entered Sydney Harbour but luckily only sunk a ferry with no1 dead

submarines also shelled the Eastern suburbs and shelled Newcastle (city in New South Wales)

so Australia WAS attacked but not invaded…

As well as the Indians.[/quote]

and Nepalese

I never said it was invaded :x or attacked :?

i know u didnt, i just wanted 2 add it in

Use clear english please, not text-speak. Non-native speakers struggling with the bizarre difficulties this language throws up are more than welcome, but using ‘2’ for ‘to’ and ‘too’ is just idle. If it’s not worth your time to type correctly, then it’s probably not worth typing at all.

I say agian my english is not good ,forgive me if my post is not understanding.

But you’re wrong - the Aussie army DIDN’T suffer 80% dead:

Out of more than 724,000 army personnel during World War Two, almost 400,000 served outside Australia. More than 18,000 died; 22,000 were wounded and more than 20,000 became prisoners of war.

So, of those who served outside Australia, 4.5% died. Of the total army personnel, 2.5% died. Total dead/wounded/prisoner for those that served outside Aus is 15% and for total strength is 8.3%

Please please please fact-check yourself before posting things like you did at the top of the thread! Cos we will do it for you if you don’t, and you will look a fool.

sorry mate :smiley:

My city where i live now is the most isolated place on the planet believe it or not, and if the Japanese had invaded Perth it would of taken days for reinforcements to arrive.

Bad for you :lol: :lol: :lol: its joke russians arrive with plains paratroopers will come. :wink:

So where abouts do you live Clauss von Stauffeberg mate ? :slight_smile:

look my profile mate :lol: