The Balkan War Thread

So the enclaves with Muslims and non-white emigrants in the EU or the US and other states are entitled to elect their leaders if they don’t like the ones of the original population and declare independence. It is wonderful.

Maybe if the Serbs hadn’t let a fascist, corrupt baby-killing nationalist asshole be their dictator, then much of this would never have happened…

Yeah, baby eating. Especially considering the fact that the number of Albanians after the arrival of the NATO troops even growed in Kosovo and the number of Serbs slumped by 90 %. And of course you mean that the NATO troops, that were to maintain law and order, did not connive or turn a blind eye at the ethnic cleansing organised by Albanians that led to that catastrophic decrease of the Serbian population in Kosovo.

Miloshovich, the head of Socialist Party that is the part of the socialistic international, was a fascist? How did you figure out that?

By the way, Serbian paramilitary organizations in Bosnia were also tied to drug dealers and gangsters…

They had nothing to do with drug gansters. In the meanwhile the Albanian maphia, drug dealers and smugglers are notorious across the whole EU.

Yes. Autonomous regions that think their interests better served by their own leaders after the ethnic minority depopulated the country through state terrorism probably should have this right.

I’m sorry Serbia has a bunch of churches there, but that doesn’t give them the right to dictate to the Kosovars…

Yeah, baby eating. Especially considering the fact that the number of Albanians after the arrival of the NATO troops even growed in Kosovo and the number of Serbs slumped by 90 %.

They left on their own volition out of fear. There are still Serbs in the country, but as they were through a civil war, obviously there’s going to be animosity…

And of course you mean that the NATO troops, that were to maintain law and order, did not connive or turn a blind eye at the ethnic cleansing organised by Albanians that led to that catastrophic decrease of the Serbian population in Kosovo.

Again, most of the Serbs left only because Serbia lost direct control. But there seem to be plenty left, and forgive me if I do not trust your statistics…

Miloshovich, the head of Socialist Party that is the part of the socialistic international, was a fascist? How did you figure out that?

inter’National Socialist? Does your rose by any other name smell as sweet?

They had nothing to do with drug gansters. In the meanwhile the Albanian maphia, drug dealers and smugglers are notorious across the whole EU.

LMAFO!! In Bosnia, the Serb warlords terrorized people out of their houses so they could take the land, the profit was great! And Slobodan was a basic crook, a corrupt embezzler…

“depopulated the country through state terrorism” Are you sick? Check the figures of civilain losses and refugees from Kosovo and you’ll find out that the state terrorists are Albanians, and the US pilots are the real baby-killers.

“State terrorism” of Serbs in Kosovo is a fake invented by the Western Media. If there had been state terrorism the Albanian population would have been genocided within a week. There is state terrorism on behalf of Albanians and their patrons from the US, EU and NATO that resulted in the enormous decrease of the Serbian population.

According to your logic Serbs in Kosovo is the ethnic minority depopulated the country through state terrorism that should have the right to
regain control over Kosovo.

They left on their own volition out of fear. There are still Serbs in the country, but as they were through a civil war, obviously there’s going to be animosity…

Albanian bulling and attacks combined with the NATO’s indifference forced them to leave. Albanians can’t calm down and destroy Christian churches in the areas where there are no Serbs. If there were Serbs, Albanians would attack Serbs. Do you know that Serbian children from few Serbian enclaves can’t go to school if there are no NATO convoy accompanying them to school. But even NATO convoys do not prevent Albanians from attacks or throwing stones at school buses

inter’National Socialist? Does your rose by any other name smell as sweet?

The socialistic international includes social-democrats and other left parties of
the EU. The parties rule in the EU. So you can call them fascist as well alongside with Miloshevich’s party.

LMAFO!! In Bosnia, the Serb warlords terrorized people out of their houses so they could take the land, the profit was great! And Slobodan was a basic crook, a corrupt embezzler…

And Muslim warlords did not terrorize anyone, just conducted humanitarian operations.

By the way, Usama Ben Laden sponsored local Muslims troops and was granted Bosnian citizenship for that.

The Serbskaja Krajina created in Bosnia was the state with its own president, government and armed forces. Miloshevich was president of Yugoslavia made up of Serbia and Monte Negro. He wasn’t member of the government of Serbskaja Krajina.

He faced the pressure from two sides: from the Serbs of Yugoslavia who demanded to give support to Serbs in and the West demanding the opposite.

Misloshevich’s relation to the war in Bosnia was limited to letting Serbian volonteers from Yugoslavia to take part in the war as well as transferring some armaments and ammunition to Bosnian Serbs before sanctions were imposed. If Milsoshevich hadn’t done it he would have been removed from power then.

It was Miloshevich who forced Serbs in Bosnia to lay down their arms. It is funny that this former communistic bureaucrat who collaborated with the West and betrayed Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo, is called a fascist by brainwashed westerners.

His destiny is very hortative. He has betrayed Serbs many times to please the
US but it did not save him from being arrested and death in prison. In the meanwhile the leaders of Serbska Krajina who did not betray their people are still alive and at large.

Unlike Albanians, Serbs and Croats are not allowed to form their own states in Bosnia though they waged a war for it. They are kept with Muslims under the US and NATO’s control. Muslim population enjoys generous donations from international Islamic welfare organizations, grows and mainly stays in Bosnia, while Serbs and Croats receive no support and are leaving because there are no jobs, mo means for life.

Today Bosnia is converted into a state with mainly Muslim population under the guidence of the US, EU and NATO.

Um, the Croatia has benefited the most of any state there arguably. It was money from the EU and the US which helped them defeat the Serb/Yugoslav Army which ultimately led to an end to that phase of the conflict!

And again, feel free to support any of this with something approaching unbiased news analysis…

Today Bosnia is converted into a state with mainly Muslim population under the guidence of the US, EU and NATO.

Because it was mostly a Muslim populated state to begin with! And you failed to mention Croatia and Slovenia, two Catholic countries that were the first to break with Yugoslavia. But thanks for proving my point that Muslims, such as the ones in Bosnia, are capable of building a largely secularized modern European welfare state…

[QUOTE=Nickdfresh;123503]Um, the Croatia has benefited the most of any state there arguably. It was money from the EU and the US which helped them defeat the Serb/Yugoslav Army which ultimately led to an end to that phase of the conflict!

And again, feel free to support any of this with something approaching unbiased news analysis…

What money? Ask any Croat whether he or she wants the Croation state to be formed in Bosnia. It was the Croatian goal while fightings in Bosnia took place. The goal of Muslim was to keep Bosnia in one piece.
You just avoid answering why Serbs and Croats are not allowed to form their separate states in Bosnia while Albanians are allowed.

Because it was mostly a Muslim populated state to begin with! And you failed to mention Croatia and Slovenia, two Catholic countries that were the first to break with Yugoslavia. But thanks for proving my point that Muslims, such as the ones in Bosnia, are capable of building a largely secularized modern European welfare state…

Secularized modern European welfare state?

I see the country that is still directly run by foreign administration made up mainly from the US and EU bureaucrats and that exists as one piece only due to NATO troops is on the way to become secularized modern European welfare state. Or perhaps it is a prototype of building future secularized modern European welfare states in other parts of Europe?

And the financial donations to local Muslims are made from outside. It resembles the case with Palestine that exists only on foreign Islamic donations.

Oh, how conveniently you yet again ignore how the entire Albanian population was driven out via terror induced ethnic cleansing. The numbers murdered in massacres was exaggerated albeit. But there were still killings, and selective threats of violence punctuated by the use of it, to drive out the Albanians …

And the NATO pilots were far from just US ones, and they killed a lot less babies than the fascist cunts of the Serb paramilitaries. They certainly were more discerning of their targets. But as Harris said: “he who sows the wind reaps the whirlwind.”

“State terrorism” of Serbs in Kosovo is a fake invented by the Western Media.

LMFAO Nutter! Yeah, because US/European state media had interests in the Muslims?

Thanks, Joseph Goebbels! It’s all a conspiracy! Good one!

If there had been state terrorism the Albanian population would have been genocided within a week. There is state terrorism on behalf of Albanians and their patrons from the US, EU and NATO that resulted in the enormous decrease of the Serbian population.

Oh, yeah. I guess the entire country side was depopulated by Albanians in 1998 how?

According to your logic Serbs in Kosovo is the ethnic minority depopulated the country through state terrorism that should have the right to
regain control over Kosovo.

Um, the Serbs are a minority, by a wide margin. They never comprised more than 10% of the region, which they still are today. BTW, over 6% of the Kosovo police service is Serb, which makes their represented numbers below the overall population, but not radically so…

Albanian bulling and attacks combined with the NATO’s indifference forced them to leave. Albanians can’t calm down and destroy Christian churches in the areas where there are no Serbs. If there were Serbs, Albanians would attack Serbs. Do you know that Serbian children from few Serbian enclaves can’t go to school if there are no NATO convoy accompanying them to school. But even NATO convoys do not prevent Albanians from attacks or throwing stones at school buses


The socialistic international includes social-democrats and other left parties of
the EU. The parties rule in the EU. So you can call them fascist as well alongside with Miloshevich’s party.

I called Milosevic a fascist, because he was one. I said nothing about his party, which finally dumped him after successive defeats for corruption. He used the mechanisms of state control to destroy all opposition, including drafting anti-war Serb college students into the Army…

And Muslim warlords did not terrorize anyone, just conducted humanitarian operations.

No one had EVER said that, for about the third time. If the Bosnian (or Croatian) Army have their wanted War criminals, they should be thrown into prison after a trail in front of the Hague…

But the Serbs had the power of a decomposing state behind them. It was Serbian warlords that inherited the Yugoslav weapons, and used them first…

By the way, Usama Ben Laden sponsored local Muslims troops and was granted Bosnian citizenship for that.

And US Pres. Ronald Reagan support Muslims like Bin Laden during the Soviet-Afghan War, even Bin Laden’s unit…

He also volunteered to lead a Jihad against Saddam Hussein after he invaded Kuwait in 1990!

BTW, the involvement of the Islamic fanatics was one of the biggest justifications of NATO’s involvement, to cut them off and prevent radicalization based on abandonment by the West to the tyrannies of the Armies of the Serb Orthodox pricks…

The Serbskaja Krajina created in Bosnia was the state with its own president, government and armed forces. Miloshevich was president of Yugoslavia made up of Serbia and Monte Negro. He wasn’t member of the government of Serbskaja Krajina.

Who supported the Warlords and prevented the Bosnians from acquiring the Weapons from state arsenals, dismissing their army reserve units and disbanding all predominately Muslim or Catholic Croat Yugoslav Army units… BTW, the Yugoslavian Army was an active participant in all the resulting Wars…

He faced the pressure from two sides: from the Serbs of Yugoslavia who demanded to give support to Serbs in and the West demanding the opposite.

Misloshevich’s relation to the war in Bosnia was limited to letting Serbian volonteers from Yugoslavia to take part in the war as well as transferring some armaments and ammunition to Bosnian Serbs before sanctions were imposed. If Milsoshevich hadn’t done it he would have been removed from power then.

A complete load of crap! Regular units of the Yugoslav Army entered and also were used as advisers. They provided weapons to the Serb militias that had a clear advantage in armor, artillery, aircraft, and of overall firepower.

This negated the one Bosnian advantage of infantry strength. When the Bosnians managed to acquire armor, along with NATO air strikes (largely in response to the Serbs taking NATO troops hostage and using them as Human Shields), that’s when the end came…

It was Miloshevich who forced Serbs in Bosnia to lay down their arms. It is funny that this former communistic bureaucrat who collaborated with the West and betrayed Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo, is called a fascist by brainwashed westerners.

It was Milosevic that realized that they could no longer fight a resurgent Bosnian Army getting heavy weapons, and pressure from NATO air forces. Nothing more than a cynical attempt to keep power and to get the best deal he could…

His destiny is very hortative. He has betrayed Serbs many times to please the
US but it did not save him from being arrested and death in prison. In the meanwhile the leaders of Serbska Krajina who did not betray their people are still alive and at large.

LMAFO! The Serb bastard leaders betrayed their own people in the sickeningly 19th century bloodfued goal of building a “Greater Serbia.”


What money? Ask any Croat whether he or she wants the Croation state to be formed in Bosnia. It was the Croatian goal while fightings in Bosnia took place. The goal of Muslim was to keep Bosnia in one piece.
You just avoid answering why Serbs and Croats are not allowed to form their separate states in Bosnia while Albanians are allowed.

The Serbs and Croats already have states! Of course then, perhaps Muslim and Croats in Serbia could for their own states there then?

BTW, “by your logic,” the Ukraine should have been made a de facto part of Russia by now since the minority of Russians obviously feel their rights will be violated under the orange state…

Secularized modern European welfare state?

I see the country that is still directly run by foreign administration made up mainly from the US and EU bureaucrats and that exists as one piece only due to NATO troops is on the way to become secularized modern European welfare state. Or perhaps it is a prototype of building future secularized modern European welfare states in other parts of Europe?

It’s run by the elected representatives of the Bosnian gov’t. Everything else is your opinion brandished as fact…

And the financial donations to local Muslims are made from outside. It resembles the case with Palestine that exists only on foreign Islamic donations.

You mean Serbia doesn’t “donate” to it’s own population? There were Serbs in the US that “donated” to their families in Yugoslavia during the Wars. So what?

And Palestine (as Israel) receives far more US money that it does “Islamic.” :rolleyes:

Strangely enough the massive fleeing of Albanians started when Americans started to bomb Kosovo. besides there were numerous reports when UCK forced civilian Albanians to leave Kosovo in order to accieve their PR goals about the genocide of Albanians that turned out to be a fake and the fairy tales about this genocide of Albanians is not repeated even by the Western Mass Medias any longer.

Egorka gave statistics in the thread about Kosovo that were removed by you. That statistics showed that the number of civilians killed by American bombing is close to the figure of all the civilian and military Albanian losses inflicted by Serbs for years of activities of albanian UCK

You closed the thread Egorka asked why

You murmured something indistict and then deleted it

And now you start to troll about Joseph Goebbels. Very smart.

Genocide was never the Serbian goal, ethnic cleansing was. In fact, the more hideous aspects of the Serbian gov’t instances and polices of state terror have largely been hidden from the population. Obviously, most Serbs would not have supported rounding up people and gassing them…

But there were eyewitness testimonies of attacks, given freely by Albanian civilians with no KLA guns to their heads, while in the relative safety of Albania…

Bodies were found, and people were killed extra-judicially. Just not on the scale previously believed. And the KLA never would have had the power to force out their entire population, certainly not if the Serb security forces prevented them…

Egorka gave statistics in the thread about Kosovo that were removed by you. That statistics showed that the number of civilians killed by American bombing is close to the figure of all the civilian and military Albanian losses inflicted by Serbs for years of activities of albanian UCK

He can give those figures here again…

But even if it is true, that’s only because the expectations of the massacres were higher and because the Albanians were exposed as they drove out…

You closed the thread Egorka asked why


You murmured something indistict and then deleted it

And now you start to troll about Joseph Goebbels. Very smart.

I didn’t close his thread; But I concur with the other mods that he was just flaming on a nationalist bent using one-sided and biased information…

And if I’m the “Goebbels” here, then ask Egorka, Chevan, Sneakskie, and that twit Jasa, why I defended the right of Ukrainians to mourn their dead and be free of Russian intransigence. And was nearly banned for it!:

At least I’m consistent! You nationalist, white-supremacist clown!

It’s about basic right and wrong; not about who’s a Slav-brother, Muslim, Irish-Catholic, Jewish, or from a NATO country!

Oh, yeah. I guess the entire country side was depopulated by Albanians in 1998 how?

You see it was depopulated when the Americans started their air attacks. probably you don’t guess but it is not safe to be in a comparatively small area bombed by a significant part of the NATO air forces

Um, the Serbs are a minority, by a wide margin. They never comprised more than 10% of the region, which they still are today. BTW, over 6% of the Kosovo police service is Serb, which makes their represented numbers below the overall population, but not radically so…

Serbs were the absolute majotity at the beginng of the XX century, they were turned into minorinity during and after WWII.

I called Milosevic a fascist, because he was one. I said nothing about his party, which finally dumped him after successive defeats for corruption. He used the mechanisms of state control to destroy all opposition, including drafting anti-war Serb college students into the Army…

Corruption and struggling against opposition is charcteristic for nearly each state.
You see any state will start mobilization if it is faces the threat of foreign invasion. So don’t troll

Who supported the Warlords and prevented the Bosnians from acquiring the Weapons from state arsenals, dismissing their army reserve units and disbanding all predominately Muslim or Catholic Croat Yugoslav Army units… BTW, the Yugoslavian Army was an active participant in all the resulting Wars…

If Bosnians did not acquire anything from the Yugoslavian Army arsenal there would be no war. Serrbs would have just seized the whole Bosnia within a few days.

A complete load of crap! Regular units of the Yugoslav Army entered and also were used as advisers. They provided weapons to the Serb militias that had a clear advantage in armor, artillery, aircraft, and of overall firepower.

Nothing of the sort they were volonteers who came to fight for Bosnian Serbs just like Russians, Romainians, Greeks etc.

LMAFO! The Serb bastard leaders betrayed their own people in the sickeningly 19th century bloodfued goal of building a “Greater Serbia.”

You see if they had acted like you want them to act there would be no Serbia at all, neither greater nor smaller.

There were eyewitness testimonies of attacks of Albanian terrorists on Serbian civilians before the arrival of NATO forces and after it. The 90 % of Serbs fled Kosovo as a result of ethnic cleansing conducted by Albanians.

So you are right
“the more hideous aspects of the Albanian gov’t instances and polices of state terror have largely been hidden.”

But even if it is true, that’s only because the expectations of the massacres were higher and because the Albanians were exposed as they drove out…

OK let’s act out of somebody’s expectations and assumptions.

Bloody hell! The process began before that. Quite clearly, it intensified during the bombing, but largely at behest of a Serb extortion and “punishment” of the Kosovars. Essentially using their suffering to “punish” them, and NATO politically. A very cynical, sickening policy actually. But spare me the “they left because NATO was bombing them” trash. It’s beyond silly…

Serbs were the absolute majotity at the beginng of the XX century, they were turned into minorinity during and after WWII.

Forty-years before the wars were fought you mean…

Well, then I guess Islamic lunatics can say the same thing about Israel now, then?

Corruption and struggling against opposition is charcteristic for nearly each state.
You see any state will start mobilization if it is faces the threat of foreign invasion. So don’t troll

Milosovec was nothing more than a cynical gangster that began his career in the 1980s and rose to power based on his largely imaginary rantings of a conspiratorial Muslim and Catholic plot that didn’t exist…

In short, he turned people into everything that they were supposed to fear. Ruthless killers…

If Bosnians did not acquire anything from the Yugoslavian Army arsenal there would be no war. Serrbs would have just seized the whole Bosnia within a few days.

There was no “war” until the Serbian pogroms started…

If the Bosnians had been properly armed, they would have destroyed the Serbian forces wholesale since they outnumbered them substantially!

Spare me the semantics, I know what went on. I was on the NATO side. :slight_smile:

Nothing of the sort they were volonteers who came to fight for Bosnian Serbs just like Russians, Romainians, Greeks etc.

Or the Chinese “volunteers” in the Korean War…

You see if they had acted like you want them to act there would be no Serbia at all, neither greater nor smaller.

LMFAO! Again, the martyr complex. No one wanted anything in what was historically Serbia, it was the other way around…

Feel free how NATO, or anyone else, has occupied the Yugoslavian designated Serbian nation…

And there were eyewitness testimonies of Serb security forces supporting militias in their attacks on Kosovar civilians. In retaliation or otherwise.

And NATO never directly supported the KLA, they were disarmed after the conflict and replaced with a legitimate police force designed to represent the community…

So you are right
“the more hideous aspects of the Albanian gov’t instances and polices of state terror have largely been hidden.”

Hidden from who?

OK let’s act out of somebody’s expectations and assumptions.


That Albanian just expressed Albanian point of view. You advocates Albanians here and did not let an Albanian express his view just because it did not fit notions about Albanians as poor and innocent victims of Serbs. Besides Egorka gave accurate statistics that American air strikes killed more civilians that Serbs when fighting terrorists and drug dealers from UCK.

And if I’m the “Goebbels” here, then ask Egorka, Chevan, Sneakskie, and that twit Jasa, why I defended the right of Ukrainians to mourn their dead and be free of Russian intransigence. And was nearly banned for it!:

You defended? I haven’t come across that extent of cretinism yet.

The mourning of dead is one of few things that can’t be taken away or given. It is like the right of somebody to feel pain when he was cut with a knife. What you defended? And you dare to call it your desert?

What you defend is the the world order under which Ukrainains can only mourn their dead and die out. And if they try to change something then all the NATO air forces will be bombing Ukraine, quite probably with the air forces of the Russian federation, if its regime is not eradicated there.

And was nearly banned for it

No one was banned on the issue. Quite different situation would be if the discussion concerned the murders of jews during WWII.

At least I’m consistent! You nationalist, white-supremacist clown!

You are consistent in closing threads without reasons, organizing their mysterious dissapearance, don’t let persons to express their views.

Apart from it you just make personal insults to provoke me. But clowns like you can hardly attain it.

It’s about basic right and wrong; not about who’s a Slav-brother, Muslim, Irish-Catholic, Jewish, or from a NATO country!

Basic right and wrong? Who are you to dictate what is right and wrong, what is good and what is bad for everyone? I just express my opinion, you claim that you speak on behalf universal truth. You are messiah or what?

It is the totalitarian principle of modern world order to impose one outlook, one right and wrong concept, one way, one economic and political system for everyone.

In the situation with the Balkans basic rights and wrongs for every local are dictated by American presidents and bureaucrats who mistake Slovakia for Slovenia and always fail to utter or stumble when they try to pronounce local Slavic geographical names correctly.

[QUOTE=Nickdfresh;123512]And there were eyewitness testimonies of Serb security forces supporting militias in their attacks on Kosovar civilians. In retaliation or otherwise.

There were eyewitness testimonies of UCK terrorists attacking Serbian civilians before and afetr the arrival of the NATO troops.

And NATO never directly supported the KLA, they were disarmed after the conflict and replaced with a legitimate police force designed to represent the community…

It is rediculous. Albanian UCK fully cooperated with NATO. Where did they get weapon? They were allowed to smuggle it by NATO forces that were stationed along Albania-Serbian border preparing for invasion. "A legitimate police force " is made up of the same UCK members, without any Serbs. They were disarmed? Or perhaps there was the transfer of weapon from the UCK to th sae UCK under the new title "A legitimate police force ".

There are lots of footages where people with UCK emblems and uniformes present in the NATO bases in Albania before the invasion.

And what was criminal there.

It is the way of fighting with partisans. Do you realise that the US troops act the same way in Iraq. Considering the extent of he conflict Americans killed in hundreds of times more civilians in Iraq and continue killing them.

Albanian terrorists from so-called Kosovo Liberation Army sold captivated alive Serbs as donors of organs

The process became massive when the bombings started.

But spare me the “they left because NATO was bombing them” trash.

You mean the civilan population should feel well and safe when they are bombed by all the NATO air forces located in Europe and part of them located in the US and don’t try to flee that area? You imply that those bombings were rediculous trifles like some rain.

Serb extortion and “punishment” of the Kosovars

It is your fantasies. You invented it on the spot. You have no proofs for that

Milosovec was nothing more than a cynical gangster that began his career in the 1980s and rose to power based on his largely imaginary rantings of a conspiratorial Muslim and Catholic plot that didn’t exist…

In short, he turned people into everything that they were supposed to fear. Ruthless killers…

He was a mere bureaucrat, he could not turn anyone. No one will believe you that ordinary Serbs and Serbian officials would just watch how Serbian population was purged by Muslims and let Miloshevich stayed in power doing nothing then.

There was no “war” until the Serbian pogroms started…

Pogroms were of mutual character.

If the Bosnians had been properly armed, they would have destroyed the Serbian forces wholesale since they outnumbered them substantially!

But they were armed and it demolishes your argument that they did not get anything after the collapse of the old Yugoslavian Army

Spare me the semantics, I know what went on. I was on the NATO side. :slight_smile:

So you are related to unpanished killings of the civilians by NATO air raids. It is you who are the war criminal. You should be imprisoned or executed.

The US does not recognise the jurisdiction of International courts on the war crime that Americans set up for other nations. Cause the American “brave” military killers of defenseless civilians who teach others about “basic right and wrong” are the main war criminals who feel safe and never suffer from pangs of remorse.

Or the Chinese “volunteers” in the Korean War…

You mean Chinese volonteers went to Korean war paying for their travel expenses on their own and faced the prospects to be arrested upon returning to China as the members of foreign armed units.

The Albanian “point of view” was most of the population…

And “American” air strikes killed far fewer than then the village massacres. Funny how you’ve previously said the number was roughly equal, and now the NATO air strikes exceed the numbers murdered by Serb forces…

You defended? I haven’t come across that extent of cretinism yet.

The mourning of dead is one of few things that can’t be taken away or given. It is like the right of somebody to feel pain when he was cut with a knife. What you defended? And you dare to call it your desert?

I doubt you feel any pain at all…

What you defend is the the world order under which Ukrainains can only mourn their dead and die out. And if they try to change something then all the NATO air forces will be bombing Ukraine, quite probably with the air forces of the Russian federation, if its regime is not eradicated there.

LOL Are you really this ignorant, or are you just a ‘false-flag’ troll?

No one was banned on the issue. Quite different situation would be if the discussion concerned the murders of jews during WWII.

Um, no one was banned on that discussion in the thread also, genius…

You are consistent in closing threads without reasons, organizing their mysterious dissapearance, don’t let persons to express their views.

Please show each thread I’ve closed…

Apart from it you just make personal insults to provoke me. But clowns like you can hardly attain it.


Basic right and wrong? Who are you to dictate what is right and wrong, what is good and what is bad for everyone? I just express my opinion, you claim that you speak on behalf universal truth. You are messiah or what?

I am a messiah actually!

It is the totalitarian principle of modern world order to impose one outlook, one right and wrong concept, one way, one economic and political system for everyone.

In the situation with the Balkans basic rights and wrongs for every local are dictated by American presidents and bureaucrats who mistake Slovakia for Slovenia and always fail to utter or stumble when they try to pronounce local Slavic geographical names correctly.

Sorry, we didn’t mean to interfere with the Slavic tribal, blood feud murder-festival. But since NATO has made so much money from the heroin the KLA provided us, we couldn’t resist!


There were eyewitness testimonies of UCK terrorists attacking Serbian civilians before and afetr the arrival of the NATO troops.

And the Serbian Army and police were doing what?

It is rediculous. Albanian UCK fully cooperated with NATO. Where did they get weapon? They were allowed to smuggle it by NATO forces that were stationed along Albania-Serbian border preparing for invasion. "A legitimate police force " is made up of the same UCK members, without any Serbs. They were disarmed? Or perhaps there was the transfer of weapon from the UCK to th sae UCK under the new title "A legitimate police force ".

Um, the KLA already had most of their weapons, which consisted mostly of Yugoslav sourced small arms.

And the “UCK” police force has “6%” Serbs in its ranks. Feel free to actually prove your idiotic statements with some actual proof for once. Or will Eroka provide a link at a later date?

There are lots of footages where people with UCK emblems and uniformes present in the NATO bases in Albania before the invasion.

Feel free to provide such a footages…

And what was criminal there.

It is the way of fighting with partisans. Do you realise that the US troops act the same way in Iraq. Considering the extent of he conflict Americans killed in hundreds of times more civilians in Iraq and continue killing them.

Um, so you admit that Serbs were invading a foreign country? Good! We’ve made progress. Do American troops “act the same way” in Iraq? Doubtful. There are some nasty instances of US troops and their commanders disgracing their uniform. But not nearly the the comparative scale as most of the Iraq dead (600,000+) are actually mostly due to the low level civil war of Iraqis. US troops have actually faced military justice for excesses in Iraq, and despite some of the appalling behaviors, there have been US troops tried for human rights abuses by their own…