The Battle of Barking Creek - British Forces | Gallery

The Battle of Barking Creek

Pilot Montague Hulton-Harrop ,seated on the left. It was on the third day of the war, 6th September 1939, that the "Battle of Barking Creek" took place. The first fighter pilot to be killed in WWII died here after taking off from North Weald. He is buried in the local parish churchyard. The story is found here:

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After an early morning air raid alert a squadron of Hurricanes took of from North Weald. These were followed by two reserve Hurricanes. But something went terribly wrong. The two reserves were identified as enemy aircraft and Spitfires from Hornchurch were ordered to attack them. Both were shot down. Montague Hulton-Harrop was killed, the other pilot, Frank Rose, survived. The pilot who fired the fatal shot was John Freeborn. The exact story of what happened in the "Battle of Barking Creek" may never be known. Even the origin of the name is obscure, as it did not take place above Barking Creek. Hulton-Harrop is seated on left, Rose is extreme right standing.