The battle of Kursk

The german’s objective is very simple, which is to attack Kursk in two directions (from north and from the south) with their newest king tiger tank. The soviet knew their tank is not powerful enough to penatrate king tiger armour, so they let their tank rush to German tank and ask for close range combat. The German tank are quickly defeated as they are encircled by Soviet tank, german tank did counter attack, but their cannon would just deflected off the slope-armour T-34 (thus create minimal damage). Both side have heavy caualites, but the soviets are able to replace 5 tanks for every german, which eventually the soviet has repelled the german attack, is that correct?

The King Tiger was not used in the battle of Kursk. Just the regualar Tiger tank. The King Tiger was mostly used on the Western front. Dont think it came out untill mid to late 44

The King Tiger was not used in the battle of Kursk. Just the regualar Tiger tank. The King Tiger was mostly used on the Western front. Dont think it came out untill mid to late 44[/quote]
thanks for that, but other than that, do you think i am right about the battle of kursk?

The battle of Kursk was pretty even. Neither side really won. However the Germans couldnt afford the losses they sustained. After this the Germans didnt launch any major offensives on the Eastern Front.

Main advantage Т-34 in Kursk fight was speed. It confirm set of the facts and memoirs of tankmen. The main opportunity to win German Tigers consist in as soon as possible to break forward and to set a shell in a lateral part of the fascist tank. As a whole, here there is nothing to speak. Two huge monsters were linked in fight. Everyone had advantages and lacks. We have appeared more strongly and more cleverly:) again it is a pity, that I cannot transfer you the most interesting documentary films about tank parts of the USSR and fascist Germany… :frowning:
I even have small a videofile, with approach of Russian tank army together with planes! The tremendous staff! Planes fly only in several meters above the ground. And it seems that will fall. These are fighters.

that would be so great if i can see the video file

You can tell to me the E-mail? In a forum I cannot attach files to the letter.

Maybe you can send it to the admin and he can add it to the site.

I already spoke him about this. We look forward to hearing :slight_smile:

Great, I look forward to seeing it.

I did hear that 100.000 people died in one day of fighting at the battle of Kursk. It was also the largest tank battle ever.

this is no big deal when it compares to ancient chinese war
400,000 soldiers are encircled by 500,000 soldiers and was forced to surrender, the winning side thought it would be hard and risky to held so many prisoners, the general then decided to bury all 400,000 captures alive (captures cant really cause any resistent, they have went at least 7 days without food or water)

one kingdom has conquered most of the northen china and lead a 800,000 soldiers south and want to conquer the south as well. unluckily, the south side has really bright generals, they are able to burn all ships from the north side and cause over 500,000 soldiers death in one day. after this, the north side has not enough power to have such a big operation for at least 50 years

who can tell me whether my description to the war is right or not?

If your talking about the Chinese thing might be best to start a new topic in Off Topic. :smiley:

If your talking about the Chinese thing might be best to start a new topic in Off Topic. :D[/quote]
nah, my question is who can tell me whether my description to the war of kursk is right or not?

i am very sure that my description to those chinese war are right

After the debacle at Stalingrad, the German high command was split on how to continue the war in 1943. Most of the top generals, including Guderian and Manstein, did not want to conduct a major offensive. Tactical experience had shown a much better chance of success by using a mobile defense and setting traps for the Russians. In this way they could compensate for being outnumbered. A minority of opinion, led by General Kurt Zeitzler, wanted to employ the new Panthers, Tigers and Ferdinands to break through the Kursk bulge and threaten Moscow from the south. Hitler didn’t know what to do. While they were waiting for shipments of the new tanks to arrive, Guderian advised him “Why do we want to attack at all in the east this year?” Hitler agreed with him.
However, as May approached, Zeitzler changed Manstein’s mind, and got the operational orders changed. Hitler shrugged his shoulders.
The Russian spy network, including ‘Lucy’ in Switzerland, knew all about
the German plans. They built a 60-mile deep layer of defenses, including
mutually-supporting anti-tank gun emplacements called ‘pak-fronts’.
Millions of mines, hundreds of tanks and hundreds of thousands of troops
packed into a relatively small area. The day before the assault began, the Red Army artillery zeroed in on the staging areas for the Panzers, wiping out many tanks. This should have tipped off the Germans to forget it.
Instead, they attacked as scheduled. Many of the new Panthers and Ferdinands broke down even before they could get to the jump-off points.
Then they learned that the Ferdinands, which didn’t have machine guns, were vulnerable to Russian infantry. The Germans did not have control of the air, so many tanks were lost to strafing and bombing.
The attack in the north was stopped at Ponyri, and never got very far.
The attack in the south was much bigger, and continued to penetrate further and further, but with dimmishing results each day. Finally, they ran into the 5th Guards Tank Army at Prokhorovka. Although the Germans destroyed more tanks that the Russians, tactically the Germans were stopped.
The Germans were stubbornly going to try another attack, but meanwhile Hitler had gotten news of the Allied invasion in Sicily. A new
front had opened, and troops had to be diverted to man it. Hitler cancelled any further attacks at Kursk, and the depleted panzer forces began to withdraw to defensive positions. While the Russians had significant forces in reserve after the battle, the Germans were bled
white. The way had been cleared for a continuous Red Army offensive for the rest of the war.

total tanks : 3,253 german, 7,360 russians

soviet air sorties accounted for 5.7% of german tank losses.

losses for kursk: 55,000 german causalites, 177,000 russian causalties

tank losses: 300 destroyed german tanks 1614 destroyed russian tanks

damaged tanks: 1,612 damaged german tanks, 2,700 damaged russian tanks.

these figures are from the new kursk book by glantz and house.

these stats are from recently released soviet/german archives.

this book is considered the most accurate book on kursk.

kursk is a german tactical victory, but strategic failure. it stiled offensive operations for good due to lost tanks. russia had triple the tank production then germany and had anglo-american lend lease to make up for losses.

a lot of german damaged tanks were from minefields, and swift recovery took time off the advance.

contrary to popular belief, the elefant was a success in its role: as an overwatch panzer. it remained at a long distance from the enemy. figures indicate that the elephant had 10 to 1 kill ratio against soviet armor.

Wow, the Germans trippled their kills of the Russians.
The Germans were pretty strategic though flanking the Russians.