The Battle of the Atlantic

An epic struggle between the German Navy and mostly the RN and Canadian Navies, with the US Navy joining in Spring 1941 in an undeclared war.

This became a technological war with many enhancements and inventions on both sides.

A good grounding is here.

you were about to give a reference.

my heroes of this epic range from the guy who ran the final stage of ASW training for ASW warships, for the RN.

the guy who came up with the Escort groups idea for the RN, Walker ? I think.

And, an ordinary enough RNVR (but Australian) ships officer - Michael Thwaites - whose ‘Atlantic Odyssey’ is worth a read, he was on AS Trawlers, and only later ran a corvette.

He’d gone to Oxbridge as a Rhodes’ Scholar.

Click on the cunningly subtly shaded word ‘here’ at the end of the post.

Tah Firefly,

I was not aware of it in the BBC ‘site heirarchy’ - wonderful.

JBTW the guy I mentioned, Michael Thwaites was also the commander of HMS Guillemot - when Monsarrat was on it as his number 1!

Did I mention that he was also the case officer (within ASIO) for the Petrov Affair? In the 1950’s here, big issue.