who do you think was the best president in the history,and why?.

the best president for me,is Franklin Roosevelt,and all the democrat presidents in USA,they helped a lot to the usa,the republicans Fucked USA,like george bush,the republicans are shit,i dk why they vote them,when the democrats we´re better in all the history.
Bill Clinton was a great president too.

im not american,so,i can´t vote us presidents,.but i recognize that the democrats were the best presidents in the world (the humans aren´t perfects,and in the democrat party there we´re errors too).
it´s only MY opinion.

The best presidents of argentina was Juan Domingo Peron.

yeah i would say Franklin Roosevelt as well

Best President of the world? Has to be Nelson Mandela!!!

Oh,i forget him,he was good too,but im very yankee this days,yankee,kraut and argie.

bush is ok i mean he is an ok president but i thank his father was better

excuse me,why do you think he´s ok?.

just wanted to know the reasons.

not in an agressive form,only because im a democrat :smiley:

well i thank he is ok because he has not done anythang that i thank is wrong . but the only real thang i got aginst him is that we are still in this war. i really thank our troops should have been pulled out of iraq all thats happening is we are losing men. there is nothing left for us to do over there. i agreed with the war when the towers where hit and we first went into the war but now we are just wasting the lives of our men and wemon out there.

IMHO his first mistake was to start the war against the wrong enemy.

You have to rate Bush 2, he commited forces into Iraq not because of the World Trade Centre attack( in which Iraq had no part) but because of Saddams alledged WMD capability.
Two years on and no WMD’s but the link between 9/11 and the war in Iraq has been established in the American psyche inspite of the fact that Iraq had no links to OBL. Osama is hiding somewere but it deffinetly is’nt in Iraq. The Bush 2 administation have taken spin to a new level. Who needs facts when you have Fox News, Sean Hennity, Bill O’Rilley and Rush to create a GOP comfort zone.
As for the UK’s involvement our only excuse is that our prime minister is a knob with an ineffective opposition.
Before you ask, yes I have been drinking

Well…I somewhat agree. Lets not forget L.B. Johnson was a Democrat and responsible for the escalation in Vietnam. Dont forget one of the most celebrated presidents was Abraham Lincoln and a Republican. But IMO the Democrats seem to have done a better job.

you´re true largebrew,the president of my country is an ass :lol:

You forgot to mention his unnecesarily ugly wife. She’s got nothing to do with us being there, but it’s always worth mentioning her ugliness.

Drinking on a monday afternoon - seniors to the mess for lunch?

You forgot to mention his unnecesarily ugly wife. She’s got nothing to do with us being there, but it’s always worth mentioning her ugliness.[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You forgot to mention his unnecesarily ugly wife. She’s got nothing to do with us being there, but it’s always worth mentioning her ugliness.

Drinking on a monday afternoon - seniors to the mess for lunch?[/quote]

Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day!. I think thats worse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I try not to think of Ms Blair in fact I’ve heard that if you say her name three times she will appear on your doorstep to represent your kids in a bedtime/breech of human rights case.

What time zone is this site hosted in, my last post was timed at 10.54pm Sunday, I accually posted between 04-05.00 Monday.

Not quite sure where all this admiration for Democrat presidents is coming from. They’ve had a few good ones (actually, I only really rate FDR and Truman as good presidents - probably in the entire history of the democratic party actually). They’ve also had their fair share of walking disasters - Kennedy, LBJ and Carter all fall into this category.
The Republicans have had quite a few mediocre presidents, but also some superb ones. Lincoln, Eisenhower and Reagan spring to mind as great men who did great things.

The democrats rules,i have a cousin who lives with his girl in new york,and he said told me the differences from the governments,and i find the democrats the future of the usa.
just compare clinton and bush.I dk much about them,but my cousin know a lot (he´s american!) and he explained me,the republicans are very militarist,but they don´t see that it´s more important the people:
ex: Roosevelt wasn´t militarist,before entering the war,his nation was building refrigerators!,but,the people lived good,and had great education,and the industries were in good level,so,when the war started,that industrial beast (USA) builded in masses stuff for the war,with their factories and people with high culture.I don´t like Truman,he just send the nuke (you rate that guys…,im not against or in favour of that)

I don´t think that could happen with the republicans.

You forgot to mention his unnecesarily ugly wife. She’s got nothing to do with us being there, but it’s always worth mentioning her ugliness.

Drinking on a monday afternoon - seniors to the mess for lunch?[/quote]

Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day! Margret Thatcher on a cold day!. I think thats worse. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:[/quote]

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: ,the devil

Kennedy and Carter??? Kennedy wasnt the greatest but did a pretty good job IMO. I could see why you would say Carter. Most really dont know that he was probably one of our best presidents. However he was plagued with an unforunate series of events.

Reagan…lol…probably one of the laziest presidents we’ve had. Although he did help to bring the end of the Cold War.

Oh for feck’s sake now I’ve got this mental picture of Maggie Thatcher with nipples rampant stuck in my head, the horror,the horror.