The bible Code- Is it Real ?

G’day everyone,
recently i have been watching documentries on the Bible Code and past and future predictions, now being a christian myself I believe in it.
I just wanted to see what you think of it 8) 8)

A load of old Tosh!

For a start the Bible you read isnt even in the same language it was originally written in.

Crop Circles anyone?

Makes Erik von Daniken look convincing!

I don’t know I think if the crap they say happens in 2012 like the major earthquake and I think doomsday then hey maybe you’ve convinced me. I think looking through a text that large you are bound to find such things.

Excellent observation, i agree entirely…

It’s called “data mining”

If the Bible was infact a giant hidden word puzzle you would need the original text. Mind you I had a quick shufftie and found that apparantly, the end of the world will be signalled by a trumpet blast played by Lord Lucan while riding sheagar out of a flying saucer piloted by Elvis. So you just never know there may be somthing in all this.

I believe its all junk. No secret message. If you want to know whats going to happen at the end of the world read Revelations, it doesnt tell you when or anything, just how its going to happen.

excuse me,im christian,but i speak spanish,i can´t talk much of religion in another languague,what is the bible code?,if you translate it,to spanish,it says el codigo de la biblia,maybe you talk about los mandamientos de la biblia (commandments/orders of the bible).

i guess that.

apologizes again

I watched it with my parents and they are unsure about it, they think someone is trying to make money making up lies about prophecies,…do we really know ?

If you ask me, you have to find the original bible in its original language, not the English King James version, that Bible is way too moded if you ask me… Silly English, when will they learn :stuck_out_tongue:

If jesus were to have had a wife or child, the Apostles would have mentioned it in their writtings. There is no evidence whatsoever that this is true. In fact, he was so devoted to God that it is ridiculous to think that jesus was anything but celebate. Afterall, the Bible states: “A man who marries is well off, but a man who marries not is better off.”

Personally, the whole idea is just a subject for a book, and those who promote it as the truth are either misunderstanding Jesus’s devotion or looking to undermine Christianity.

if you wanted to read the un-edited Bible, you have to be able to speak Classical Greek (the language STILL used in the Orthodox Church)

alas, if you want to know about the prophecies read the Book of Relevations (one of the extended books of the Bible)

I’ll give you a quick run down on some prophecies before the Anti-Christ

Russia will have its Tsars (Royal Family) back

Constantinople will not be part of the Turkey anymore and will be the capital Orthodox city (most likely to be part of Greece again and it’ll be something like the Vatican)

Hagia Sophia [located in Instanbul] (the mother Church of all the Christian Churches, including Catholics, Protestants etc etc) will once again be a Orthodox Church

the Jews and the Muslims will have a massive war resulting in the extermination of Muslims

when the Jews kill off the Muslims, the Jews will rebuild King Solomons temple (the only part remaining is that wailing wall where the Jews pray)

Once King Solomons temple is rebuilt, the Jewish ‘Messiah’ will be born (the Jews dont believe Jesus was the Messiah that God promised to send from above, so the Jews are still awaiting for their ‘Messiah’ to come) and this person that the Jews believe is the Son of God will actually be the Anti-Christ

Many people will believe the Anti-Christ is the second coming of Jesus that was prophecised,and alot of evil will be in the world with the Free Masons becoming one of the most powerful organisations (even more powerful then how they are now)

Then the real Christ will come to save the people that continue to believe in Jesus

Then the end of the world will come where trumpets are blown and every single person alive and dead will be lined up, at age 33 and will be individually judged by God

that is what i know of the prophecies, if anyone knows different, plz post it up

Your affirmation was based on what Minimalistix (check my bold)???
Might be useful to read some books…

Face it, before the Romans cut off from the Orthodox Church, it was the Mother Church of Christianity :stuck_out_tongue:

Here we go again :lol: :lol: :lol:

Edited: Following your logic, why then Orthodox Church had a Pope up to 1054 and after 1054 till nowadays don’t have a Pope???

Please ask my question mate! Or maybe you just starting to understand that you couldn’t talk about about the actual Orthodox Church as the only keeper of the old traditions!! Your logic started to spoil…

whats the difference between a Pope and the Arch-Bishop?, just two different names with the same roles

and how you’re saying it, you’re making it as if the Orthodox Church was created in 1054 and not the CATHOLIC Church

whether you like it or not, thats the facts, the Roman Church was first established in 1054

and even if the Roman Church was founded before Orthodoxy, how come in the Catholic Church they dont speak the traditional Church language of Classical Greek

Very traditional the Catholic Church is :roll: i also like how you guys distribute Holy Communion around the Church, just like how they did 1900 yrs ago :shock: :roll:

What is really the point in arguing around in Circles?

Do you all believe in God?

Are you all Christians?

Are the values the same?

If the answer to all 3 is yes, then you argue about doctrine and not practice.

Get some perspective guys.

Why would the traditional language of the Church in Rome be Greek? I’m fairly sure that Western Rites were carried out in Latin a long time before the schism. There is also no evidence to suggest that the Haggia Sophia has any claim to be older than any Roman church. Indeed it wouldn’t be founded until several centuries after the Empire was christianised and at the time of that conversion the capital was still Rome.

i said the original Churches all spoke classical Greek before the Western Romans broke off and created the Roman Church where they started speaking Latin instead of Classical Greek, and used the example before just as an example, as the Classical Greek language was the language originally used in the Churches for a 1000 yrs
(first bible written in Classical Greek)

and Hagia Sophia is 500 years older then any Catholic Church as the construction for it began in 532 and was completed 537, a whole 500 yrs before the Catholic Church was established…

now please tell me if im correct or not

now one simple question to you; do you honestly believe the Catholic Church is older then Orthodox Church?