The British Empire Conspiracy

Bismark? Did someone say Bismark??

Bismark knew the British game. By the 1890’s it was clear that the British hold on the British Empire was untenable. Britain did not have enough troops and resources to counter the rise of Germany, Russia or the United States. The British solution: If you can’t win the game, then turn over the chess board.

Bismark knew this.

Bismark wanted to forge an alliance between Germany, Russia and France. That would have been a winning combination against the British Empire.

Bismark knew that King Edward of England was trying to entice his nephews, the Kaiser and the Czar, to go to war against one another. Bismark told the Kaiser that he would resign if the Kaiser tried to go to war against either France or Russia.

The British Empire’s solution: Assassinate the French PM and get Bismark discredited and fired.

It worked, they got their War to End All Wars…and the Peace to End All Peace that followed.

PS. The British Empire also has a nasty habit of assassinating US Presidents: Lincoln, McKinley, an attempt on FDR…

Wooo! After that last post, I now am concerned someone might have slipped something psychedelic in the NYC water supply. I hope it wasn’t the Ashokan or Schoharie Reservoirs – the trout fishing might suffer…

They do put all sorts of stuff in the NYC water supply. That’s why I don’t drink it.

What’s wrong? Can’t take a little dose of Truth?

Nations, not Empires, are the only stable form of civilization.

My reaction was a response to your supposition about Britain precipitating assassination attempts of US Presidents. I know relatively little about Bismark and related intrigue, but let’s just say anything about you say about him has its credibility severely undercut by the rather silly comment concerning, say, Lincoln.

To suggest the British were “behind” his assassination is, to be kind, absurd. To keep things at their simplest and most large-scale: Britain had nothing to gain by killing Lincoln at that point in the war, and was more likely to suffer. British interest in, and motive for, supporting the South was tied primarily to “King Cotton.” But by the time Lincoln was killed, the war was basically over, and Lincoln’s death would only introduce the potential for additional and prolonged disruption of the cotton supply. The British are not stupid, and would know this. Especially since Lincoln had an attitude of reconciliation with the South, and would only have helped to rebuild trade.

Far from being “truth,” you seem to be dosing out conspiracy fantasies or delusions. In any case, this is a forum concerning WWII, not 19th century politics, so further discussion of Lincoln seems off-topic, and even Bismark’s connection seems rather tenuous and indirect at best. If you really wish to indulge in discussing your conspiracies, I suggest you go find a more welcoming forum, such as one dedicated to LaRouche’s ramblings. I think it is safe to say the people here are more interested in history that really happened.

I’ve never heard any sort of a conspiracy theory for a British intell. operation in killing Pres. Lincoln. The only popular conspiracy theory is that his own “Radical Republican” “Cabinet of Rivals” such as the then Sec. of War (Stinson?), supposedly or allegedly killed him in a plot to punish the South as they thought Lincoln was too soft and would not implement a proper “Reconstruction.”

But I would say that is unlikely as John Wilkes Booth was more likely the center of the conspiracy and he had been a long time operative in what we could call the Southern intelligence operation…

*The US Secretary of War during the American Civil War was Sec. Stanton…

What do you think the British Empire (British elite class) did on the day after Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1781?

They put the the United States on a death watch…and have been after us ever since. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s the truth.

Divide and conquer. One of the oldest tricks in the books. But there is another one less known: Gangs and Counter Gangs. What’s the best way to deal with an adversary? Get him to fight himself. Had the South been successful, then North and South would have been at each other’s throats for over 100 years.

Find out what a Green Back was. Lincoln saved the Union more through the Greenback that with any battle of the Civil War. Without the Greenback, the Union would not have been able to raise the necessary capital, borrow the money, to wage the war.

Who were tried, convicted and hung in the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln? The four key figures are: Lewis Powell (Paine), David Herold, George Atzerodt and Mary Surratt. Find out who they are, their associations with Southern Intelligence and their meetings with operatives (British agents?) in Canada.

Factor this in too: The Lincoln assassination was a decapitation strike. That night the Vice President and Secretary of State were also targeted. The attack against the Sec. State did not go off. Decapitation.

Now, do a little critical thinking: A decapitation strike is not the work of a ‘lone madman, disgruntled Civil War vet’. Full stop on that note.

Who had the means and the motive to put in place an operation of that complexity and vigor? Look at all the wheels in play all at once that night.

Ok, yes it is thin. But I see a hidden hand at work.

Mod note:

Thread separated due to off topic posting…

It should be separated for “off the fucking head” posting.

Trapp has been sowing the seeds of this conspiracy bullshit in various threads, with absurdly selective ‘evidence’.

I’ve been waiting for it to flower into a full blown nutty conspiracy theory, and here it has.

I expect that in the fullness of time Trapp’s ‘hidden hand’ will turn out to be Prince Charles on the grassy knoll, to assassinate the Catholic President threatening the British aristocracy’s interests in Ireland, supported by the CIA alarmed by the threat Boston Irish Catholics as represented by JFK posed to the WASP ascendancy in America. :rolleyes:

Yeah, and the Bloods and the Crips et al are all funded and controlled by MI6, which also ensures that America recruits and trains in its military people from the same gang backgrounds who are causing alarm to American security and law enforcement services as they are discharged from the services back to their gang backgrounds.

The proof for this continuing British manipulation of American gangs and the American military is that all America’s military leaders speak English and most have English names.

Personally, I believe it’s all due to the Catholic Church not maintaining its position that Galileo was crazy when he claimed that the earth revolved around the sun. Any idiot can see that the earth is flat and that the sun moves around it at the end of a really long cosmic stick called sunlight, and that the communists hate sunlight because it reveals their dark deeds so that North Korea is developing missiles to kill the sun and destroy all the people on the earth who like sunlight.


The proof is in the way the British elite class (British Empire) which lost nothing apart from much of a generation of the best and brightest in WWI goaded Germany and Japan into WWII, entirely without any American involvement in things such as embargoes on Japan, so that Britain could fight Germany alone for a couple of years while America made money by supplying war materiel to both sides, thus making the Japanese envious of and hostile to America because of the trade barriers the British forced America to impose on Japan, which caused Pearl Harbor about which Churchill had known for months but kept quiet so that America would be dragged into a war which had nothing to do with America or its presence in the Philippines or the Pacific or anywhere else.

The most cunning part of the British conspiracy was positioning the British Empire (and especially its elite class) so that it would destroy its economy, power and prestige by accruing vast war debt to America in defence of, among other things, American interests, and lose the British Empire in the process while America gained its own empire.

I can’t believe that America was so stupid as to fall for the British plan of destroying itself so that America could reign supreme as the ultimate aim of the British death watch on America conceived in 1781 and pursued remorselessly by Britain ever since.

Trapp’s posts have really opened my eyes to the centuries of despicable British scheming against America, which is clearly set out here:

It was especially clever of Britain to force America to get itself so indebted to China over the past couple of decades that America is going to spend its foreseeable future paying off that debt (while running it up even more), while China grows to rival or even surpass America as a Pacific military power to protect China’s trade routes to WalMart and the like.

Anyone who can’t see Britain’s Machiavellian hand in this is blind!

Personally, I support anyone who keeps Britain in the headlines on the world stage. After all, any publicity is good publicity. Obviously there are those that believe that Britain really matters in this world, which I find rather flattering. Similar accusations are emanating from Tehran at the moment.:slight_smile:

Something I read in the Spectator the other day, went something like " The more time we spend with like-minded people, the more extreme we become (sorry, almost wrote ‘come’ there)." That’s why I spend my spare time here. I don’t think there are any here of a like mind to moi! :lol:

p.s. Trap77, you’re not an Iranian mullah are you?

Trap 77

What an absolutely fascinating theory :shock:

BTW did we take out JFK ? oh and what about that go at old Ronnie - no, thinking about it, that can’t be down to the Brits, we would have made a proper job of it. :mrgreen:

Watch out for the hidden hand.



The British gov’t only had a “death pool” for an independent America for a relatively short time - in which case they thought their petchulent little colonists would come crying back into the empire after some negotiations. Then the British realized that they actually still had all of the economic benefits of commerce as the United States was dependent on them for trade without any of the cost of defending the colonies (as evidenced by the quick resolution of the War of 1812 in which no side really gave anything up at the bargaining table, because both wanted the War over and trade normalized). So while it was a political black-eye, in the end the British weren’t all that unhappy with the arrangement with the exception of the threat to Canada that the US potentially was…

A little problem with this, it would have taken weeks if not months for the news to get home.

Most of the British elite were on the rebels side in the early stages and most Whigs thought they had a point. It was the mass hangings of loyal subjects that got them upset later on. The British could never win in the colonies as had been shown on the battle field. The majority of battles/engagements that took place the rebels lost but they just recruited more farm boys or just rounded up the one who had run away the last time. When the French and Dutch joined in it was game over as the colonies were not that important, sorry if that burst your self important bubble but at that time the 13 states were not as important or profitable as other parts of the virgining empire (which was still small at that time, Spain was larger).

As for topping leaders we would have achieved more by removing the ones against us as opposed to the ones who we are related to. Assassination as government policy is a quick way to alienate friends and acquaintances, look up CIA and Castro.

Ha! I thought this would get the kind of response it did. Some people won’t see what is in front of their eyes and some will try to cloud the issue my throwing nonsense at it.

Is it really hard to see that the Banking Elite of the City of London still hold the world in a power grip? He who controls finance controls the world.

I do, however, stand corrected on one point. I used a little writer’s license when I wrote that the ‘next day’ after the British defeat at Yorktown the British Empire put the rebellious colonies on a death watch. Yes, news of the event would have taken many days to reach London.

The Goal of this elite is simple, and as old as human civilization: Global Domination

What was the conspiracy to kill JFK? The better question is, “Why?” The answer rests with JFK’s Executive Order 11110 which was to enable the US Government to once again start to issue currency, currency backed by silver in the US Treasury. Federal Reserve Notes are backed by nothing and are issued by the privately owned banks of the Federal Reserve.

He who controls the finance, controls the world.

There were at least two attempts on FDR’s life, one in Chicago before he was inaugurated and a second time came when the ‘Pension Army’ was camped in Washington DC during the Great Depression. Look to the testimony of Marine General Smedly Butler for a full account of the attempt to create a Fascist USA.

WWII and the financing of Hitler? Yes, old men sending young men out to die in a war; nothing new there, the meek inherit the World. By the 1930’s the British Empire had co-opted the USA and knew that the USA would enter the war on their side. All that was left was for the actors to take their place on the stage.

Who ended up ruling the world after May/August 1945? Ah yes, the Anglo-American Empire. Example: Anglo Persian Oil becomes Arab American Oil (ARAMCO) The Brits have the Finance Capital and the USA supplies the military braun. The German, Japanese and to a lesser extent, Russian Empires play a subservient roll to Anglo-America.

Oh, and let me not forget the assassination of McKinley. It was his assassination that has the most British Intel finger prints all over it.

The motive? Take away the last vestiges of the Spanish Empire in the Far East (Philippians) before the Germans figure out a way to take it for themselves. The Brits really did not want the Germans messing with their Far East trade. Simple solution: Have the US do their dirty work. McKinley said ‘NO’ but Mad TR, who’s Uncle was in Confederate Intelligence, had no problem with it.

All very interesting, but on the “he who controls the finance controls the world” theme, how do you explain the British conspiracy against America resulting in America under FDR abandoning the gold standard; America under Nixon repudiating the Bretton Woods agreement to advantage America in its deteriorating position vis a vis gold backed dollars; and America under Bush the Lesser invading Iraq when Iraq threatened America’s currency backed by oil instead of gold when Iraq decided to be paid for Iraqi oil in Euros rather than USD?

Exactly where is the hand of the London banking elite and the benefit to Britain in these steps, all of which were designed to benefit America; benefited only America; and were unilateral American actions in solely American interests?

And exactly how did these unilateral American actions to protect America’s interests result in benefits to Britain?

Only facts can stop you now!!!

Firstly, the London financial establishment is very clearly a distant second fiddle to Wall Street. The current economic recession/depression has shown that when the United States sneezes, the rest of the world gets a cold. There was talk of the UK regaining the lead prior to the world wide financial meltdown largely in reaction to the US “Housing Bubble,” but the current recession has shown that not to be the case any time soon…

Secondly, the whole JFK conspiracy mythology (which never included ANY hint of the British in any way being connected to it as the usual suspects are the US/Corsican organized crime, Cuban or Soviet intelligence, the CIA/FBI/LBJ etc. Never have the British ever been mentioned even in the wildest, bullshittiest conspiracy theories) is all crap and has largely been debunked with new science and more critical skeptics doing very good investigative work such as Gerald Posner, the Discovery Channel, and the people that performed the “Trial of Lee Harvey Oswald” thought experiment on British TV…

You can spout off in this thread all you want with fun-filled conspiracy stuff all you want. You can also post in WWII threads with verifiable facts and reasonable conjecture.

You however will not post conspiracy stuff within WWII threads. I hope I’ve made myself very clear on this…

You will see that I have only responded in WWII threads where the topic of British Imperial actions was wandered in to. Look at who financed Hitler and you will find the fingers of British Finance capital. Sometimes in politics, there is too much ‘information’ and the true issue gets clouded.


but on the “he who controls the finance controls the world” theme, how do you explain the British conspiracy against America resulting in America under FDR abandoning the gold standard; America under Nixon repudiating the Bretton Woods agreement to advantage America in its deteriorating position vis a vis gold backed dollars; and America under Bush the Lesser invading Iraq when Iraq threatened America’s currency backed by oil instead of gold when Iraq decided to be paid for Iraqi oil in Euros rather than USD?

Is it really far-fetched to say that a small group of elites who control the top banking firms of The City of London and Wall Street, actually control the world?

Perhaps I should call them ‘Offshore Bankers’, like the Pirates of old who did not have a country, the deck of their ship was their country.

Look at any major industrial operation, before the machines start to produce, the firms must first secure lines of credit. Who sets that financial policy?

Allow me a brief history discussion and then I will address the excellent question above.

The British Empire launched an attack against the USA in 1892. Yes, 1892. At that time US currency could be exchanged for either gold or silver from the US Treasury. The catch was that the gold and silver could not be taken out of the country. In 1892 the British banks exchanged their US dollars for gold and silver and kept the metal in their vaults. They did not need to spend it as they had income sources from other parts of the Empire.

This action resulted in an almost immediate credit crunch. Large scale industrial firms could not get the loans they needed because the US government did not have the metals to cover the paper. The effect was over 20% unemployment in the USA at a time when our factories should have been going full tilt to produce things to build this new nation.

By 1895 Grover Cleveland had to call the King in Britain and surrender. The British conditions: drop the National Bank and replace it with the privately owned Federal Reserve, under the control of JP Morgan (who was a British asset)

From that time on, the Banks create the US currency and loan it to the US Government at interest. Figure they take 2-3% off the top of every US dollar. Oh, and who’s portrait is in the $1000 Bill? Oh yes, Grover Cleveland.

So, how does this get us to Bretton Woods?

Well, up to the Bretton Woods system, all currencies of the world were pegged to the British Pound and the Pound was pegged to Gold. Good system except for one catch, in the aftermath of WWI the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, Winston Churchill, set the value of the Pound too high. The result was that in September 1931 the British defaulted on their gold payments and the real turmoil of the Great Depression went into high gear.

This leads us to Bretton Woods in New Hampshire in 1944. Under the agreement, the US Dollar would be fixed to an ounce of gold at $35 and the rest of the world would peg their currencies to the Dollar. Not a bad system, the US was a growing, strong, diversified and continental economy. The cost of a US postage stamp for first class stayed stable at 3 cents from 1933
to the late 50’s;a good indicator of the dollar’s ability to hold earned wealth income.

Then there was the outrageous deficits caused by Vietnam and the system came crashing down in the early '70’s under the weight of the debt spending. Oil also comes into play here too. With all oil in the world valued in Dollars, the Bankers of Wall Street,and also London with their Exchange, were able to skim close to 12% off the top of all Dollar to Oil purchases.

Ok, so this now brings us to the present day and the current world financial (Banker) Crisis. Oh, first do a little research and discover that the banks of the City of London surpassed Wall Street in the early 2000’s to become the world’s largest center of finance. London did this by removing just all restrictions on Reserve Ratios for banks. (hint: Derivatives)

The Dollar is in crisis, the Euro is in worse shape as the housing bubble in Europe was even larger than in the USA (UBS:bad news)

But, waiting in the wings is still the British Pound, thanks to George Soros who de-pegged the Pound from the German Mark in the early 90’s.

Crash the world financial system, destroy the United States of America through crushing debt, bring back the Pound as the ‘Savior’ and the Empire shall rise again.

Not a bad plan, actually.

(yes, this needs to be fleshed out more but I am too tired tonight to get into all of it)

So how did the London banks connive to get America embroiled in Vietnam and get OPEC to hold the world to ransom so that a couple of decades later the US could damage itself with the savings and loan debacle (presumably with the London banks pulling the strings) and then, America having learnt nothing from that, create the laughably titled ‘sub-prime’ mortgage disaster and the collateralised debt inventions disaster (again presumably with the London banks pulling the strings) which precipitated the global financial crisis?