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The Broniki Massacre

July 1, 1941: during the German advance through the western Ukraine soldiers of II. battalion/Infanterie-Regiment 35 (mot.), 6th/IR 119 (mot.) and 5th/Artillery-Regiment 60 were encircled by the counter-attacking 20th Armoured Division of the Red Army. The Germans surrendered after they used up all of their ammo supply. The surviving app. 180 Germans were forced to undress themselves, then their hands were tied upon their backs. Eventually all of them were stabbed (see left body in the photo), shot or blown up with bundles of hand grenades. The dead were recovered the next day by the recce battalion of the LAH. No leading Soviet officers were ever accused.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

ygg - since you seem to always be pissing and moaning in any photo featuring dead Germans murdered by captors and such, I might turn your question around and ask: How many Germans were actually tried for war-crimes?

The answer is of course only a small percentage of those that perpetrated them. For instance, in the massacres of Western Allied POWs carried out by the SS, only a handful of men were convicted and served a meaningful sentence. In the La Paradis massacre for instance, ONLY the German company commander, SS Hauptsturmführer Fritz Knöchlein, was tried and executed while the lower level shooters were allowed to go home.

The constant echoic of “Victors’ Justice” hearing is also growing tiresome if not outright nauseating. Justice as opposed to what? The “Defeated’s Justice?” You mean the ones that started the war? And had they won that somehow all things being equal, they simply would have written an inverse account glossing over the Holocaust? or the very inconvenient fact that they started it?

Let us have an example of so-called “Victor’s Justice?” For instance, how did the German Heer and SS treat Soviet POWs? Oh yes, the simply penned them up and let them die of exposure, starvation, and pestilence! Yet, few in the Western world are familiar with this tragedy at all. The notion that the historians and journalists residing in Allied countries (sans David Irving) simply rewrote history to their liking and acted no differently than the unscrupulous, propaganda-department automatons serving an autocratic, murderous regime is so infantile and intellectually insulting I don’t really know where to begin…

ygg: How true! It may be said that "justice" is a camp-follower (or whore) of victorious armies. Perverted and sad.