The Calendar

I am presently working on having a significant ww2 event posted each day during the year. This should be visable to from the main site and from the calendar link itself. I am getting this info from the history channel website. I want to do this coz I hope it will spark topics and interest. Please advise me on things that need to be added to certain dates. Thanks.

K somebody slap me on the back and say good job or slap me in the face for having no life. I just finished the 365 day calendar … plugging in a WW2 event for each day.

So if you would like me to add an event to the calendar please let me know. Only when that day arrives please. That way I can actually make some sense of the posting. Also unless you wrote it yourself … cite a source.

WOW!!! I’m going to see if we can make this calendar more prominent…

slaps general in the back and congraulates him on the good job he did for the calender
Great job!

Outstanding work of GS, isn’t it?

You can say that again.

Thanks guys let me know if you want me to add something. But again wait untill that date. And please site if not your own.

Very informative General.
Terrific job, well done

That’s awesome! Thanks for taking the time and effort to do this!

You can now add events to the calendar!

Do you think we should move this to the top of the page so people can see the calendar better? I can try and edit the code to place the calendar events at the top.

Missed this one…yea that would be great

nice movie of hitler

??? What lol, that seems irrelevant. You must of posted in the wrong area or I’m missing something.