The Czech "M" - Other Forces | Gallery

The Czech "M"

General Frantisek Moravec, Chief of Czech Military Intelligence in the years immediately preceding the German takeover of Czechoslovakia. In the years immediately preceding the war, he established close relations with the British espionage and security services and, on the eve of the German invasion (and following a tip-off from Czech agents in Germany), accompanied by 10 colleagues, he made a hair-raising flight from Prague to London, taking with him the most sensitive Czechoslovak intelligence files. From 1940 to 1945, he was Head of Intelligence for the Benes Czechoslovak Government-in-Exile in London, planning and co-ordinating espionage and sabotage operations in Czechoslovakia with the Britise SOE. This was a difficult job, as Czechoslovakia was a problematic environment for clandestine operations - "independent" collaborationist government in Slovakia, and highly competent, ruthless German Occupation security services in the Czech Lands. The most dramatic, and successful, operation in which he had a part in planning and executing was "Operation Anthropoid", the successful assasination attempt on the life of Reinhard Heydrich, Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia and Head of the Reich security services. After the war, he returned to Czechoslovakia, but left again following the Communist takeover. He moved to Washington D.C., where he worked as an adviser to the US Department of Defense. Died of natural causes in Washington, 1966. Best regards, JR.

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Intersting story JR as always. I wonder how many agents Czechoslovakia had in Germany (as he could be warned on time, some probably were in higher positions).