The Devil all about him

I was reading a very intresting posting by a Kent about alledged collaboration been Hitler and the Devil during World War 2

see the thread
“Why Hitler lost the War”

unfortunately this was regarded [ and fairly so ] as being off topic, so I started this thread for anyone who is interested in the Devil.

A question for Kent, I understand your position on the Devil that he can only operate with limits such as God allows him to, however my impression of the Devil is that he is “a contender” ie that whilst he starts from a weaker position than God, he does a have possibility to challenge God for the dominion of mankind, so is it the case that your position would be at variance with other religious denominations on the power and capabilities of the devil?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

The devil is a loser, not a contender. The noted Puritan theologin Jonathan Edwards describes him as a “blockhead” for even thinking he can defeat God. His fate is already sealed, yet he continues to rebel strenuously against God. However, he is, for the time being, still “the ruler of this world”, and as long as we are alive on this earth he poses a very real threat to us and demands our caution.

John 16:11 and concerning judgement, because the ruler of this world has been judged.

I can see this question and answer routine going on for some time. Trust me, coming up with questions, especially about the devil, is far easier than coming up with answers. So, if you are genuinely interested, I would suggest first the Bible. Not just any Bible, but a Reformed Study Bible. It would provide some answers, but I would caution you to take everything in its context (which can be succinct to vast), and not to try to read something into it that isn’t there. The major things are easy to find and understand, and they are repeated, often. The minor things, are not. The Bible is its own best interpreter. Just remember, there is more wisdom in the Bible that any one man can fathom.

Also, there are many counterfit bibles (small “b”), used by cults. Don’t be fooled. or waste any time reading them. They are erroneous.

Plan B would be to read books written by the men who study and teach the Bible for a living; ordained preachers. If you are interested in the world of fallen angles then, I would recommend The Invisible War by Donald Grey Barnhouse (ISBN 0-310-20481-X). Just be sure you recognize the difference between Scripture truth, and man’s speculation.

Finally, a warning. Don’t get too engrossed in devils, demons and the like. The more interest you have in them, the more interest they are likely to have in you. Play it safe; take what the Bible reveals, and nothing more.

Dueteronomy 29:29 The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our sons forever, that we may observe all the words of this law.

1 Peter 5:8 Be of sober spirit, be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.

Hee, Hee good advice there, as the saying goes!

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread!

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Um, Hilter had a fascination with the occult, but how did he “collaborate” with a mythic figure?

Hi Nick, I do not personally believe in the Devil but for people who do, it is a valid proposition that Hitler may have been working in co-operation with Satan, obviously if one regards Satan as merely a mythic figure, Hitler may or may not have thought himself to be in co-operation with the Devil, but even if he did, if Satan is no more than a myth it is a rather one-sided arrangement.

I know the price of central heating has gone up and people should try alternatives but this is ridiculous!

The Ninth Gate Part 12

The Ninth Gate Part 13

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Oh PLEASE!,…The devil in disguise as Hitler…I heard a lot, but this takes the Cake!..Rubbish!

I personaly am an athiest leaning twards Mil-24ism so I dont realy think this is exactly a rational discussion but anyhow is this the right place to argue theology?

Eating a cupcake…your so funny Walter! You kill me with your ever changing logo’s!:slight_smile:

I think the argument would not be be that Hitler was the Devil but that he was a mortal man acting with the assistance of evil supernatural forces.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

Hitler was a normal man, with a F-cked up brain,or a Devils brain.:slight_smile:

Maybe Hitler was cooperating with fairies and ogres too?

What’s the point of such speculation. As far as Nazis and the occult, they certainly had their nuts. But, for the most part, there’s little evidence of Satanism or Satanic worship by Nazi officials. Hitler himself largely rejected such things as astrology and started rounding them I think when their optimist prophesies didn’t materialize…

Milton’s epic, Paradise Lost, gives quite a good take on Lucifer and his host. It begins with Lucifer and his host regaining consciousness in Hell, having just been blasted there by Christ. The war against God had raged to-and-thro until Christ came along in his chariot and decided the matter. They hate this place, Hell, but as Lucifer says: “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven!”

Lucifer and his host then debate how they should continue the war with God, but in the end, Lucifer argues that it would be pointless as Christ would defeat them with his thunderbolts once again. So, the decision they come to, which is really Lucifer’s decision, is to take their revenge on God by corrupting that which God holds most dear i.e. Man.

My point, in reiterating all of this, is that many people mistakenly believe that what they have heard or read of Paradise Lost, to be true to the Bible, but it isn’t, it’s an epic poem. it’s brilliantly written and fabuously entertaining, but it’s a fairy tale.

What comments people make on the Devil or God based on knowledge which has evolved from this poem is simply make believe, and not according to the Bible.

There are many belief systems and if one chooses to follow one, then that is fair enough, but it is purely a matter of faith and there is no evidence to prove the actuality of God or the Devil. If there was, we would all be followers.

I would not go as far as excluding the Nazis in general from a serious connection with the occult, but as I do not think Hitler had a serious interest in it. Whether the Devil does exist or not, I don’t think actually Hitler believed that he was receiving help from the Devil or even that Hitler would have sought assistance from the Devil.

As for “fairies”, wasn’t SA leader Erenst Roehm in to to them?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

" The fool says in his heart" There is no God. " Since God is real, so is the Devil. I think a person would be an idiot to seek help from the most evil and self serving of all God’s creations. The Devil is a created being, not on equal footing with God, but above us, being an angel once. He was the most beautiful angel which perverted and deluded him to think he could claim the place of the Almighty.He is not all knowing but has thousands of years of experience to fall back on to find the right bait to make each man separate himself from God, be it arrogance, pride, revenge or self delusion. He hates man and is jealous that one day we will claim our place in heaven and he is destined for Hell with however many he can drag with him, so if Hitler pinned his hopes on the Devil, he was setting himself up for a big betrayal. I know people hate to hear me preach but i feel kinship here, and i want you fellows to be able to continue your discussions in heaven so i leave you with this…
" Blessed is the man who trusteth in the Lord, and in whose hope the Lord is "
Jeremiah 17:7

You all doubt the Devil’s existence at your peril, for he is real and visible to men who see the evil he does.

Satan’s greatest lie is that he does not exist.

“Mock the devil, and he shall set you free.”

Are you implying that PK is the Devil ? :frowning:

Not certain whether I’m being ovewhelmed by God-fearing or Devil-fearing types?

If one is God-fearing, is that on account of the threat tha one’s immortal soul will be handed to the Devil and, if so, is the Devil doing God’s work?

If one does have faith in God, shouldn’t said faith be love based rather than fear based - or doesn’t it matter providing one reserves a place in Paradise?