The Duce’s coming - Italian Forces | Gallery

The Duce’s coming

The Savoia Marchetti S.81 Benito Mussolini’s personal aircraft taxiing on Ferrara Airport on the occasion of a Duce’s visit to this Emilian town at this time base of a Regia Aeronautica’s bomber unit, the 11th Stormo Bombardamento Terrestre. The white summer full dress of the officer, with blue band and sabre, on the right of the honor guards, suggest a photo taken on Summer time, year 1937 or 1938. During his flights Mussolini, which just after WW1 demonstrated a strong interest for the aeronautic (his first flight date to 1919, on a SVA two seat), were at the control together a “true” military pilot of the Italian Air Force. Nicknamed “Tartaruga” (tortoise), this S.81 was always the Duce’s personal aircraft. Originally all white, as in this photo taken by a pilot officer of 11th Stormo (gifted many years ago from this officer to your friendly Victor Sierra and by same VS gifted to Historical Office of Italian Air Force), the “Tartaruga” was camouflaged during the war. On Autumn 1943, after the fall of the Fascism, the Armistice and the occupation of Italy by the German troops, the “Tartaruga”, like many other Italian planes, was commandeered by Luftwaffe and switched in Germany. With the born of Italian Fascist Republic, October 1943, in the part of Italy controlled by Germans, the Repubblica Sociale Italiana, or RSI (nicknamed Repubblica di Salò/Salò’s Republic), the “Tartaruga” was salvaged by a crew of RSI’s air force and returned in Italy. The final fate of “Tartaruga” is unknown. A personal annotation: one of the crew members which salvaged the “Tartaruga” was a former pilot of Regia Aeronautics’ S.79 torpedo aircraft moved to RSI’ air force: the warrant officer Fulvio Zasa, passed away 20 years ago. I knew Zasa very well: was the pilot of the my first flight and was the instructor of my father, future professional pilot. Victor Sierra

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Very interesting.