The Eastern Poland Question

What is the Eastern Poland?
Is this place where the Eastern poles lived?

Its a region currently in Russia, its brief history is as follows, it became polish between 1000 and 1300 A.D and remained polish untill the first partition when Russia incorporated it into its territory.

After almost 160 years of russian occupation it was regained by Poland before and during the polish-bolshevik war.

Between 1939-45 russians murdered or expelled much of the polish population ( oddly enough Germans were not all that active there ). After the war Russia occupied the region again.

Today russian extremists and nationalists claim that the territory is rightfully russian because it was part of Russia before the war of 1920 ignoring the fact that Russia occupied it by force during the partitions in the first place.

That is Eastern Poland.


Are you another crazy Pole from the US who have never seen modern map and will probably fail to find Poland in the map?

its brief history is as follows, it became polish between 1000 and 1300 A.D and remained polish untill the first partition when Russia incorporated it into its territory.

Have you read anything in this thread before posting your nuisence. The scene in the memoirs of this person is laid in Odesa region of modern Ukraine that has never been part of Poland.

Poles invaded Western Ukraine only at the mid of 14th century. Before 14th century the region had been part of Kievan Rus and later become the separate Kingdom of Galicia-Volhynia that united all the inhabited territories of the former southern Kievan Rus that is Ukraine.

The reality is that region never became Polish. Check the number of anti-Polish uprisings and the number of Poles massacred by local original population.
Moscovians/ Russians saved local Poles from indigenous Ukrainians several times in past.

After the partitions of Poland, Western Ukraine mainly became part of the Austrian Empire
with the official title “Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria” and the government in Vienna viewed it as the land of Ukrainians, granted them autonomy, the right to have their own parliament, judiciary and educational systems.

After almost 160 years of russian occupation it was regained by Poland before and during the polish-bolshevik war.

Between 1939-45 russians murdered or expelled much of the polish population ( oddly enough Germans were not all that active there ). After the war Russia occupied the region again.

Today russian extremists and nationalists claim that the territory is rightfully russian because it was part of Russia before the war of 1920 ignoring the fact that Russia occupied it by force during the partitions in the first place.

It is absolute nonsence and ignorance.

That is Eastern Poland.

If you had dared to repeat it in 1918-50s you’d have likely got killed by local Ukrainians. Today you’d be only beaten up for such a statement there.

I’m neither a Pole nor from US.

And i’m not claiming it ever was :slight_smile:

Oh dear care to show me a list of wars in which Poland conquered Western Ukraine, there was admittedly a process of peacefull polonization of the region between 13 and late 14th century where nobility and much of the higher citizen classes embraced polish culture and when administration set in no one really minded since Poland at the time offered wealth and freedoms to the lower classes and many political options to the Magnateria.

There was no conquest or invasion per se, there was a willing merge with Poland.

I’m sorry but lack of basic historical education makes your argument a silly one, major uprisings all the way to 17th century were undertaken by Cossacks who were neither indigenous nor were they a nationality based group.

The uprisings had for over a century only a single goal and that is defending against enforced serfdom, no one ever dreamt of secession initially since the ukrainian political class, both Cossacks and Magnateria felt they were a part of the Polish kingdom and stressed it time and time again.

The actuall secession movements begin after Beresteczko, before that the region was a part of Poland and its inhabitants wanted it to be.

Would you like a lecture based on Wikipedia as to how great were the attrocities of Muscovites during Polish-Muscovite wars ?

Muscovite troops had regularly undertaken ethnic cleansing during their invasions the likes of which would make Hitler red with envy.

Parts of Galicia with Krakow were indeed in austrian hands, much of the territory was returned, the rest was occupied by Russia.

I can see you’d be gladly one of them but then again nationalism is bad in all forms.l

It is a blatant lie. Though what can one expect from an inadequate person who just claimed that the region of western Ukraine or perhaps Odesa is Polish but belongs to Russia today.

After the extinction of the Rurikid dynasty in Galicia-Volhynia in 1323, Volhynia passed into the control of the Lithuanian King Liubartas, while the boyars took control over Galicia. They invited the Polish Prince Boleslaw, a grandson of Yuri I, to assume the Galician throne. Boleslaw converted to Orthodoxy and assumed the name Yuri II. Nevertheless, suspecting him of harboring Catholic feelings, the boyars poisoned him in 1340 and elected one of their own, Dmitry Detko, to lead the Galician state as viceregent of King Liubartas. Dedko was able to defeat an attempted Polish invasion in 1341. After Dedko’s death in 1349, Poland’s King Casimir III mounted a successful invasion, capturing and annexing Galicia. Galicia-Volhynia ceased to exist as an independent state.

I’m sorry but lack of basic historical education makes your argument a silly one, major uprisings all the way to 17th century were undertaken by Cossacks who were neither indigenous nor were they a nationality based group.

Ukrainian Zaporozhian cossacks were not indigenous and Ukrainian? Are you really mad?

The uprisings had for over a century only a single goal and that is defending against enforced serfdom, no one ever dreamt of secession initially since the ukrainian political class, both Cossacks and Magnateria felt they were a part of the Polish kingdom and stressed it time and time again.

You know what they felt? Ukrainian cossacks did not dream, they acted to achieve the succession of all the occupied Ukrainain lands from Poland.

Do you know that there was serfdom in ethnic Polish territories as well? However there was no insurgency among Poles.

Would you like a lecture based on Wikipedia as to how great were the attrocities of Muscovites during Polish-Muscovite wars ?

Muscovite troops had regularly undertaken ethnic cleansing during their invasions the likes of which would make Hitler red with envy.

It is nonsence.

The Polish nobility, landowners and ordinary Poles preserved all its rights and privileges even under Moscovian/ Russian rule.

Moscovian troops saved Poles many times in Ukraine.

Just one example of common Polish-Moscovian actions against Ukrainians:

And i’m not claiming it ever was

Really? So there are two different Warpigs on the forum?

I wonder what Polish region is currently in Russia?

Becouse you worry too much:)
Relax and enjoy, even if there a lot of foolish kids who still can’t even separate Russian from Ukraine:)
Just remember about politeness ( more or less) to opponents.
BTW you are doing a good right job in this thread IMO.

Bump! Please do not go so off topic to the thread in question when in hostile debates. Start a separate thread!

And debate respectfully in this one, please…

Hope springs eternal … :wink: