The end of ''Il Duce'' - Italian Forces | Gallery

The end of ''Il Duce''

Giulino di Mezzegra/Italy, April 28, 1945. After communist italian partisans captivated Benizo Mussolini and his concubine Clara Petacci both are shot according to martial law after a sweeping trial. It's told that ''Claretta'' tried to protect Mussolini from the bullets with her own body. The bodies were brought to Milan the next day, violated and hanged upside down as a public display.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at''il-duce''

i have seen photos of these 2 hanging in the middle of town, upside down as stated, it was said people would urinate publicly, on their bodies, i think that is animal and repulsive, even for a monster like mussolini, who i see more like a huge mafia boss, than a military man