Conspiracies abound. The Western Allies were nothing more than barbourous murderers intent on blowing Germany back to the Stone Age. Then they wanted to form an alliance with Germany against the Soviet Union. But first Hitler wanted to align with Britain against the Soviet Union, this at a time when he had an alliance with the Soviet Union.
Britain and later America also decided not to invade Europe in 1942 or 1943 because it was far better to allow the Germans to wipe out the Soviet Union. When this strategy failed then it was decided to attack the Soviet Union. But of course Japan still had to be defeated and what better way to get rid of the Japanese cancer than to give it some radiation therapy.
Which was all needless of course because the Japanese had fought the war by the rules of the Geneva Convention just like their Nazi Allies. But then we forget, the Soviet Union was going to rescue the poor Japanese from the brutal, murdering Western Allies, by invading Japan and liberating them. Of course no form of Communism would have been imposed on the Japanese people, not like those dirty, evil westerners who imposed their brand of imperialism on poor unfortunate Japan and West Germany.
Have I left out any other FACTS?
Regards Digger:cool: