The Evil Western Allies

Conspiracies abound. The Western Allies were nothing more than barbourous murderers intent on blowing Germany back to the Stone Age. Then they wanted to form an alliance with Germany against the Soviet Union. But first Hitler wanted to align with Britain against the Soviet Union, this at a time when he had an alliance with the Soviet Union.

Britain and later America also decided not to invade Europe in 1942 or 1943 because it was far better to allow the Germans to wipe out the Soviet Union. When this strategy failed then it was decided to attack the Soviet Union. But of course Japan still had to be defeated and what better way to get rid of the Japanese cancer than to give it some radiation therapy.

Which was all needless of course because the Japanese had fought the war by the rules of the Geneva Convention just like their Nazi Allies. But then we forget, the Soviet Union was going to rescue the poor Japanese from the brutal, murdering Western Allies, by invading Japan and liberating them. Of course no form of Communism would have been imposed on the Japanese people, not like those dirty, evil westerners who imposed their brand of imperialism on poor unfortunate Japan and West Germany.

Have I left out any other FACTS?

Regards Digger:cool:

:shock: :o Very interesting. I agree with all of this totally :slight_smile: :wink:

You forgot the part about the Jews controlling the media, and the Holocaust being one giant sympathy ploy. Americans are especially prone to NeoNazism. And Stalin wasn’t really that bad. One cannot find any evidence of his crimes while reading Stalinist websites. Neither was Hitler.

I knew I forgot something.:frowning: Thanks fellas. Now what other insidious crimes did the Western Allies inflict on the world?:confused:

Regards Digger:cool:

Once WWII was over, the Allies were going to continue strategic bombing for shits and giggles. They were also going to launch nuclear strikes on 20 Soviet cities, because that’s how we roll man! The capitalists wanted only to incinerate the commies in an irradiated, fiery hell they deserved!

Several executive of American corporations, such as Henry Ford, also ordered the American 8th AF to not bomb its factories in Germany, but to instead deliberately hit orphanages and churches, and then claim they were ball-bearings factories in the bomb-damage assessments.

When Truman received a cable form the Japanese ambassador that Japan wanted to capitulate on 1 August 1945, he dropped it on the floor and promptly dropped trow and urinated on the telegram. He then tried to pour cyanide in dear Comrade Stalin’s glass of prune juice, but his devious lusty plot was exposed by a beautiful young, cherub-like Soviet school girl, that had seen this dastardly attack on the Hero of the Soviet Union, and promptly swallowed the caustic concoction before the Man of Steele could ingest his continence tonic. Her last words were: “there is no sacrifice too great I can make for dear father Stalin, savour of the people, champion of the workers, and foe to the decadent fascist agents. …Ughhhh!”

Her memory lives on in a small Minsk petting zoo named in her honor.

Thank you friends, i have a lot of fun;)
I fogot when i laugh so much :smiley:
Excellent sarcasm.
Nick you are the best. Digger is the very good also.
OK lets go to out our emotions.

And you forgot that Israel ordered to Bush to invade the Iraq and begin to spend the US soldier lives for zionist interests :wink:

Thanks Chevan, I forgot that one too. Ah, the old memory is playing tricks I’ve forgotten most of the dastardly deeds:cool:

Regards Digger:)

There is also a lot of evil deeds of Britons and Americans inflicted upon Poland. Most common is “fact” that Poland was sold to Stalin by Churchill and Roosevelt. Most fiercely nationalistic “shaved heads” believe in this nonsense.

Selling, mean, that someone owes something, than transfer his property to another person/entity and receive payment in monetary or other form.

Anyone believes that Churchill and Roosevelt owed Poland?
What about Stalin? Do you think he paid them?



Ha-ha-ha-ha! Guys! You make my day! What a start for a gray rainy morning! Excellent! I really mean it!

Hej! I have an other fact that every kindergarden girl knows to be true:

But thank to the peaceful Mr.Sam the world is saved. Except of course those 200.000+ irqies ( perished under bombs and civil war terror acts… but freedom needs sacrifise. Right?


Then why has the Iraq War made Israel less safe?

They “ordered” him too? I thought is was mostly about the US need to secure oil before China got there. Silly me!

I guess Jews in the American media such as Al Franken have not gotten that memo…

Oh mate , don’t worry about memory. We always are here and remember the all dastardly deeds:cool:. Just ask.
Well fom my side i have to admit not only Evil Western Allies made it’s dirty work but and Evil USSR too.
Don’t need to repit you that Stalin ordered to bomb the Dresden. He hate the garmans and sure want to kill everyone of them. But they insolently run away from the Red Army to the west in hope to survive. But cruel Stalin ordered the allies to begin the firebombing of Germans sities covering it by reason it could hepl the Red Army in battle. What’s bastard. Well this is not surprising for me after he killed 200 million soviets people in Gulag.
It was his lovely matter to send the people to prison or shoot them.
I was born in Gulag,my parents was shooted ritht after this, but due to Pope prayer, Reugan piecefull Star-War program and honest madam Thathers’s dreams to limit the population of Russia to 40-50 mln people this evil empire fall down.
BTW this is wrong to tell the Western Allies made evil only.Noway.
We remember the story of magic saving of a millions of silly Japanes ( who were ready to die becouse a natural stupid love for Inperor) the one disision of honest mst. Trumen sacrifaced only 200 000 of civils lives( thet’s a funny little) and two bomb.(although US haigh command was agains the bombing ) but we certainly know that mst Trumen was right, the bomb was needed to stop the maniac Red Army who try captured the Asia and join it to USSR ( and kill next 200 millions)
We also very appraise the US fight during the Cold war. Everybody know the fact as the evil communists assaulted to the piecefull US troops in Vietnam. Certainly they wish to invade the America ( and kill the Democracy) therefor we must be very thanksful for the hard decision to use Napalm on the viliges. ( Poor guys they had the ill conscience all rest life). But certainly pitiful 2 millions of death is too little pay for the Democracy that we must forgive about it.
According the glorious tradition to “support democracy” everywhere where the US-NATO bombers could reach ( i.e. all the world) we must remember about a terrible pangs of conscience which feels those human American politic.

Becouse this Evil Western Allies (which was called now as “coalition forces”) tryed to look like Good Allies. They were the fluffly kittens (and use only white phousphour bombs and napalm) but not a-bomb yet.
But i think this is the not problem Nick. To strike to the Iran by the little victorious attack ( according Israel plans) and all OK. The situation will under control :wink:

They “ordered” him too? I thought is was mostly about the US need to secure oil before China got there. Silly me!

“Secure oil” was necessary for the so allies like Poland to joine the coalition.
They dreamed about cheap oil. But don’t you seriously think the Iraqi oil will “cheap”.
Silly you? ;).

I guess Jews in the American media such as Al Franken have not gotten that memo…

Well mate the Jews in Americam media neatly deceived the Americans about mass destraction wearpon in Iraq. What’s nice joke?


Um, the US hasn’t used napalm since Vietnam. And who doesn’t use white phosphorus?

Do you protest the Russian use of thermite bombs?

Thank God for the allies of fluffy kittens though!

But i think this is the not problem Nick. To strike to the Iran by the little victorious attack ( according Israel plans) and all OK. The situation will under control :wink:

Yeah, I’m sure everything will be just super duper…

If the Israelis and Iranians want to fight each other, well fuck it! It will make great entertainment on CNN!

“Secure oil” was necessary for the so allies like Poland to joine the coalition.
They dreamed about cheap oil. But don’t you seriously think the Iraqi oil will “cheap”.
Silly you? ;).

When did I ever say it was “cheap?” Or actually secured for that matter. If you want to know what I think of the Iraq War, then visit this forum. :slight_smile:

Well mate the Jews in Americam media neatly deceived the Americans about mass destraction wearpon in Iraq. What’s nice joke?


Really??? Dick Cheney, George Bush, and Donald Dumsfled are Jewish? Well fuck me!!

“Whats nice joke” again?

Cheers with beers…

With what? Seriously, are you a bot?

Nick what’s happend?
We have a lot of fun in this thread don’t look to this too seriously.:wink:
Where is you funny sarcasm did dissapear?
We such excelleng begin this thread

When Truman received a cable form the Japanese ambassador that Japan wanted to capitulate on 1 August 1945, he dropped it on the floor and promptly dropped trow and urinated on the telegram. He then tried to pour cyanide in dear Comrade Stalin’s glass of prune juice, but his devious lusty plot was exposed by a beautiful young, cherub-like Soviet school girl, that had seen this dastardly attack on the Hero of the Soviet Union, and promptly swallowed the caustic concoction before the Man of Steele could ingest his continence tonic. Her last words were: "there is no sacrifice too great I can make for dear father Stalin, savour of the people, champion of the workers, and foe to the decadent fascist agents. …Ughhhh

HA ha ha .
This is strongly Nicky, very strongly. Ha hA hA… soviet scool girl…:smiley:
Did yourself invent it or it was anecdote?

And did you check them? :wink:
But Looking like the Bush kissed with the Israel premier Olmert in last meeteing …

Well fuck me!!

Let me don’t . Sory mate i have a traditional orientation. Is it surprise for you?

Cheers with beers…

Beers without vodka is the money to the wind :wink:

Thank god America nuked those helpless Japanese because if the invasion went ahead part of the invasion force was to be 5 million Emus(large flightless bird. Very aggressive and destructive. Native of Australia). The plan was to let the Emus run amok, to kick down all the dunny doors, then fill the dunnies with Emu crap so no Japanese would be able to take a civilized crap.

It was believed this plan would have resulted in mass constipation and the whole Japanese war economy would go down the crapper, forcing surrender before millions died.

I think this was the best plan to end the war.:wink:

Regards Digger.


Since you mentioned nukes in your post I just could not help my self posting this comment. As I have been enlightened that nukes saved so many lives and therefor was a good thing. Right so far? And as I learened today you, Digger, admirer of Rezun’s book “The icebracker”. Right? :wink:

So I just read an hour ago on Internet that one guys puts it this way (my free translation to English):

If Stalin planned atack on Hitler it was only a good thing. Just imaging if Stalin would make a preventive strike in 1941 sezing control of Romanian oil consecvently paralising German army. It would then be just a matter of short time for Red Army to sweap across Europe. Imaging there would be no million of civilian losses, no Holocaust. One may argue that it was Stalin’s mistake not to do it!

So, you see, Stalin was a bad guy because he did not want to save millions of lifes, like USA did in Japan, by starting a war.

Do you also find it interesting? :wink:

Yair interesting Egorka. But fair crack of the whip mate, I’m trying to have fun on this thread.:wink:

Regards Digger:D

And we have already a lot of fun mate in this thread. That’s good.
Just our dear friend Nickdfresh is already serious . :cool:

I just don’t believe it. Not one person really cottoned onto Australia’s devilish plan to let millions of emus to run amok on Japan.

I thought it was brillant and is worthy of further discussion.

Another plan we had during the Cold War was to invade the Soviet Union with millions of Sulphur Crested Wobbigongs, thus saving the Yanks the worry of MAD. Let me assure you the SCW would have run rampant through Uncle Joe’s paradise by fornicating everyone to death.;):-?

Regards digger