The famous anonym soldier ? - German Forces | Gallery

The famous anonym soldier ?

I found a picture of the 12 SS panzer grenadier in Normandy. The german soldiers look like the "famous soldier" of the Poteau ambush. He has got the same look, the same eyes, he is a mg crew too, the same holster and he has already munition on his shoulders. The soldiers just behind him his present on the others picture of Poteau, the same face with the same nose and its a mg crew so the will fight together.

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To the mods;showing dead and destruction,hangings and torn bodies seems no problem.Posting something funny and 5 minutes later post and comments deleted??No sense of humor?? lol Brummbar

there is many picturesof this patrol during the normandy battle. The 12th SS was used for propagand campaign… I will find much informations about this…