The Flemish Legion

What do you guys think of my site? It is in Dutch.

It is new and not finished!

Honestly? :slight_smile:

In that case just lie :rolleyes::mrgreen:

No no, I’d accept things which help to improve my site. It’s nice and easy, I know ‘stront’ of all those codes, so don’t bring bring up some codes or that kind.

Nice site, but you still have some work to do I assume. Some pictures would be nice, for example of Remy Schrijnen. Maar, uiteindelijk, proficiat voor een mooie homepage!

“Im Einsatz” and then under the title :cool:

Vanwaar ken jij Nederland? Ich dachte du war Deutsch?

Man, site design sucks big time… Honestly. :slight_smile:

Ik leef vlak bij de zo genoemd drie-landen-punt (duitsland, belgie, nederland), ik heb vijf jaaren in Nederland geleefd en was getrouwd met een nederlandse in mijn eerste huwelijk. Verder hou ik van andere talen maar met schrijven is het echt wel klote (-:

Ben ik al geweest (3 landen punt), tis daar mooi.

Yes, it’s beautiful, but let’s switch to english language again. Belgium is a very interesting country in spite of all the trouble going on right now in political matters. It’s just a difficult situation with the three “ethnic groups” (Walloons, Flemings and even german minority in eastern Belgium which plays a minor role of course).
I’ve been to the Ardennes very often (Bastogne, Manhay, Spa, Coo, La Gleize), at Dessel (Graspop Festival) and at the sea side of course (Oostende).

Oh man, we should all meet up and then we can have the comedy value of a Fleming, a German and a brit all speaking Dutch!

That would be something!

Put some pictures on the site,thats would be better!
I have 200% respect to the northern soldiers,they are one of the toughest in WW2!