The forgotten holocaust

Seven million died in the ‘forgotten’ holocaust

By ERIC MARGOLIS – Contributing Foreign Editor Toronto Sun

Five years ago, I wrote about the unknown Holocaust in Ukraine. I was shocked to receive a flood of mail from young Americans and Canadians of Ukrainian descent telling me that until they read my column, they knew nothing of the 1932-33 genocide in which Josef Stalin’s Soviet regime murdered seven million Ukrainians and sent two million more to concentration camps.

How, I wondered, could such historical amnesia afflict so many? For Jews and Armenians, the genocides their people suffered are vivid, living memories that influence their daily lives. Yet today, on the 70th anniversary of the destruction of a quarter of Ukraine’s population, this titanic crime has almost vanished into history’s black hole.

So has the extermination of the Don Cossacks by the communists in the 1920s, the Volga Germans in 1941 and mass executions and deportations to concentration camps of Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians and Poles. At the end of World War II, Stalin’s gulag held 5.5 million prisoners, 23% of them Ukrainians and 6% Baltic peoples.

Almost unknown is the genocide of two million of the USSR’s Muslim peoples: Chechens, Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Tajiks, Bashkirs and Kazaks. The Chechen independence fighters who today are branded as “terrorists” by the U.S. and Russia are the grandchildren of survivors of Soviet concentration camps.

Add to this list of forgotten atrocities the murder in Eastern Europe from 1945-47 of at least two million ethnic Germans, mostly women and children, and the violent expulsion of 15 million more Germans, during which two million German girls and women were raped.

Among these monstrous crimes, Ukraine stands out as the worst in terms of numbers. Stalin declared war on his own people in 1932, sending Commissars V. Molotov and Lazar Kaganovitch and NKVD secret police chief Genrikh Yagoda to crush the resistance of Ukrainian farmers to forced collectivization.

Ukraine was sealed off. All food supplies and livestock were confiscated. NKVD death squads executed “anti-party elements.” Furious that insufficient Ukrainians were being shot, Kaganovitch - virtually the Soviet Union’s Adolf Eichmann - set a quota of 10,000 executions a week. Eighty percent of Ukrainian intellectuals were shot.

During the bitter winter of 1932-33, 25,000 Ukrainians per day were being shot or died of starvation and cold. Cannibalism became common. Ukraine, writes historian Robert Conquest, looked like a giant version of the future Bergen-Belsen death camp.

The mass murder of seven million Ukrainians, three million of them children, and deportation to the gulag of two million more (where most died) was hidden by Soviet propaganda. Pro-communist westerners, like The New York Times’ Walter Duranty, British writers Sidney and Beatrice Webb and French Prime Minister Edouard Herriot, toured Ukraine, denied reports of genocide, and applauded what they called Soviet “agrarian reform.” Those who spoke out against the genocide were branded “fascist agents.”

The U.S., British, and Canadian governments, however, were well aware of the genocide, but closed their eyes, even blocking aid groups from going to Ukraine.

The only European leaders to raise a cry over Soviet industrialized murder were, ironically and for their own cynical and self-serving reasons, Hitler and Italian dictator Benito Mussolini.

Because Kaganovitch, Yagoda and some other senior Communist party and NKVD officials were Jewish, Hitler’s absurd claim that communism was a Jewish plot to destroy Christian civilization became widely believed across a fearful Europe.

When war came, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British PM Winston Churchill allied themselves closely to Stalin, though they were well aware his regime had murdered at least 30 million people long before Hitler’s extermination of Jews and gypsies began. Yet in the strange moral calculus of mass murder, only Germans were guilty.

Though Stalin murdered three times more people than Hitler, to Roosevelt he remained “Uncle Joe.”

The British-U.S. alliance with Stalin made them his partners in crime. Roosevelt and Churchill helped preserve history’s most murderous regime, to which they handed over half of Europe in 1945.

After the war, the left tried to cover up Soviet genocide. Jean-Paul Sartre denied the gulag even existed.

For the western Allies, Nazism was the only evil; they could not admit being allied to mass murderers. For the Soviets, promoting the Jewish Holocaust perpetuated anti-fascism and masked their own crimes.

The Jewish people, understandably, saw their Holocaust as a unique event. It was Israel’s raison d’etre. Raising other genocides at that time would, they feared, diminish their own. This was only human nature.

While today, academia, the media and Hollywood rightly keep attention focused on the Jewish Holocaust, they mostly ignore Ukraine. We still hunt Nazi killers, but not communist killers. There are few photos of the Ukraine genocide or Stalin’s gulag, and fewer living survivors. Dead men tell no tales.

Russia never prosecuted any of its mass murderers, as Germany did.

We know all about the crimes of Nazis Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler; about Babi Yar and Auschwitz.

But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria? Were it not for writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn, we might never know of Soviet death camps like Magadan, Kolyma and Vorkuta. Movie after movie appears about Nazi evil, while the evil of the Soviet era vanishes from view or dissolves into nostalgia.

The souls of Stalin’s millions of victims still cry out for justice.

Just a generic warning to everyone - topics like this have gone way-out before and been locked accordingly. This means you in particular, Kato.
I’ll be keeping a very close eye on this thread - everybody keep things civil or I’ll lock it.

Just like to echo PDF here. Please keep any replies civil and factual, thanks.

I am too lasy to check myself, but is not it a very-very old article? Like 15 years old o so? Or even older…
EDIT: OK, it seem to be from 2006.

And also for me as Russian sentences like “But who remembers Soviet mass murderers Dzerzhinsky, Kaganovitch, Yagoda, Yezhov and Beria?” sound just strange and funny. But I guess the article was adressed to the local population of Toronto and it maybe the explanation.

And also just a thougt… The attempts to mention word “Holocaust” and the mentioned here event of the Soviet history, essentially trying to equalizing them, will be met with great rejection by the Russians.

Im ignorant here. Was this planned by the Soviets or was it something that just resulted from the consequence of some other action?

Whetther or not it was a holocaust revolves around my question I think.

This has been covered (to death) and is a bit of a dupe…

To second Egorka i think a soviet genocide is terrible and its right up there with the holocuast in terms of human disregard but as far as the death toll its no way comparable

Margolis’s article is a superficial, highly selective, unbalanced, and rather rabid anti-Stalin and anti-Soviet catalogue of events well known to people who are marginally better informed than journalists like Margolis.

But apparently not so well known or of such bitter folk memory that it has been passed down through the generations of the victims.

Five years ago, I wrote about the unknown Holocaust in Ukraine. I was shocked to receive a flood of mail from young Americans and Canadians of Ukrainian descent telling me that until they read my column, they knew nothing of the 1932-33 genocide in which Josef Stalin’s Soviet regime murdered seven million Ukrainians and sent two million more to concentration camps.

You’d think that the parents of Stalin’s victims might have passed on just a touch of the anger they felt about the unknown [Margolis thumping his intellectually knowledgeable chest :rolleyes:] genocide which, remarkably, resulted in their parents living through it, getting into America and Canada, and forgetting to tell their children about the terrors they survived.

I happen to live in what may be the city with the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors, some of whom and the children of some of whom I have known, and it is very rare that some knowledge of the past is not passed on.

I’m not arguing that Stalin wasn’t one of the nastiest bastards the planet has ever seen or that the Holomodor didn’t happen and so on, but one-sided selectively pointless and self-indulgently florid for effect articles like the one in #1 are so narrow and empty of historical fact and context as to be totally useless in explaining what happened and why.

The massive immigration of Ukrainains to the US and Canada started an at the end of XIX century. Most of American and Canadian Ukrainians come from Western Ukraine that was occupied by Poland 1921-1939 and did not experience Holodomor. The proportion of American and Canadian Ukrainians who came from the Soviet Ukraine is very little. There were some possibilities to escape from the USSR only 1941-44 when Bolsheviks lost control over Ukraine but those possibilities left much to be desired.

Besides it can be implied that many of the mentioned people of Ukrainian descent in the US and Canada can be of mixed origin for instance Ukrainian-Quebec French or the like, have only one Ukrainian grand parent or great grand parent.

I happen to live in what may be the city with the largest proportion of Holocaust survivors, some of whom and the children of some of whom I have known, and it is very rare that some knowledge of the past is not passed on.

Jewish Holocaust has had an absolutely incomparably higher level of publicity and coverage in the West for more than half a century. It has been far away from just ordinary passing some knowledge of the past from Holocaust survivors to their children.

Actually in the 1944 the many Nazic colloborationists, rest of ukraine waffen-ss bast…rds , policements and ets run away together with Germans, beeing in fear of retrebution.
Many of them took active participation in Jewish holocaust, hepling the Germans to clean the Ukraine from “low races”.
Most of them after the war escaped to Canada- the new motherland of former East front criminals.

You all are enough adult looking people not to be to naive about this article:)Well at least most of you:)
Even me , old “anti-zionist”, can’t ignore the hiden anti-semitic , anti-russian sense of this provocative article…

Just replace the “Soviet” by “Jewish” and you would have got the TUPICAL Nazy slogan. One of that they used in Ukraine for justification of execution of “jewish criminals” during the NAzy occupation!!
Do you forget - the Nazy always pointed on the jewish origin of THAT Bolshevicks leaders, try to rise the anti-semitism on the occuped territories.
The ERIC MARGOLIS of cource can’t write the “Jewish” in toronto , but this doesn’t change the sense of article- the anybody who hear the Kaganovich , know for sure what he is talking about:)
The relatives of former Nazis colloborationists and race-biased ukrainians nationalists still welcomes the neo-nazi blunder about “poor Ukraine occuped by Moskalays( russians) and Jews”
This is old-fashion provocative tactic - to present you country as the victims of “foreign occupant”.And blame the others in Holodomore.

The souls of Stalin’s millions of victims still cry out for justice.

Just like they cryed in 1941, after the Nazis “liberation of Ukraine”, starting the ethnical terror- revenge for Holodomore…

I’ll be careful here…

Solzhenitsyn stated quite clearly that the crimes of the Soviet Stalin Regime would not go un-noticed, even if they did escape retribution.

Alexander gave the information that, internally, the Soviet Union was facing quite a contest to keep the lid on these crimes. It is interesting to note that modern Russians have no time for Solzhenitsyn at all, seeeing him as the object of far too much attention from the West.

He tells the story in the Gulag Archipeligo that the State “Organs” were unselectively arresting people on a QUOTA BASIS…ie…Orders recieved at intervals to make a fixed number of arrests.

The purpose alluded to from my other readings is that the vast frozen wastes of the interior of the Russia were not “wastes” at all, but full of mineral and natural resources waiting to be exploited. Foreign investment would not go near it all before the Revolution, but the regime knew it was there, and formulated the camp “system” to provide labour, cheap and replaceable, to open up these interior regions for exploitation by the Soviet Government and People.

There was. simply, no other way to get anybody to migrate into these extremely isolated regions…

I have said all along on this forum that Russian people must learn to condemn this aspect of their 20th century history, rather than seeing the Old Union as some kind of “Golden Age”…

Historians still speak of the Romanovs with a certain amount of respect. I put it to you that Russia might have controlled Europe economically but for that terrible year of 1917…

The Regime’s many enemies were eliminated in WW2…it was an opportunity that Stalin did not pass up…and it has gone largely unpunished due to the fact that records kept were nowhere near as thorough as the National Socialist Regime…

All that is left, really, are the memories in the minds of the survivors…

One would hope that modern Russians get cracking to record the experiences of these people, so that their memories are not lost for good to the mists of time…

Hi Chevan!!

Hello B5N2KATE.
Because you greet me in end of you post , i 've realized this was adressed to me.

I’ll be careful here…

Actually you should be very careful here…Just remember- any critic of bloody Stalin’s environment is the anti-semitism:)
So attack ONLY Stalin, not somebody else

Historians still speak of the Romanovs with a certain amount of respect. I put it to you that Russia might have controlled Europe economically but for that terrible year of 1917…

That’s probably true, but there are to much unless…
…unless if the NEw York banker Yakob Shift would has not sponsored and sended the full armed band of Trockij-bernshtain to the Russia.He spend the 20 millions of dollars for those criminals for “proletarian revolution”…the enourmouse sum of money at that time
…unless if the GErmans intelligence would had not delivered the Lenin-Blank to the st. Petersburg in the special wagon.
…unless the Antanta would has attacked the Bolshevics instead to help them, stopped the german army in the 1918.
and unless the West would not trade with bolshevics since the 1924, helping them hold the power.
So you see there is to much enemies of old Russia outside , who helped to destroy the Empire. Even the the regiment of Latvian criminals ( so called the "Red Latvian Riflements " helped the Bolshevick to terrorise the Russian popultion in the most beginning, when boslhevics were still weak.
SO sorry but this is a naive to think in such way like you do…

The Regime’s many enemies were eliminated in WW2…it was an opportunity that Stalin did not pass up…and it has gone largely unpunished due to the fact that records kept were nowhere near as thorough as the National Socialist Regime…

The other very rough mistake my friend is to think that the “poor enemies of regime” have been eliminated.
They were not Enemies…they have created, builded and hot supported of the Red Criminal Regime since most beginning.
The All of Bolshevick were the criminals. And there were no a Regime enemies among then- this was just the political fight where the some of groups just losed…and were executed by the OWN THEIR Terror MAshine.
The most cruel of them was Trockij - the odious Boslhevic War Criminal- who dreamed about “WOrld Proletarian Revolution” and even tryed to help the GErmans proletariat.He , together with Dzerzhinsky PERSONALLY created the Red Terror mashine ( i mean the police, NKVD and GULAG).
They simply losed the fight for power and were eliminated by their own terror;)


Lets have little excercise, shell we. Butm please promise me no cheeting! :slight_smile: Do not look it up on the Net before answering, pleaee.

So could you please tell me:
[li]How many people were in GULAG, lets f.ex. say in 1937?
[/li][li]What % was number of GULAG inmates in the total USSSR work force?
Please write what you think/feel. Do not look it up.

I have said all along on this forum that Russian people must learn to condemn this aspect of their 20th century history, rather than seeing the Old Union as some kind of “Golden Age”…

It depends what you put into the Golden Age notion…
Regardless, Russians in overal never in hisotry lived better material life than in 1970. And that is a fact too.
Condemning history is like condemning rain or wind… Makes no sense.
At the end people get what their deserve.

Historians still speak of the Romanovs with a certain amount of respect. I put it to you that Russia might have controlled Europe economically but for that terrible year of 1917…

Revolutions do not happen without reasons. The old structure colapsed and had to be replaced with new one.

The Regime’s many enemies were eliminated in WW2…it was an opportunity that Stalin did not pass up…and it has gone largely unpunished due to the fact that records kept were nowhere near as thorough as the National Socialist Regime…

Could you elaborate, please? I did not get your point.

One would hope that modern Russians get cracking to record the experiences of these people, so that their memories are not lost for good to the mists of time…
There is a lot of those records… Solzhenitsin is just one of them, f.ex. Though his writing came early and were very important for that time.
But again TODAY they are dated from the factual point of view.
You see when he wrote hi “Archipelago GULAG” there was no information in open and he had to rely on personal experiences and rumors. That is fine too, as far as the reader is informed and aware of it while reading.

OK…playing the game your way and without looking up the figures…

Quick guess at number of inmates in political work camps…considering the number of people arrested who did not make the camps, I would say there were upward of a million people in camps, special or otherwise…

Population of the Soviet Union in 1937…guessing (no googling), 210 million people…

% of workforce…say about Half a percent (0.5?)?

I am condemning Modern Russian attitudes to history…the history itself has been in line for a cross (as opposed to a “tick” of approval) for a long time now…

I don’t agree that ordinary Russians necessarily “got what they deserved”…it’s modern revisionism to blame the people for the excesses of their leadership…

I have no doubt that Russia was in good shape in the 70’s, but they were also spending up to 20% of GNP on defense…the United States, even today, averages at about 5%…

Russia’s present GNP is approx. 460 billion dollars, of which, 120 BILLION is “lost” to corruption of some kind or another (figure from BBC World Service).

“Revolutions do not happen without reasons”…I’ve no doubt of this, but Russia’s war effort in WW1 floundered for lack of Railway ROLLING STOCK…Too much car space was taken up to supply the army, particularly for horse fodder, and not enough allocated for the distribution of food…Czarist Monarchy could have handled this as a crisis, but were not given the opportunity to before the Kerensky Government took control. Kerensky simply wanted to continue the war, but the people had had enough of it…By my understanding, without the Bolshevik Revolution, the treaty of Brest Litovsk would still have been signed, and we may have had a wounded but still intact REPUBLIC there and then…correct me if I’m wrong, but Bolshevism was most certainly NOT “the will of the people”, rather, it was the construct of intellectuals who had waited for just the right moment to spread their movement…

Rather opportunistic, would you not say?

The real tragedy was that this new form of socialist government survived long enough to become recognised…by the time Russians themselves had enough of Leninism, he died, making a classic martyr for “the cause”…and for people such as Stalin, Beria and Dzerhizinsky to exploit…

Stalin then set about the elimination of EVERY opposing viewpoint…Dictatorship had arrived…and most of the opposition was in the mind of Stalin alone…And the records of these crimes were not exactly complete. To my knowledge, many people simply “dissappeared”, with no record of their “crime” ever recorded…

Are we to suppose that all of this was justified, even from an historical point of view, by the “prosperity” of 1970?

Russia really IS “A mystery, wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in an enigma…”

On the Holodomor …

What actually happened in Ukraine in 1932–1933? did it really amount to’‘genocide’’ or ‘‘democide’’ to use Rummels name for it?

On one hand the Ukrainians say it was genocide.

In late 2006 Ukraine’s parliament recognized the Stalin-era famine known as Holdover, which claimed the lives of around 3-7 million people, an act of genocide by the Soviet authorities against the Ukrainian people, and urged other countries to do the same.

And the act of genocide against Ukrainians was recognized by the parliaments of Argentina, Australia, Canada, Estonia, Georgia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland and the USA.

On the other hand Moscow has consistently rejected Ukraine’s interpretation of Holodomor.

The statement adopted by Russia’s lower house of parliament, the State Duma, said: “there is no historic evidence that the famine was organized on ethnic grounds.”

According to a Moscow Times article: “The Kremlin argues that genocide is the killing of a population based on their ethnicity, whereas Stalin’s regime annihilated all kinds of people indiscriminately, regardless of their ethnicity. But if the Kremlin really believed in this argument, it would officially acknowledge that Stalin’s actions constituted mass genocide against all the peoples of the Soviet Union.”

Think Solzhenitsyn supports that view.

The bolshevic teror mashine was based on the Marx Class Enemy theory - so they killed a million of ethnical russians as well during the civil war…
Besides the collectivisation has been started in the whole SOviet union at the same time- my gramma told me - in my area Kuban ( southern Russia) there were also victims of famine, caused by the first stage of collectivisation - the “dekulakusation”.
The Ukraine populists politicans simply try to blame the others in the common tragedy.
This is just a pure political step - they try to justify their own Commies , who also actively supports the Stalin’s desigion to steal the food in villages for the industrialisation purposes.
Also the ukrainin’s comrides forget- the other positive resault of collectivisation was that the Ukraine firstly at its history ,has been transformed into the power Industrial region with new plans and great power station.
In the 1991 when USSR was elinminated, the Ukraine was one of the most higly developed industrial state - they buld every thing- from the computers chips - till the strategical and space missles.
Todays they domestic “democrats-liberals” lost most industry capability of plants- the Ukraine economy is one of the lowest in region.
But this fact don’t bother thier populists too much- they got the old nationalistic slogan about “poor Ukraine , suppresed by the Russia”, trying to unite the population agains “external enemy”.
It’s irony , but this politic is actively supported by Washington,who want to pull the Ukraine out of Russian sphere of influence.
But we have very funny situation here- as we say the Ukraine nationalist still blame also the Jews for holodomore:):wink:
So the attempt to surface the old nationalism is very danger for all of us.
Becouse every one should understand - the any question about Ethnical origin of terror of Boslhevics- would deal the very interesting question of Ethnical origin of Bolsheviks itself like Trockij , Lenin and ets.
As we know - they ALL were the jews or halaxy jews.

What’s a halaxy jew?

An answer before Kato occupies the next three pages with a response to your last post would be good. :wink:

It’s not fashionable to mention it but the Tsarist war machine had it’s genocidal moments as well.
May be it’s a Russian thing rather than an ideological one.

I meant the man who has a jewish mother- the Judaism aslo recognize them as a jew.
The Lenin has a jewish mother