The forum faces.

For those that arent camera shy. Here we will put the image of the refinated members of this quality forum. I want to see many ugly faces here.:smiley:

Here is the beloved Panzerknacker (steel breaking moderator, not ugly at all)

Havenā€™t been here for a while and what do I find? THIS!:roll:

The word beloved, does not fit you Panzerknacker and the word ugly sits with you well;) And what is that shitheap youā€™re sitting on?:D:roll:


That whould be his houseā€¦

Ok, letā€™s keep it goingā€¦

This is me 3 years ago visiting Spain.

Your father is a handsome man. :smiley:

The word beloved, does not fit you Panzerknacker and the word ugly sits with you well

Sorry if somebody withstand me for over 4000 post must be because I am lovedā€¦in some way.

Dont like my trusty Peugeot? ok, what about this ?

By the way Digger you going to post some pic or are too chicken( i.e ugly) to do it ?

Nice pics Egorka.

okay, you wanted ugly faces, youll get em.

the right one is, you`ll might guessed it already, in a certain kind of ā€œmoodā€. or shortly: with some more beer intusā€¦ the pic is some 8 years old.

the left one and the middle one are from my service in the bundeswehr from 1994 to 1996.


Foto Jens betrunken .jpg

Thanks you my incendiary friend.

The mitte picture is the one of a happy man, with so many H & K guns and even a MG 3 :smiley:

By the way is that a UZI in the left?

yep, correct. it is a uzi (here w/o mag) which the bundeswehr used and still uses, but it is replaced by the MPi-7 from H&K. the uzi is much overrated due to movies, it is quite a cheap piece of unprecise, unsafe crap.

the second from left is a 40mm granatpistole ā€œGrapiā€. then comes the old warhorse G-3 (7,62mm) shown w/o magazine, which is also replaced by the modern H&K G-36 (now in 5,56mm) and two MG-3s - one is the ā€œTurm-MG/T-MGā€ from the fully tracked APC ā€œMarderā€ 1A3, so it looks a bit ā€œnakedā€ - no buttstock etc. the MG on the right has a special device on it`s muzzle to shoot blank cartridges during exercises. to shoot the MG-3 was great, real fun! I liked it much more than the G-3.


I should have guessed, thanks mate!:wink: In Australia we would call that a shithouse or if your want to be polite a dunny.:shock::o


Oh, I am the height of ugliness my dear panzerknacker old bean. Taunt me too much and I will inflict immense pain on your eyes.:roll::cool:


okay, althought some pics of me are posted already in my various threads, Iā€™ll put some in here too.we can all be little rays of sunshineā€¦:slight_smile: One is me at the Scot highland games, thats a kilt Iā€™m wearing, the other is me with my son-in-law at the pumpkin farm on Halloween.


Cool beard! :slight_smile:

And I do NOT want to know what you have under the kiltā€¦:roll:

Probably nothing to worry about. :smiley:

yep, correct. it is a uzi (here w/o mag) which the bundeswehr used and still uses, but it is replaced by the MPi-7 from H&K. the uzi is much overrated due to movies, it is quite a cheap piece of unprecise, unsafe crap.

So you going to use the 4,6 mm gun ? I tough those were not adopted by the german military, nice.

Oh, I am the height of ugliness my dear panzerknacker old bean. Taunt me too much and I will inflict immense pain on your eyes

Soā€¦you are a chicken after all :rolleyes:

okay, althought some pics of me are posted already in my various threads, Iā€™ll put some in here too.we can all be little rays of sunshineā€¦

Yeap I was looking for those but cant find in the general section. Very good pictures TG, I must say that you need to be a very cool ( or a very scottish) person to wear a kilt. :smiley:

Cheating on your beloved Tiger?

Cheating on your beloved Tiger?

I didā€¦with a Sherman Fireflyā€¦ I cannot be forgiven.:rolleyes:

Thats not what the Shielas say, its more like,:shock:

P.K. wrote: " I must say that you need to be a very cool ( or a very scottish) person to wear a kilt. "

It does help my friend, But any man, short or tall, noble, or commoner will look a man and a half in the Kilt.

Thatā€™s what you say. :smiley:

Iā€™ve seen whatā€™s under a real Scotā€™s kilt. The only shock is how little there is to be shocked by.

Now, the photo in the link has a history which I wonā€™t go into, but mods please note I am NOT posting it and the link comes with this warning, to avoid offending delicate souls.


If you think Jocks without jocks leave something to desired, and are right royal embarrassments, then click it. And savour the colonelā€™s happy grin.

Does that look a face thatā€™s just won a huge bet?