The Führer - German Leadership | Gallery

The Führer

Colorized by CupOfJoe, someone X him couldn't fix it, rather do Charlie Chaplin, lol

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

He looks Italian from the colors.

Is not the long trench coast medium Grey and the cap a dark Grey?

The band is almost Red.

this must be from the days when Hitler was a communist.

Mu ha ha.

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Hate to sound like an old fuddy-duddy, but is it a good idea to smear paint indiscriminately on just any photo that comes along? In my humble opinion, this site is interested in the historical record, and it should not be used as a drying room for novice coloring artists, god bless both their souls and their funky softwares.

Most images from this website are cataloged by GOOGLE and they will be called up by countless people in the world. A little moderation may serve all of us well in the long term.