The Great Raid -- New WWII movie *Trailer*

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FINNALY, i been waiten for this day for a while

a new ww2 movie

looks good, tho those jap trucks lookd like opels to me, tho i onkly saw em for a sec

My father wants to see it being he read the book. I must say it looks good so I’ll have to tag along with him when he goes.

this movie doesn’t seem very good from the trailer. a lot of no-name actors, and a lot of flag waving nonsense.

I like no name actors because when I see someone I am so use to seeing in Hollywood play a certain role it kinda ruins it for me. If I don’t know the person then it makes it a bit I guess you could say more realistic for me.

:smiley: :smiley:

Hosenfield… what you have just said… whats wrong with it? lol

what happened to the contraversial Tom Cruise movie ‘The Few’ that is supposed to be coming out or being made - all has gone quiet on it

A friend of mine who has seen this movie had this to say about it.

The R rating has gotta be the violence. No sex…nada.
Some language…but nothing a twelve or thirteen year old doesn’t hear all the time.
The violence is realistic. It isn’t really gory…realistic “warfare” violence…but no holds barred…like Schlindler’s List or Private Ryan…but I suspect the rating is the result of a couple very realistic firing squad execution scene that is shocking in its portrayal.
not over the top…all appropriate…in my opinion.

Believe me, once you see the opening scene of Great Raid, any questions on the ethics of dropping the Bomb disappear.

The movie is pretty faithful to Hampton Sides’ excellent book: Ghost Soldiers…and in my opinion, the book describes much harsher demonstrations of Japanese cruelty than those even portrayed in the movie.
When people ask me if our warplanners overstated or exaggerated what our GIs would be facing if we had to invade Japan, I always refer them to three books: Rape of Nanking; With the Old Breed (by E.B. Sledge) and Ghost Soldiers.

interesting how the movie, etc coincided with A bomb and VJ Day annivesaries.

Jeeps, deuce and a halfs, command cars, weapons carriers, half tracks, and even a scout car make it worth the price of admission.

Some excellent trigger time, good uniforms, and some of the best canvas tentage I’ve ever seen in a film.

What else could a guy want?

i’ve read the rape of nanking. I didn’t think that it’s that important of a book. all it does is describe scene after scene of japanese raping/brutality/mutilation, with nothing new to offer.

Saw the movie today…On a scale of 1 to 10 I give it a 5

Yes those Japanese eh, gets boring reading about all those atrocities. maybe they were just misunderstood.

theres very little analysis, its just a grueling list of atrocities. the lady seems to have traveled to nanking, and talked to all the old people there, wrote their stories down, and listed them into her book.

Just like the L.A. four ( 4 scum bags) here in Los Angeles during the riots who smashed Reginald Denny in the head with a brick. They dragged him out of his truck and almost killed him with a brick to the head.
The liberal newspaper said they were just caught up in the moment…maybe the Japanese were just caught up in the moment also. :shock:

too many pretty chinese ladies to rape and kill… very enticing


I prefer to see new unknown actors play in war movies such as, Band of Brothers where they used mostly unknown actors. That would be one of the best produced WW II movies. And I have alot in my collection and growing. And thank you to all of you that are or have served this great country.

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