The hammer and the sickle! Please vote!

Following a recent post of Man of Stoat (
should the hammer and the sickle be outlawed on the site?

If you are offended by it vote yes. If you are ok with it vote no.

P.S. This site in no way supports communism, neo-communism or other venue’s of anti-human ideoloy.

The same reasoning applies as to the swastika - I don’t think it should be banned just cos I find it offensive.

However, if one should be banned, the other should too. It’s all-or-nothing, really.

But I reserve the right to be offended by it & be vocal about it, and to call anyone using it so blatently a c*ck.

Once again I agree with you Stoat!
Like on the swastika case, I voted that the hammer and the sickle to be allowed as a personal choice for avatars and signatures.

I find it a bit agressive,but,we are in democracy,so,i vote no

Personally, despite the fact that the Soviets killed more people than the Nazis, I’ve always found the Nazis to be a somewhat blacker evil than even the Soviets.
While the Soviets killed millions, it was an evil I can comprehend - they killed anyone they thought might possibly be a threat to their system. In many ways, Joe Stalin and John Gotti are interchangeable - one merely had more chances to kill.
With the Nazis, there is something deeply creepy and incomprehensible about it. They effectively at random selected a proportion of the population and decided to cold-bloodedly exterminate them, based on a characteristic these people had no control over. This is something I cannot comprehend.

There are also other aspects of the Nazi system that I find utterly repulsive. For instance, the Stutthof concentration camp was run by the Wehrmacht (not the SS) with the express purpose of providing a supply of dead bodies as feedstock for a soap factory (Danzig Anatomical Medical Institute). Murdering people for political reasons I can perhaps comprehend (if not forgive or forget) but to provide feedstock for an industrial process is a reason I cannot even comprehend.

true words pdf27

Very well said Erwin,
There is nothing wrong with having a equality sign as my signature is there, theres a member on this site called “adolf hitler” and hes got a swastika, even though my hate of the germans runs thick i agree with erwin, this is democracy and it’s his choice to do what he wants, same with me.

If you really find the hammer and sickle offensive i will change it ok, all you had to do was ask.

Though alot of people old and young still hate the germans and japanese i think we can find a way to forgive them for what they did, for it will never happen again like what happened 60 years ago, agreed?

why should it be banned, its just a symbol for communist?
Why would you think commusium is a bad thing, it is a wrong concept but its not an evil concept, except it is being used by stalin to his dictatorship

Well I have a “never say never” policy especially when it comes to human nature. So we can only pray that those things will never happen again. I dont ever see a furture where man does not have war.

I agree forgiveness is key in keeping wars from happening but doenst always work.

Believe me, FW-190 Pilot, it is an evil concept. I live myself in communism up to the end of 1989.
Most of Westerners actually do believe that communism is not evil. As an inhabitant of a country who had communist regime for 45 years (regime imposed by the Soviets) I want to tell you that if you had been lived only a week under such a regime, your thoughts about communism should be spoiled. Communism doesn’t mean only Joseph Stalin!!
The same thing happened with the Nazi regime. Most of us doesn’t live under a Nazi regime and think that Nazi ideology was good (exception of Holocaust - of course). Wrong thoughts! Nazi doesn’t mean only Adolf Hitler!!

I believe that Communism was just about as evil as Nazism. However if we dont ban one, we cant ban the other. Trouble we have here is someone will always object to any symbols. Its when they are put together that makes more of a statement. What I mean is, having a name like white supremist and having the Swastika in your signature etc…

Nazism was evil because it believed in a master Race and to slaughter all false followers—thats an evil concept…
Communism was used wrongly but for the right thing—for everyone to be equal in a society where your neighbour does not envy you.—thats not and evil concept but was used wrongly

You wouldn’t like the ideea to be equal, believe me!! And like Man of Stoat said (

[Hammer and sickle] represents the dominance of the workers (hammer) and peasants (sickle) over the “borgeoisie” (i.e. middle & upper classes). Only workers & peasants were equal - the professional classes were to be destroyed as a class.

Anyway, mate, try to read Marx!!! :smiley:
Your wrong thought of “everyone to be equal…” would be spoiled then. :smiley:

Well said, Dani - it must gall you every time some Communist apologist pops up talking about “equality” under Communism when you personally had to suffer under it.

No communist regime had an acceptable human rights record, none respected individual rights, and none had any form of equality - party shops, anyone?.

Dani - why don’t you write a piece about what life in Communist Romania was like for the benefit of the education of our little “useful idiot”, as Lenin would have called him? (in Romanian) Till now only in Romanian. They said: “This project is dedicated to the memory of all victims of the communist regime”

Also I want to quote some words from
ONE BLUSTERY DAY in November 1989, Dorel Jurcovan stood in line several hours for a half a kilogram of meat — just over one pound — his family’s ration for a whole month. Ration lines were a way of life in Communist Romania. Waiting, more waiting, for 5 eggs, less than an ounce of butter and a half-gallon of milk.
Night fell in Timisoara, and still he had no meat, so he began to ask about the slaughterhouse and delivery truck — how could they be sure meat would arrive? Other people around him suddenly were nervous and moved away. One man uttered, “It doesn’t matter. Look, I want to go home from here,” meaning the alternative was to be hauled off to jail for challenging authority. Dorel eventually received a piece of meat the size of his forearm, but most of it was bone and fat.
“I was so furious when I got home,” he recalls. “I just shouted — not at my wife or daughter — but shouted, ‘If we can’t ask a simple question, we are just doomed. Our lives have no meaning.’”
End quote.
This was our daily struggle for surviving. (Anybody remember Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? :lol: :lol: )
To be continued in another thread with more examples (cult of personality, people’s fear, brain-washing programs, newspapers and propaganda, and so on)

Well Man of Stoat, you are very informed. Good to you!! :smiley:
I’d like more Westerners to be informed as you are.

Well Man of Stoat, you are very informed. Good to you!! :smiley:
I’d like more Westerners to be informed as you are.[/quote]

Thanks - I find the whole thing absolutely fascinating, and have read around the subject. I’ve read almost all of Solzhenistyn, Anne Applebaum’s GULAG, some Lenin, some Bukharin (these latter 2 were totally bonkers - Lenin: “the greatest threat to our revolution is… the shopkeepers”. This was at a time when the Red Army was pillaging the countryside thus creating a food supply problem & elevating prices. But instead of admitting that his army was to blame, he blames the shopkeepers, calling them “petit-bourgoisie” and “profiteers”.)

What’s also fascinating is that what a lot of people in the West think of Lenin is actually based in Stalinist era propaganda! The USSR were masters of disinformation - I believe that they even coined the term.

I love the old Stalin photos that have the cronies erased as they fall out of favour, anyone got before and afters of them?