The Horrors of War ... - German Leadership | Gallery

The Horrors of War ...

Hitler experiences the joys of German field kitchen food on his tour of the Front, Poland, September 1939. To the Fuhrer's right, clearly recognisable even in this near-rear view, is the commander of the Fuhrer Escort Battalion (Fuhrerbegleitbattalion), the unit that supplied his Heer excort at this time - Generalmajor Erwin Rommel. Best regards, JR.

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Actually Hitler was a courier in WW1,bringing messages mostly behind the lines,enjoying better living standarts than the soldiers serving in the trenches.He had the luxury to sleep in a proper bed and have decent food and drink.Not that his job wasn’t dangerous,he got wounded doing his duty.But yes,he wouldn’t have minded a little bit of fieldsoup,not every day that is. :wink: