The Horten flying wings.

That is the Ho-229 V1 glider prototype.

The Ho-229 V2 prototype did fly and proved that it could be a greaf fighter plane if it reached operational status.

I can post some pics if you would like some.

Bring it on ¡¡ :cool:

Ok here we go. Horten 229 special.

Dam 4 images per post. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

How the hell, I will sit here till sun up doing it this way. LOL

No worry you re going good so far :wink:

First flight of the Ho-229 V2 jet powerd prototype.

Yup, since when is it like this? Just show you how long I have been gone.

Sorry for the huge images but I did not have time to make them small.

Try to reduce the size in the bigger ones, it take a lot to load the page.

Ok I will try to do that and try it with the next bunch I will post but it will take time still have alot.

What do you think so far?


Great aircraft and geez one of my fav aircraft.

Or you could easily attach those pics to your post.

Yea HG, you could do that option too, in any case I already edited your pics so there is no problem.

Hi you guys found this on the net check it out.

Very good one, note the low landing speed in the Ho-IX.