The islam menace.

I was going to put this film in the other topic, but after a second tough I think the name “The muslim caliphate and jewish conspiray…” is just too silly to have a real decent discussion, So I decided to open a new one.

A movie that everybody should see.

More info about the short film.

Or you can download and watch the following videos and find out why most of the conspiratorial stuff is bullshit (each is a 70MB WMV file):

[b]Baby it’s Cold Outside[/b]

[b]The Phantom Victory[/b]

[b]The Shadows in the Cave[/b]


Despite the fact that “The Power of Nightmares” is one of the most successful documentaries the BBC ever produced, they have not been publicly aired in the USA…

Watch and make up you own mind…

Note: better, lossless versions can be bit torrented…

Yea as the sily everything that Nick has wrote about “Conspirasy theories” :slight_smile:
Althoutgh the Muslim Threat is the actual thing - but say honestly - do we not threat them TOO?
Who does support the Israel in its Inner regime of race-apparteid and agressive external policy ?
The lunatic Muslims?

Conspirational bullshit ? :shock:

Unfortunately that already surpassed that level and is a reality, man you have more than 3000 dead in your country and still talking about “conspiration” ?

This is a remarkable picture, protestors not in El ryad or Teheran but in…London. quite nice people there. :cool:

The threat is real.
The movie seem to be a provocation.
Danish Prime Minister (the one who is “responsible” for the egnition of the caricature scandal) says that he thinks that the film “Fitna” is a provocation towards muslims.

I believe that is more like a public awareness announce, Geert Wilders must be one of the most brave man in Europe, he had already several death treaths of the “tolerants” muslims.

Of course the signs with “Behead those who insult islam” is not a provocation according to your view. :rolleyes:

What will be left of Europe with people like that ? One just can avoid to wonder.

The extremists are the menace. Who argues?

To be fair, at least half of the morons in that demonstration are currently residing in jail as guests of Her Majesty… Placards like “behead those who insult Islam” are not a terribly bright idea…

Speaking of a load of simplistic shiite!

And around 50,000 died due to traffic accidents the same year.

And the you’re producing the same tired stuff that fundamentally ignores the actual, central problems and you’re also giving way too much credit to a small gang of thugs that has not pulled off a successful terror attack in the Americas since 9.11.01, nor did they have any substantial cells ready to go…

Again, you’re perpetrating the “they’re all the same” myth when in fact religious, sectarian Islamic groups are far more prone to kill each other than they are westerners…

And secondly, assholes carrying placards with such statements do not necessarily represent a deep movement. Just like the Klu Klux Klan and various Neo-Nazi groups do not represent ALL Americans or Europeans…

Specifically in regards to what?

I don’t agree with everything stated in the three videos, but many of the points are dead on! Such as painting al Qaeda as a villainous James Bond organization living is a super-secret subterranean lair is not the “truth.” If they were, there would have been follow on attacks. Yet, no real terror cells with money, weapons, and operational plans were found. They are a fragmented coalition that are as prone to competing against and killing each other as they are Westerners, not to mention the many schisms in Islam prevent any real unification under the Caliphate BS often stated as their endgame…

And the two major terror attacks on Spain and Britain were freelancers that volunteered largely out of the outrage over the occupation of Iraq, not some deeply rooted “Stepford” Muslim, cylon-like preprogramming…

Anyone who goes on about that clearly is ignorant of history and the the fall of the Ottoman Empire around WWI, when binds of nationalism was far more potent that the Muslim religion and the various Arabic nations rebelled against the Turks…

“Islam” is not the “menace.” Poverty, dictatorships, and floundering economies are the “menace.”

Nick, the point you are missing is that it’s not only about violent islamists, but just as much about the indifferent or supporting crowd that refuses to adopt to our style of living here. There’s a problem that’s pretty unique in europe since we are no classical immigration states with a rather homogenuous indigenous culture since a couple of hundret years. We are no melting pot and we don’t want to become one. Immigration to europe is like spice in a soup, it needs to come in the right dosis and if it does it adds to the flavor. We have very healthy communities of all sorts of people here in germany (I f.e. have very close ties to the korean community) and there isn’t an immigration problem with them (as they actually integrate and keep their personal stuff like religion personal and don’t shove it under others peoples noses with mosks deliberatly built bigger than 500 year old churches next door, and I’m atheist).
But when it comes to muslims we mostly didn’t get the ones well educated and willing to work hard to make the american dream etc. We got a lot of the “hey, there’s money for free in europe” type, who doesn’t even try to speak the language and contributes something like 30% of all crimes commited with only 5% of the population. If you are wandering around in certain corners of big european cities they start to look like the maghreb and I simply refuse to accept that since this means no longer immigration but colonization.
This is bound to get ugly in the long run and all those (as if we wouldn’t know it’s politicians) who willingly ignore all the problems and shout keep em coming are the ones ultimatly responsible when the shit hits the fan. It’s not far fetched to expect the balkans reloaded all over europe in a couple of decades. I know I will start to get violent (under §20 / 4 german basic law) if I ever realize sharia law to be applied with the knowledge and indulgence of the german authorities and unfortunatly this is not as far fetched as it sounds.

That may be. But because the USA IS a melting pot, that’s why we have no major problems with Muslim extremists here and haven’t since the early 1990s. The 9/11 attacks do not count as they were planned abroad, largely by a guy that refuses the term “al Qaeda,” Khalid Sheik Mohammad, and he also seems to dislike Bin Laden and almost seems to be in a rivalry with him from what I’ve read.

I wasn’t commenting with immigration policies in mind (which are valid concerns that must be addressed), but more to the notion that it is the religion itself. The truth is that I am fan of no religion, but those that often harp on the “Islamofascists” ignore that there are so many other factors at work than just religion – a lot of it is culture and a profoundly unfair social caste system that exists in say – Egypt. People don’t become violent simply because they’re Muslims, they become violent because they lose all hope and stake in the current societies and religion becomes the means of revolutionary change…

I’m not sure anyone can in anyway prove that Islam is any more inherently violent that Christianity or Judaism. Perhaps it is less advanced and more regressive with having no equivalent to the Protestant Reformation or the Second Vatican…

If you think we are going to be scared of a small bunch of ‘rent a crowd’ demonstrators…think again :rolleyes:

Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got in in for me :cool:(Carry On Cleo )

If you think we are going to be scared of a small bunch of ‘rent a crowd’ demonstrators…think again :rolleyes:

Infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me :cool:(Carry On Cleo )

The question is…who are the extremists ???

To me that would be people who, if push came to shove, would say their religious stuff goes before the law of the community they reside in and that crowd is fairly big in a certain religion.

But in that certain religion they have also a commandment which states ‘thou shall not kill’

To be fair, at least half of the morons in that demonstration are currently residing in jail as guests of Her Majesty… Placards like “behead those who insult Islam” are not a terribly bright idea

Is nice to hear that.

To me that would be people who, if push came to shove, would say their religious stuff goes before the law of the community they reside in and that crowd is fairly big in a certain religion.

Wich I believe is pretty much the case in western Europe, the muslim extremist take advantage of the free spech in those countries but they have no plans to respect that in case they reach power.

Now this following videos are probably the most sick, lunatic and perverted materiel I ever seen…to poison the children with this kind of extremist garbage from early age, there is no name to qualify that.

If somebody tell me after seen this stuff that there is no extremism or there is no menace is because is too blind…or too stupid.