The last gasp

I am proud to be serving a lifetime ban from the dictatorial eBay boards for daring to challenge the dictatorship there.

It seems that here we are also allowed the same freedom to agree with the unseen, uninvolved, and anonymous site owners, and that challenging them and inviting public discussion of their many deficiencies is also forbidden.

If the owners of this board can’t allow, and even better respond to, public criticism of their failures to run it properly, and if the mods are just going to be their lap dogs to bemoan but not argue against the status quo rather than demanding the powers they need to run the board properly, then I am happy to keep pushing them to the point that they ban me for daring to criticise them, the poor delicate little flowers they are.

The main differences between the owners and me on this board are that, unlike them,
(a) I post
(b) I am prepared to argue my case
(c) I can’t, and wouldn’t, close a thread just because another member challenged me.

I sense I’m on a collision course to oblivion here, which suits me just fine if the board is going to continue on its recent course of endless spam, moronic bump posts, and trolling.

I am backing 100 % Rising sun here.

By the way this one:

There are mods with the power to ban them (Firefly, General Sandworm and Procyon), they just aren’t around very much. This is due to an abuse of power by a former mod, which means the mod superpowers of the rest of us have been severely curtailed to protect you guys from experiencing that sort of thing in future.

I dont know if you are talking about me but if you do, the answer is I dont think so, the only non-spammer user I ever banned was Chevan and only for 15 days.

If as abuse of the mods is to have a ordenated forum, well I am guilty. But the other stuff… you talking nonsense.

In any normal forun you broke rules you are punished, simply as that.
An regarding the other admins…well they elected a guy named Erwin as moderator ( hard laughs here) so that shows they werent and arent too intelligent.:rolleyes:

And by the way if one of the moderators/administrator is too tired or maybe they think the ones who are worried about of this forum are peniless-non-real life people they simply are more stupid than the ones who are actually ruining this forum.

I am offering as sustitute Mod if anybody need my services until the Administration find someone more suitable to their tastes.

There is several signs of psichological strain in the todays Mod team.

I guess this is all about my locking that thread. For the record, I locked it for exactly the same reason I would have locked any similar thread criticising any other member of these boards. Describing someone as a “bonehead” and a “cnut” is NOT acceptable, no matter who they are.
Secondly, the content of the message - that in your opinion the powers of some mods should be increased - while appropriate to the Site Feedback forum - would be more appropriately carried out via PM.

Hardly - note that I locked, rather than deleted, your thread and pointed you in the right direction to take things up directly with the site owner. Frankly, if you just want to throw a public tantrum rather than making constructive suggestions in private where they might actually be acted upon and where deficiencies can be pointed out I have no sympathy whatsoever for you.

This has been a matter for discussion in the mod room for some time, and a number of changes have already taken place to the board software which have eliminated >95% of the spam. All this took place in the War Room, which you are locked out from - and from the hissy fit you appear to be throwing this afternoon there appear to be very sound reasons to keep you locked out of it.

a) So do I
b) So am I
c) As I said before, I closed that thread and have had no communication with Procyon on the subject. I closed it because you were incapable of posting without resorting to personal abuse about another member of the site, and I will close or delete any future threads which I consider to be started for the express purpose of abusing another member.

Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out…

See PMs. For the record you aren’t the only person I have in mind.

Mate, despite our many and vigorous differences, this demonstrates why it is that sometimes people with the strongest and even opposing opinions have more in common with each other than those with weak or no opinions. At least we stand up for what we believe in.

Yeah, right.

So fucking ban me, and give the board over to aly j and the endless bump thread, which is making a major contribution to WWII discussion.

Actually, just do me a favour and ban me so I can’t respond to the provocations.

Oh, yes, that’s right, you can’t can you?

So we have endless posts by botox or whatever his name is.

Jesus wept!

WOW…I have never seen RS so Mad, in my entire stay on this forum. He must really really be pissed off…I am shocked!..WOW!

Don’t let the door hit you on the arse on the way out…

A pity that this last prase is directed to someone who is really worried about the forum ( and that explain his hard language), I would like to see that directed to the trolls legion who is affecting us today.

Don’t confuse anger with despair.

I am simply despairing of the downward direction in which this board is steadily heading.

If I was angry, and given that you mistook my despair for anger, you would be quite surprised by the difference.

Mate, I have fired the scuttling charges.

There is no need for you to go down with my ship. :wink: :mrgreen:

I think it is fair to say that the usage of language utilized in the original complaint was a bit harsh, considering we don’t actually pay any money to use this site and it is a Free site to begin with. You catch more bees with Honey than Vinegar my mamma always use to say. Articulating an aggressive approach to the bothersome aspects of the forum doesn’t make the Owners or Mods inclined to be receptive. If a client at my work is aggressively bad tempered with me, I give little notice to the service and more notice to the attack. Anyways, we all have our opinions but this forum would not be the same without RS because his feedback to threads are the most insightful and it is understandable that he is bothered by various irritations on the forum, and maybe he is just having a bad hair day today.

Mate, I have fired the scuttling charges.

There is no need for you to go down with my ship. :wink: :mrgreen:

Dont worry, I also have the torpedo warheads interconnected in my cruiser, just in case the forum situation dont improve.
A pity, a shame, a disgrace…but what you cant do when the mod and admins failed ? The forum is sinking…and you sink with it too.

Highly impressive.

As the points in my post to which you responded were directed to the site owner, I take it that you are the site owner.

So kindly explain to me why you as site owner refuse to give yourself the relevant powers as a mod.

Or if, as is clear, you’re not the site owner, then WTF has your response got to do with the questions I raised for the site owner?

And why is it that matters of public interest on this board have to be raised by PM with a site owner who is unknown and has yet to post anything, which might reflect his interest in the commercial value of the site rather than WWII history?

Anyway, your link to poxymoron or whatever his name is doesn’t work and, like him, I have better things to do than waste my time getting things right on the site.

pdf27, and Rising Sun*:

You both need to cool it and cease the “pissing contest.”

You both have valid points, there is a way to go about things and be a tad more constructive, okay? You’re both grown men, please act it here. I agree with RS* that I think we need an honest appraisal of where this site is going. Through no ones’ fault but the transgressors, there IS an abhorrent amount of bad posting, either intentionally because some people are being malicious trolls that can’t get enough of acting stupid, even more stupid and uninformed than they may actually be for “lols,” or perhaps they’re just too stupid to be allowed to post. But there are better ways to address the issue that ultimatums and internet “bare-knuckle-fighting.” pdf27 isn’t your enemy RS*. He’s your friend, my friend, our internet friend who dedicates a good deal of his time when he’s not QCing and running around the country side in full kit and Enfield…:wink: So, have a little respect even if you don’t agree, please.

Unfortunately, I have an issue at work and can’t deal with this now. But I’ll be back this evening (EST)…


PM with whom? aly j? Or some other intellectual giant who recently has graced the board with their extensive knowleldge of WWII, or even just stuff?

Aren’t the powers of mods a matter for public debate by the members of the forum who are regulated by the mods?

Or if, as you suggest by confining them to PM, are they matters to be determined behind closed doors? Which confirms my allegation of a dictatorship, apparently determined by unknown members on the basis of undisclosed PMs to the anonymous site owner who makes decisions on the basis of unknown criteria.

Why is this appropriate for a members’ forum?

Oh, God no! I FYI did give her/him/it a couple of points (the only time I ever have here) for starting a weird “devil” thread in the Main WWII forum in what was a painfully obvious attempt to get other certain internet weirdos going here.

It was an obvious attempt to disrupt the board for as the kids say “lolz.” I think since this troll has been around long enough to know better, I think that thread alone is enough to ban it in good conscience since Aly J seems to post here for no other reason than attention and antagonizing others. She just happens to push things just enough not to get banned, but with her long body of 15 posts a day on a board whose subject she seems to know nothing about -and more tellingly- seems to care nothing about as she/he/it obviously isn’t interested in topical discussion nor learning…

She’s gotta go. And a few others that post in her wake, or joined suspiciously around the same time, need to be watched closely…

I will exploit this momentary cool-down phase to advert to the picture site where there’s a similar situation right now.
Trolls (personal insults), mass-uploaders (posting almost entire cock-eyed scanned books including text blocks) and -of course- the usual nazi offspring (the latest one looks desperately for information of how to join the KKK…).
With our old admin around any of this crap vanished automatically. Unfortunately that’s not the case anymore. Maybe after all it’s the difference if you run a site like this for “idealistic” reasons or “as an investment”.
Out of fairness I have to remark that Procyon reacts (and deletes) if I PM and inform him about any wrongdoings there. So, maybe it’s just a matter of conversation among each other (admin&mods) to handle the situation and re-increase mod’s powers…

BTW, I have no idea of internet business. How does owning a site like this pay off? It can’t be only these few little ads on the picture site,can it?:confused:

I agree with everything you said, apart from the bit about the Enfield.

It wouldn’t surprise me if the Mother Country was still using Enfields :D, or even flintlocks :D, and I just hope you’re implying that pdf is running around with Enfields.

Because we’re really envious of that, as most of our military is still trained on the blunderbuss, and pike. :smiley:

P.S. I’m not sure that I’m a grown man. Then again, sometimes I can grow a foot or so quite rapidly. :wink:

Regardless of the content, the essence of it is to do with advertsing revenue which generally is related to the volume of traffic on the site.

There are various ways of generating that revenue and various rates of payment, but the end result is always related to volume of traffic.

Which is why all those pain in the arse directory sites exist, because they all generate traffic.

Beyond that, it gets into a lot of detail about a whole lot of things, but the basic principle of traffic volume never changes.