The latest recoveries of military equipment

I thought that would be interesting to create the thread where we could post the info about the latest recoveries of military equipment.

For example, few weeks ago a group of polish history enthusiasts recovered a Jagdpanzer 38 t Hetzer from the coast of Baltic Sea near the Hel Area.
Nobody knows its story. The recovery team found inside some rounds of ammo, money and one small pistol in working order.
The wreck is going to be renovated as soon as possible.

Wow thats alot smaller than I though…guessing it was a 2 man crew! I can check but dont see much more room than that.

Well, as far as I know there was a room for 4 men, although it sounds incredible…

I think this is a great idea for a thread!

Here’s another (a bit old) story.
The Museum in Tomaszow Mazowiecki (Poland) is the owner of german halftrack SdKfz 251/3 - IV. This carrier had sunk in Pilica Rivier near Tomaszow in January 1945. It was recovered in 1996.
The historians confirmed that the halftrack belonged to the 19th Panzer Div.
THe tactical number “29” was still visible on the armor, and its the registration number was “WH - 1743549”. The original halftrack’s name was “Rossi”.
The stuff that was found inside:

  • some MGs,
  • documents (including personal ID cards of the crew),
  • a piece of butter (!!!).

It turned out that the last of the identified crew members died just few months before the halftrack’s recovery.

Today, the halftrack is FULLY operating unit.

Wow Kovalski this is a great infor in this thread.
I know from the other threads about interesting fids in the Russia.
Just give a bit of time.

And here’s a link to the webpage about the recovery of so-called “Pantherturm” in Szczecin (Poland) in 2001.

From the past year:

Uruguayan divers succeeded in recovering the Imperial Eagle from the German Battleship “Graf Spee”. The WWII vessel had been sunk by its own crew in the Uruguayan waters from the River Plate in order to don’t let the British to take it, after sinking nine of their merchant ships.

Graf Spee is sinking at the River Plate

The historical piece, after 65 years under the waters. The Swastika Cross was occulted by the team in order to not hurt touchy feelings.

Here a pic from the divers team, and the Eagle with the Swastika.

About a week or two ago, some group of civilians in Northern Poland (Pomorze area) found a crash site of USAAF B-24. The archaeologists are now working to recover as much is possible and identify the bomber, its unit and crew.
