The Lost Generation book

I found this book online and read it. It was a really good book called the lost generation.

The Lost Generation is a story about a family in Germany during the tumultuous times of post world war one; and these unsure days bring on a wave of instability never witnessed before. We follow this family throughout this period up into the Second World War; reading about Eric, along with his wife Eva in their struggle to hold their lives together, from the inescapable Nazi influence. Their two sons, Günter and Erwin find themselves being raised in a society that at best… have plans for them in the future; and it is in the best wishes for their parents, to not let the two make that grave mistake. Two roads are carved for the brothers; and the paths chosen…will be walked down with the trials of their decision. To do what is right, versus what is accepted becomes their challenge; and it is one that their parents can do nothing more… then stand by, and pray they do what is right.