The MB

The general state of the MB has declined over the past year. We had a vibrant multi posting effervescent board which has slowed down to a creep.

I know that guys come and go and lately it has picked up a bit.

I think the new board is an improvement but we need the new skin to make it better. We also need more posters. I have advertised it on many other forums that I visit, but sadly it has only produced 1 or 2 new members.

I think its a pity as we have so much to offer the ww2 community.

Maybe us Mods should have a push at new and diffrent topics, maybe even some contrevertial ones.

I’m almost tempted to open a new account and pose as some sort of IRONMAN character to spark interest.

Maybe thats our problem? Maybe we are too wary of any new poster and too quick to censure a new controvertial poster. Maybe we should let the controversial ones hang themselves a wee bit to garner more opinions?

I’d like to know what you think?

Are any Mods actually out there?

Please respond!

Or shall we shut up shop?

Ive noticed that the posts have been really good lately but there has been a lack of posting. We really need to do something. Maybe we should start hitting the awards for new members a bit harder to keep the ones we have interested. We really need to get the ball rolling here. We need idea’s. If we must let’s broaden things a bit with other wars maybe to help spark interest.

Mods ideas please?!?!

Might also mention letting people come on and start arguing isnt so bad. As FF mentioned it sparks interest. We can easily mod them later. Plus it actually gives us something to do. We dont always have to stop shit as soon as its starts. If we handled IRONMAN im sure we can handle anyone.

Agree with the Sandman. Lets start something soon before the site dies. The only thing is, what do we start?

:frowning: Lack of ideas.

Meanwhile, Chevan is back. I’ll be very very silent replying to him in hope that Lancer will argue.:roll:

Well i think starting good threads on other wars will be good. Like we did with the falklands.

Well , I know that I have said this before, but the new forum format “DOES NOT ENCOURAGE POSTING”

I think this is the root of the problem.

Partially true. I think it’s time for ww2admin to show us the new skin. Others did!

K well in the meantime I think we are just going to have to wait on ww2admin and his skin. Can you guys suggest some new wars…ive already added WW1. These are actual forums not just threads. You will find Falkland/Malvinas there as well. So please suggest a new war forum and have a first post please. Maybe we should start with the major ones. Thanks

Edit to add could some of you search thru the archive section to dig up any old topics related to the current 2 forums. And note any that would be good in other war forums.

What we talked about before, i.e. giving posters a bit more leeway before we warn or ban.

I have put a couple of snippets in and Chevan has bit, as have others. In one I deliberately said perhaps the Germans deserved to be bombed and in the other I have asked what everyone thinks of the treatment of the SOviets of their own returning liberated prisoners.

This has been done deliberately and I think we should let the guys get on with it unless they directly start hurling abuse at each other.

Give them a little rope and maybe others may come here for heated discussion and the sensible ones will stay, just like they did before.

I agree, the WW1 idea is a good start.

I’ll search in this evening.

Edited: My evening (meaning GMT+3)

2nd edit: Done.

I noticed so far in the archive some Korean and Vietnam war threads. But unfortunatelly I am unable to create a new sub-section or sub-forum.

Korean and Vietnam wars made … feel free to add the threads. Thanks


I hope that young Jeffrey won’t be scared and will try to reply.

Just a suggestoin Mon General - give the other wars topic its own banner heading, I think it would attract more attention.

Me too, although I know what an anarchist is, I would like to hear his explanation. Its not new as Victorian Britain had a small Anarchist problem around about the time of Jack the Ripper no less.


Also I was looking over the stats and everything is looking pretty normal. User activitity posting thread starting. The problem is just lack of members. So going by this I guess letting heated debates get going isnt such a bad idea. Also we can let it go for awhile if need be. In an emergency I can give you all temporary ban power if needed. (Fire alarm if you will) :smiley:

Yes, it looks like allowing some leeway on the boards has spiced it up, along with some leading posts by Dani and Me that dont infringe on our Moderation. After all the role of a Mod is also to engender discussion and it looks like it seems to be working. As I said I think its OK for this as long as we jump down hard on any insults, racism etc etc.

I think guys like a bit of conflict and have come to realise that maybe thats why the MB had gotten a bit stale. We still need more members though.

New milestone:

Most users ever online was 80, Yesterday