The Movie 300

I saw this movie a few days ago and I must say it was awesome ,
We went to see it in IMax WOW is all I can say .

Yes, I’ve seen the trailers. I have the original comic book by Frank Millar, which is the inspiration for the film.

It looks very good, and the sound track is great, but I can’t help thinking that Leonidas resembles Zak Dingle! :smiley:

Love the idea for a movie but looks to blown out of proportion for me. Im sure ill see it sooner or later.

Yes, well it is based on a comic book. The one to watch for, would be ‘Gates of Fire’ when they get around to filming it.

It looks like a very good video. Thanks for the site Gutkowski.

“Gates of Fire” was a very good book. I enjoyed it very much!

Probably no coincidence that the BBC aired ‘The Three Hundred Spartans’ yesterday. :slight_smile:

i like the fact people hate this movie because it kind of changes the history.

Well, this movie is inspired by a comic book, obviously they confuse movies with documentary video.

Hate the Three Hundred Spartans?..I love that film (but, then, I saw it at the time of its release in the cinemas.)!

A bit fast and loose with history with its portrayal of liberated society. Particulary, as the Spartan society was, arguably, a slave society.

Then again, slavery remained a part of the economy of the US long after the US had professed its values of liberty and equality in the declaration of independance, and won its liberty from Brtiain. Even Thomas Jefferson, the author of the declaration, was a slave owner (in more ways than one). George Washington remained a slave owner until his death. He wrote it in his will that they should be released upon the demise of his wife. Which was a bit awkward for her as they were all waiting for said demise and might have been tempted to hurry it along a little. :wink: :smiley:

i know, its kind of ironic to know that!