The Muslim Caliphate and Jewish Conspiracy-Theory Thread

Yes. Though we’ll have to face the future realities of England and our governor in Londonabad will be a Moslim.

And I believe the Bishop thing was about allowing Muslims to incorporate some Islamic traditions into court cases involving only Muslims. Something I think the Brit courts allow for every religion…

In fact there is only one set of laws for everyone in Britain now.

As long as he’s secular, who cares? We have Muslim congressman here now, and they are hardly subversive or radical. What causes and stokes fundamentalism is the exclusion of jobless, angry young Muslim males from the political process, not engagement with it. Why do you think most radical jihadists come from repressive states, often with rigid social class strata and a “friendly” military dictator?

And my understanding is that it wasn’t “Sharia Law” he advocated, just respect for cultural aspects of it like they do for Hindus and Sikhs. Perhaps you are a greater expert on UK law than I?

*Mod Note: this debate will be split off into another thread if is continues as this has nothing to do with the Argentinian claims in the Falklands/Malvinas

Moslims are laughing at these simulative western pseudo-democratic values, they have their own ones. The most radical jihadists come from well-to-do and rich families. The suicide bombers in the London underground or fellows who hijacked planes and attacked the world trade center were quite successful in Western societies.

That is why it is clear that Argentine stands good chances to return their islands without any war.

Damn… mr Kato has changed the plate;)
Now he attacks the Muslims , not Negroes:)
this is definitely progress, how do you think guyes?

This would has happend ONLY if CIA will sponsored ONE more World Orange revolution again:)

I am not attacking anyone. In reality Islamic fundamentalists hinder Western Europe from Islamisation. But for their acts of terror the process of Islamisation would go much faster.

Jihadists are much more worthy persons than the adepts of modern western political systems.

You offend Ukrainain oligarchs. They can sponsor a revolution in the USA on their own and hire CIA men for it if they want

Sure you are not attacking…for the while…i hope never be
But your delight of Judaism bothers us :slight_smile:
Do you want to declare Jihad agains “weak European values” here sir?

mr Kato, your naivity ( as and your radical ethnical views) worry me more and more!!:slight_smile:
Do you really believe that the Ukrainian Ologarhs keep their money in Ukraine , but not in Americans and Israeli Banks?:slight_smile:
Just like russians ologarhs:)

One of really naive person is you. Each mentally sound Ukrainain oligarch keep its money in the banks of offshore zones to avoid paying taxes.

For the future it will be better if such a Jihad is led by whites.

The offshore banks Kato, does not provide such safety and reliability for deposites like the World Banks-Giants that based in mostly in USA.
The offshore banks are used ONLY for the short dirty finantial operations for getting immediate profit.
The best choise to keep money is the Big Switzeland’s or American banks.
Even the Russian Stabilization fund is keeping in the USA:)
BTW if you knowledges how to make an Revolution as good as your finantial knowledges- i/m afraid we wll never selebrate the Orange revolution in the USA:D

And what power could lead this White Jihad on your mind?
Something like New National-White-Patriots?

Arguments that generalise from the particular lack logical force.

Most Muslims aren’t going to fly planes into buildings or blow up trains or anything else or rush to Iraq, any more than most communists attacked Spanish interests outside Spain or most Catholics, or communists, flocked to Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

The very large number of Muslims on the planet and the radicalisation of some of them by some radical Islamists - who won’t recognise that most of the Islamic world’s problems come from the way Islamic nations are run by Muslims or, even less logically like bin Laden, recognise it but attack the West as a solution :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused: - and Israel’s relentless oppression of Arabs and Muslims and idiotic Western adventures like Iraq, brilliantly enhanced by minor but symbolically huge travesties like Abu Ghraib, means that there is a reasonably large number of dangerous Muslims in the world who focus their anger on the West rather than the deficiencies in those nations controlled by Muslims.

But there is also a number of crazy Christian anti-abortionists who have killed in pursuit of their aims, and a number of rabid animal rights nuts who have done the same thing. And pillars of Christianity like Dubya whose actions apparently are approved by his god, the creator and guardian of America and all it stands for despite the slight problem that America’s version of Christianity owes nothing to Divine intervention and everything to Henry VIII and subsequent religious persecution in England, which allowed America to specify ‘In God we trust’ as its national motto (in 1956, when they were trusting in their god to stop the Russkis getting enough nuclear capacity to send them to their god) . None of these things are reasons for labelling all Christians or all animal rights supporters or all animal lovers or all Americans as killers or threats to civilisation, whatever that means. I have, however, purposely omitted Dubya from that exception.

I have had a lot to do with Muslims over many years, some of them very devout, and many of them are good people who live their religion in daily life in ways that many Christians, and everybody else, should take as a model. They are admirable people. And some of them are absolute shits who profess to be Muslims while being career criminals of the worst type and who I’d happily see executed, just like some people who profess other faiths.

Some Muslims are trying to bridge the gap between views like yours which, here anyway, come from the popular press and its right wing commentators and the people who subscribe to them at all levels of society. Such opinions only confirm prejudices which exist because the people who hold them don’t know Muslims who contradict those prejudices. Usually they don’t know any Muslims at all.

We would get on a lot better with them if we stopped demonising them and lumping them all into one basket, as the Nazis did with the Jews and countless other examples of rabid group distrust and contempt.

If we force them into a corner by continually labelling all of them as, in effect, sub-human then we can expect them to come out swinging.

If we accept them as people with as much right to live peaceful lives as us, unless they break the law, then we’ll all get on a lot better.

Clean financial operations in the USA or Israal imply paying taxes.

If you check what states are the main investors in the Ukrainain economy you’ll find out that they are Cyprus, Cayman islands etc.

The best choise to keep money is the Big Switzeland’s or American banks.
Even the Russian Stabilization fund is keeping in the USA:)

The Russian Stabilization fund is at disposal of the Russian state and not oligarchs.

BTW if you knowledges how to make an Revolution as good as your finantial knowledges- i/m afraid we wll never selebrate the Orange revolution in the USA:D

The Orange revolution was not a revolution.

It is Marxist approach about the masses as the crucial factor in the historic process.

Most Muslims won’t be struggling against radicals either.

The history is made by the absolute minority.

If we accept them as people with as much right to live peaceful lives as us, unless they break the law, then we’ll all get on a lot better.

It is the worst variant for humanity. This will lead to the disappearance of the white race, stagnation and degradation in all the spheres of life.

Yeah, how dare Americans intrude on the sovereign Russian intelligence turf of the Ukraine? :slight_smile:

Kato, did you ever wonder why the Muslims within the “Great Satan” of the United States (with the exception of those specifically sent here and possibly the Blind Sheik [who? :)]) have never been tied to a substantive terrorist plot that actually had a plan, weapons, and training for?

It is because they are secularized and culturally assimilated through a processes of political pluralism and religious tolerance. Processes that are ingrained and more open than the societies of Western Europe…

People who believe that all Muslims are the same and are on some conspiracy to form a one-world Islamic caliphate are simply delusional and ignore a long history or nationalism and fracture within the “Islamic” world. They are the same culturally ignorant Neoconservatives that helped get the US into the Iraq War…

The reason why Islamic radicals exist are more sociological than religious…

Most suicide bombers in London were born in the UK and lived all their life or most of their lives in Britain.

The similar situation was with Madrid’s bombing.

The US is much less Islamic in comparison with the EU.

The reason why Islamic radicals exist are more sociological than religious…

There are many other much more deprived religious groups in sociological respect but no radicals manifested about their existence among them.

Not if you’re not a Marxist.

Muslims tend to be influenced rather more by Mohammed.

Marx is, in the view of those of us who’ve moved past the collapse of the simplistic capitalism and society he described, irrelevant.

Nor are most anything struggling against radicals anywhere.

I wouldn’t go so far as to say the ‘absolute’ minority, but major events tend to be created by trivial minorities who just drag the rest of us along with them.

History, however, is all of the past and everyone is involved in that. They just don’t get mentioned in the history books.

Islam is the worst ‘variant’ in humanity?

‘Variant’ appears to be meant to mean an aberration. Such as, say Nazi death camps. Or the Burma Railway. Or Year Zero. Or big slabs of black Africa for the past half century. Or Bosnia. And so on.

The worst event so far, on numbers killed, was the magnifcent Aryans trumpeting the virtues of the white race.

They were among the best degraders of humanity in all spheres of life, so far.