The Nazi book craze

From the BBC today

I don’t get it either, the Nazis were a bunch of mad racists and murderers. Further to that they lost! Who likes a loser? Must be a uniform fetish thing.

A sensitive topic, not so much a problem in Germany but seemingly on an international scale.
After all I think it’s difficult to draw the line between serious research and so-called fanboysm.
The article somewhat takes the easy option by subsuming the mentioned literature as ‘Nazi stuff’ , personally I wouldn’t call the unit history of a German WW2 armoured division an odd fetish. Technics enthusiasts from all over the world certainly enjoy reading about German (not Nazi) weaponry (along with other countries’ products), same goes for uniforms etc.
I agree however that it’s getting odd when it comes to Nazi occultism, flying saucers (or sausages?), Göring’s pompous cutlery etc. Personally I never even felt the slightest need to read ‘Mein Kampf’.

Because perhaps you’ve already read “Mein Leben”… I’ m just joking, of course. :wink:

Funny thing is what he says is correct, I’ve just had my book, ‘Operation Werwolf’ published on Amazon as a Kindle book, and guess what, it’s got a swastika on the front!!

Quote: “Funny thing is what he says is correct,”
TigerBites, who is the “he” you are referring to?

That, and the supposed invincibility, at least in the early years. Plus mystique.

Same sort of stuff sees endless books on SAS and other special forces in bookstores. Usually available in their largest quantities as remainders at bargain prices, which is about what they’re worth.

RS*'s ‘Rule for war picture books’ says that the accuracy of the text in such books declines in, at least, inverse proportion to the quantity of pictures.

I completely agree with you, Rising Sun*. I didn’t know that it was a RS*'s rule, but i use the same method to pass judgement on war picture books. :wink: In some of them the text seems to have a minor importance.

I have dozens and dozens of books about the Nazis and the Third Reich. I also have as many books about the battle in the South Pacific. It’s not a rise in interest in Nazis, but instead an interest in WW2 in general.

When we were kids , wargames were new and ‘all the rage’ , so every new game had potential break through in game mechanics or technical info or military history etc. Apparently back then the ‘rule of thumb’ for game designers was the “three N’s” - Nazi, Nukes or NATO. That was what the game designers produced because they always knew these would sell like ‘hot cakes’. There was an implied comparison between NATOs plight in Central Europe and the fighting on the eastern front in WW-II, so many of us made it a point to study both.

When some one asked me back then why I studies nazi so much, I realised that info about the Germans in WW-II was everywhere and available, while comparable info about the allies etc was not. So we went where the information took us. If westeners were so paranoid about their ‘so called’ secrets ,it was their own loss…at least thats the way alot of us saw this issue.

My interest in WWII was by accident. I visited Europe when I was a kid, France and then briefly Germany, and visited a few museums while we there. A short time later I was reading Mein Kampf, which at the time as a teenager seemed like a logical starting point to looking into WWII. I sure didn’t agree with anything Hilter had to say in his book, and to this day I’m stunned that anyone can harbor such ill will against another race. It wasn’t until I was much older and out of the US Marines that I discovered that half of the war was fought in the South Pacific. It was sort always considered an after thought for most of the general public.

But the Nazi had the propaganda thing down, and combined with the symbolism and imagery it’s understandable.