The Off-topic Dump Thread.

Um, you may have a bit of a point. But where the hell does this come from as it is totally unrelated and out of left-field…

You are seriously beginning to annoy me and based on your posting track record seem to be little more than a troll…

[b]I’m starting this thread as a dumping ground for poorly thought out, rambling responses designed to thread-jack (especially for my responses :)). I think it would also make a nice place for humor, venting, flaming, etc. Get it out of your system here…

Our first customer is a Floridian troll…[/b]

I would say the Jews. After the Nazis killed millions of them they can get away with whatever they want based on the Holocaust. They are doing the same things, the Nazis did to them, to the Palestinians (in a smaller scale though). They were as much of a terrorist group to the British as the Palestinians are to the Israelis; however, they claim was/is in self defence and the world powers accept it.

Yeah, okay stupid. Good luck with that!

I hope I am not misunderstanding colloquial American English, but am I correct in interpreting the thread title, and in particular Nick’s last post about getting it out of our systems, to mean that this is where members come to ‘take a dump’?

If so, why is it that Americans ‘take a dump’?

Where do you take it? How? Put it on a leash and drag it down the street to impress the neighbours?

We ‘have a bog’. We keep ours. We’re proud of what we’ve done, but as inheritors of the British tradition we prefer to be modest and don’t have to display what we’ve done. :slight_smile:

Then, of course, some of us Brits display what we’ve done each time we post. :wink:

But that doesn’t include any of my friends. :slight_smile:

What does make me curious, is how Americans manage to get a dump in a can and then dump it, once again, on poor, old John? :frowning:

I learned as a young boy to never TAKE a dump…leaving one was much better for everyone around.

Why are you guys talking about crapping, thats gross.:rolleyes:

You have a dirty mind…

Sorry,in Australia thats the words we use for that kind of thing.
I have to remember that people come from different countries and words mean different meanings.:wink:

I think any animosity that one may have with the Jews, should not be vented on this forum. This is unacceptable and I am thankful that the Mods have objected to hia8’s comment(whatever his name is)

Hi aly j! We use the term “crapper” here in the US, as in going to the crapper (going to the restroom). And taking a crap, that is what it is. All thanks to a man with the last name Crapper, who was English as I understand. He had some doing with the invention of the toilet. Another man with some doing with the invention of the toilet had the last name Cummings, but that’s a whole other thread!;):smiley:

Cummings…hehehe, but back on topic or off-topic in this case, as my fellow American pointed out that we use crapper instead of WC(water closet) or any other real slang. While taking a dump is referring to also disposing of the waste in the body, we don’t use it much. America is like the kid in school who changes its style every month just to be the coolest kid because he has something new while everyone else is still using the same thing. Like for example, in the 50s we liked huge hair and happy lively hoods, then the next century we have hippies against wars and problems with african american rights, in the 70s everyone is listening to rock and smoking weed, the 80s was the year of the nerds where the household computer came out and everyone wanted one, the 90s is the year of rap and hip-hop (r.i.p. 2pac) and the 00s everyone has a computer and we had bush for most of the years, sad sad days it was. Hope I’m politically correct, if you want to add to the amazing development of America’s culture, go ahead, the bad, good, and ugly are welcomed. And I’m pretty sure not only America was having its mid life crisis, how did your country culture changed.

poop always a little funny:D

I meant “dump” as in landfill!

Talking about Dumps…It was so great that Toronto sent all its smelly rotten garbage to Michigan in the States for past few years. Now we bought a dump near London Ontario recently….What bothers me is that Canada has 1-tenth the population as USA, has equally as much land, has only been around half as long as USA(re: Confederation differences)…YET, WE HAVE NO DUMPS to put our garbage so we ship it to the USA. What the hell is this all about? We have so much empty land compared to USA, and our politicians are so afraid to create a new dump so we pay extra to pack our trucks filled to the brim with stinky garbage with hidden tires and crap that we aren’t suppose to dispose of, and send it 5 hrs away to Michigan. No wonder the Michigan governor was pissed off, but for yrs she couldn’t do anything about it . Toronto had proposed sending the garbage to Kirkland lake—8 hrs away where an old abandoned mine exists. BUT the old retired people who live up there complained and the idea was struck down. Kirkland lake is a useless city way up near the Eskimos, but oh no, we couldn’t send our garbage there…we send it to good ol USA……As a Torontonian, I am ashamed that we polluted America with our garbage. We have LAND,we just don’t have strong politicians like USA to make a decision and dam the resistance. That is my Dump talk for the week.

Yes, leave it to RS and 32Bravo to take the thread “down the toilet”:smiley:

How did this evolve from forum dumping into… A thread about dumps? :cool: This thread is very… interesting…

Once I was dumped by a girl but it took place differently…:shock:

Hey its Cnl Klink.:smiley:

you are crazeeeeee!!! Mr Cummings spent a lot of time alone, i suppose

I would hope so! That would have been… gnarly…:cool: